Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 14 Superheroes and Villains

In the corridor, Fleischer, who was teasing a girl, suddenly raised his book to cover his face. He took two steps back and leaned against the wall motionless.

Ten seconds later, Luo Xia and Gwen walked side by side, talking and laughing.

After that night's phone call, their relationship became much more familiar. Perhaps it is more reasonable to say that Gwen became much closer to Luo Xia.

They're afraid of you, Gwen said, tilting her head.

That's great. Luo Xia nodded with satisfaction, so that he could always gain villain points.

This is an abnormal relationship between classmates! I think you should try to change their view of you. Gwen shook her head, and she pulled the strap of her backpack, Actually, you are... pretty good, not at all It’s not as bad or as violent as they thought.”

Who cares about other people's opinions? Luo Xia said with a nonchalant expression, And maybe your impression of me is inaccurate. Maybe it was beautified by yourself.

OK, then I will change from now on. Gwen thought for a while and said, You are really evil and violent, comparable to the devil!

Thank you for the compliment! Luo Xia smiled and walked to his locker and put the book in it.

After seeing Luo Xia, she didn’t hate demons, she even liked them... He clearly took this as a compliment!

Do you like demons? Gwen leaned over, I'm not talking about the demons in mythology and the Bible, but the demons that run rampant in New York every day... Okay, 'Devil' is just his nickname, then In fact, he is a human being wearing a devil's mask. God gave him power, but he used it in the wrong direction.

You seem to know him very well?

Of course, I often read the news! Gwen raised her phone to signal.

I like the devil. He has such powerful power and lives unscrupulously and freely. Luo Xia said with a smile, but the strange thing was that Gwen could not see a trace of envy in his eyes.

One thing you said is great, 'Devils run rampant in New York every day.' I like to run rampant. As you can see, I also 'run rampant' in school every day, so I should be the devil - the demon of Midtown Institute of Technology!

Okay, I admit you are cool! Gwen clapped her hands, But that is a wrong value. No one should base their happiness on the pain of others.

You are right, Luo Xia said, Please stick to it in the future!

Gwen also didn't expect that Luo Xia didn't refute her...

Luo Xia locked her locker and turned to leave, but Gwen came up again.

So what do you think of Spider-Woman? Her face was full of anticipation, and her eyes were shining brightly.

Spider-Woman? Rorsha paused for a second.

Yes, yes! Gwen nodded wildly.

She is terrible! Luo Xia sighed, criminal, selfish, stupid... I really don't want to use these negative words to describe a person, but Spider-Woman is so terrible!

Gwen's smile froze...

She played the police around and caused traffic to be paralyzed. She hung citizens on the bridge with spider webs and ignored them. It took the fire brigade half an hour to rescue people!

Gwen's face turned dark, but Luo Xia continued:

Spider-Woman also likes to play the role of justice in arresting gangsters, but she foolishly mistakenly arrested a police informant, causing half a year of the police department's efforts to be in vain! Are these things a superhero should do?

The worst thing is her aesthetic! That white and black uniform with blue ballet shoes... I can only say that she has great ideas!

Gwen stopped talking. She wanted to refute something, but Luo Xia said that these things were all stupid things she had done herself.

Why are you silent? Luo Xia was smiling.

It seems you know a lot about Spider-Woman. Gwen said quietly.

I read news too! Luo Xia also took out his phone and shook it, And I'm a loyal fan of the Daily Bugle!

No wonder... Gwen understood.

The Daily Bugle is an entertainment-oriented media and is also the number one fan of Spider-Woman. It often maliciously smeares Spider-Woman and even accuses her of things that Spider-Woman has not done! Just to increase newspaper sales.

What about the devil? He is a hundred times worse than Spider-Woman! Gwen said angrily: You have double standards! This is very unfair!

The devil is not a superhero, he is an evil villain! Luo Xia shrugged, Can villains and superheroes be judged by the same standards?

Gwen was speechless for a while...

Compared to other villains, the devil has not caused any terrorist cases. He is not the murderer of serial murders, and he has never robbed banks or gold shops. As for drugs and underworld, he has nothing to do with him! Luo Xia said, Even As a villain, the devil has also done justice! He solved a kidnapping case, often helped lonely girls on the streets, and taught some drug addicts a lesson!

Luo Xia summed up with a smile on his face: In comparison, the devil is simply the kindest, most law-abiding, and most public-minded villain! He has powerful power, but the harm to society is far less than that of some gang leaders. Da, as for occasionally causing some trouble for the police, you can still accept it, but you don’t want the devil to decide to destroy the earth and wipe out all mankind on a whim one day, right?”

Gwen's mind was spinning, and she even felt that Rorshasa's words made sense... The Devil's rating among villains was indeed far greater than Spider-Woman's rating among superheroes.

Gwen stopped talking and just walked forward with her head lowered, displeasure written all over her face... She doubted herself a little.

Gwen! Luo Xia smiled and pulled her arm, but Gwen broke free.

Gwen picked up her backpack and walked straight towards the exit. She walked very fast and ignored Luo Xia's shouts.

Hey, Gwen! Luo Xia walked up to Gwen to stop her. Gwen wanted to pass him from the left, so he moved to the left, Gwen moved to the right, and he moved to the right.

Gwen looked at Luo Xia's smiling face angrily and glared at him.

Only then did Gwen realize that the two were very close to each other because of the push. Her hand was against Luo Xia's strong chest. Luo Xia almost hugged her into her arms, but she didn't say anything, but her face was slightly red.

I lied to you. In fact, I just lied to you, Luo Xia said seriously: Spider-Woman is actually great. She is brave and just. She fights criminals and helps the weak. As a new superhero, she committed crimes at the beginning. Some errors are also normal...

“By the way, the white and black uniforms are very cool, and the blue ballet shoes are the finishing touch. They can definitely be used in fashion week!

Every citizen hopes that when they encounter danger, the beautiful Spider-Woman can come down from the sky to rescue them!

Lie! You've never seen Spider-Woman take off her mask, how do you know she's beautiful! Gwen pouted slightly.

Looking at her back, figure, and temperament, someone as kind as her must be a beautiful woman. Luo Xia said, Like you, Gwen.

You just said that to make me happy! Gwen said, shaking her head.

It doesn't matter, Rorsha looked into Gwen's eyes and said, If you like Spider-Woman, then I will also like her, that's it...

Gwen lowered her head, Oh.

Thank you to the book friend Jianghu Old Friend Style for the tip. Thank you to the book friend Lonely Chen for the tip. Thank you to the book friend Which one do you choose, pudding or jelly for the tip?

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