Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 775: Leaving Saka

"Banna, you are finally back."

Thor saw Hulk change back to Banner, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. It was not easy to communicate with Hulk.

"Dr. Banner, this is an outer planet of the universe, how did you get here?"

Wang Kai said to Banner that in the movie, Hulk was the last to leave with a Kun fighter jet. As for how he came to this planet, there is not much explanation. Wang Kai is very curious that he has changed the plot, why is it still like this? Condition?

"I just remember that I went to the North Pole to study some things, and the result was like encountering a portal, and then I didn't know."

Banner said, but other people still understand that they should have encountered portals. In the universe, there are still many random portals.

"I also want to join you. For so many years, I have lived in a muddle-headed manner, just wanting to forget the past. The planet Saka is a place where people can indulge at will. It can make people forget the past and wait for death, but today you aroused me. Memory, at the same time, made me understand that blindly avoiding is no good, I have to face fear, even if I am about to die, I must first pierce the heart of that murderous old witch with my sword."

At this time, Scavenger 142 suddenly spoke. It was unexpected that Wang Kai's murderous excitement made her think differently. She woke up and she wanted to regain the dignity of the Valkyrie.

"Very well, we have a Valkyrie."

Thor said that he doesn't feel good about Scavenger 142. The rejection of Scavenger 142 made him a little angry, and the small patch on his neck also made him very upset.

"OK, what are you waiting for? Let's go to Asgard right away. I can't wait. After leaving the earth for so long, my love will miss me."

Wang Kai didn't want to talk nonsense, and decided to leave immediately. The spaceship the Grand Master gave him was there, and he could leave at any time.

In this way, under the leadership of the Valkyrie, Wang Kai, Thor, and Banner went to the apron immediately. Although Hulk was the master's beloved general, no one knew Banner, and no one stopped him along the way.

"Hey, my friend, are you leaving in a hurry?"

On the way, the Grand Master suddenly appeared and said.

"Yes, the first time I left the earth for so long, I am not used to it, but the planet Saka is so fun, I will visit it often, and hope that next time, I can see the same wonderful championship battle."

Wang Kai said that Wang Kai's plan to leave is not something that others can stop casually. Wang Kai wants to leave and no one can stop it. If the master wants to stop, then don't blame yourself for ruining this place.

"Definitely, next time you come, I will let you enjoy a more exciting championship battle, Scavenger 142, do you want to leave too?"

When the grandmaster saw the Valkyrie, he asked, the Valkyrie is a very powerful scavenger under his men, and he often brings good things to himself.

"Yes, Asgard, there is something I want to pick up again. I must go back this time."

The Valkyrie said that she can only be regarded as a person under the name of the grandmaster, and the grandmaster cannot restrain the scavengers, so the Valkyrie is free to come and go.

"Then I hope you can succeed, who is this?"

The grandmaster is not good to say anything. The Valkyrie has already said so persistently, and he also knows the identity of the Valkyrie. The most curious thing about him is Banner. It is still normal for Wang Kai to take Thor and Scavenger 142. What When did a human appear?

"A fellow countryman, I met here. He wanted to go home, so I took him with him."

Wang Kai said for Banner, anyway, the true master would never think of Banner as Hulk, and he can say anything. Banner is not a person with fighting ability like Hulk. Grandmaster would not be interested.

Indeed, the grandmaster has no interest in the weak and weak human beings like Banner. In his arena, the weak like Banner does not even have the qualifications to warm up.

With a casual greeting, Wang Kai and others left, and Hulk, the most powerful fighter under Grandmaster, also disappeared. This puzzled Grandmaster for a long time. Grandmaster suspected that Wang Kai took Hulk away, but Wang Kai was him. There was no trace of Hulk at all in the spaceship personally, which became an unsolved mystery of the planet Saka.

After the spaceship took off, the Valkyrie went straight to the biggest portal. Since Wang Kai was going to pass there personally, Wang Kai would definitely not mention that disgusting name. The Valkyrie is the best driving skill of the four, though Thor. He can drive a spaceship, but he usually relies on a hammer to fly, and his skills are not very good, and Wang Kai and Banner can't drive this kind of alien spacecraft.

The portal itself is not dangerous. What’s dangerous is that it’s in the portal tunnel, full of all kinds of debris, and some are huge. If you don’t drive well, you’ll crash into the ship and kill Under the control of the Valkyrie, the spacecraft avoided all kinds of dangers without any danger, some small fragments were ignored. After all, the performance of this spacecraft was good, and only large fragments would escape.

Backward teleportation still puts a lot of pressure on people. Banner was the first one who couldn’t stand it. He fainted with a tilted head. Wang Kai was okay. Wang Kai’s strength was still very strong. Thor and the Valkyrie were already strong. He gritted his teeth and took the pressure on his body.

I don’t know how long the spacecraft finally jumped out of the portal. Everyone except Wang Kai fainted. After coming out of the portal, they woke up in a daze. Asgard Continent was seeing it. Asgard is the continent correctly recognized by ancient humans. It is a flat land, not a sphere.

"Finally back, Asgard, let's hurry and save here."

Thor said that he was too nervous, Asgard is his homeland, and he must protect his homeland.

The spacecraft speeded up and went straight to Asgard, but here, no one was seen. Through detection on the spacecraft, it was found that a crowd was moving towards the Rainbow Bridge in the mountains behind the palace. Many people should be Asgar. German surviving people.

"It seems that there are a lot of people, Thor, how do you settle these people? It seems that this place is not able to live."

Wang Kai pointed to Asgard, who was already ruined everywhere.

"I want Heimdall to open Asgard's spacecraft and transfer people to the other nine realms. You help me buy time."

Thor said that this is the only way at the moment. It takes time to transfer a large number of people. Asgard also has a large spacecraft. Thor hopes that Wang Kai can stop Hela's people. As for Hela, he has to face him in person. Yes, Hela is her own sister, it is an internal matter of Asgard, and Wang Kai cannot be allowed to intervene.

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