Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 183 Safety Exit

On the other side of the venue, Tony stopped a flustered waiter and placed his champagne on his tray.

I suggest you go to the bathroom and stay there. The emergency exit may not be safe...

After Tony finished speaking, he walked against the crowd and came to the window. He lifted up the sleeves of his suit to reveal metal bracelets. These two metal bracelets were used for identification of steel armors. He looked at the flying machines in the distance. A launch module.

Put your hands up!

Suddenly, a group of people armed with submachine guns rushed into the venue. They were wearing black suits and devil masks on their faces to distinguish their identities.

They took control of the scene instantly. The wealthy people who controlled the economic lifeline of many regions could only raise their hands tremblingly under the gunpoint. Their bodyguards also failed to enter a venue of this level.

Get down! A man pointed a gun at Tony and said.

Tony raised his hands and smiled and said, Okay sir please calm down!

Tony Stark? He suspected that he was dazzled. Isn't Iron Man in New York?

Suddenly Tony turned over and jumped off the window sill, and in the next second a hail of bullets shattered the fence.

Tony accelerated his fall, and the golden mecha launch capsule came behind him. After the infrared sensor identification was successful, it began to fit into the body and assemble it.

Closing the steel helmet, Tony quickly started the power unit to decelerate, and the arc recoil device sprayed with full force. After Tony stopped, he quickly accelerated upwards, without any stagnation in the process.

Tony came to the window again, Hello!

The palm cannon was fired, and a gunman was knocked into the wall. He turned over and knocked down an enemy with a punch.

Bang bang bang bang...

Several submachine guns fired in volleys, and countless bullets hit Tony's steel armor. Even though the firearms had been modified, they could not even scratch the paint of the steel armor.

Two rows of launch holes rose up from Tony's shoulders, and the automatic aiming system instantly locked onto the seven enemies in the crowd and behind the bunker.

A row of ammunition was fired, leaving an arcing white trajectory in the hall. Seven people wearing devil masks were killed and fell to the ground at the same time.

Mr. Stark! Among the crowd of onlookers were Tony's friends and business partners.

Everyone, please pay attention to safety. It is recommended that you stay in the room and don't run around. It may be more dangerous outside...

As he spoke, Tony turned around and flew out from the window sill. He flew around the entire building and came to the front of the building.

Tony entered through the front window. Captain America was holding his position. He held a shield in one hand to block bullets and a gun in the other to fight back. Hill immediately explained the situation after seeing him.

The presidents have descended to the underground emergency refuge area through the elevator. The emergency refuge area is connected to the emergency exit. We just need to hold on to this corridor!

Tony immediately questioned: Is the safety exit really safe? What if Hydra knew the location of the safety exit and laid an ambush in advance?

But the problem is that SHIELD doesn't know where the emergency exit is...

Jarvis, keep an eye on the neighborhood and report the exact location to me if there is any situation.

Tony raised his arm and fired a small missile. The sparks from the explosion at the other end of the corridor were heard, and the entire hotel building was shaking slightly.

Suddenly Tony saw a black shadow rushing out of the fire through the screen. His speed was extremely fast, faster than the fire and high-temperature and high-pressure gas produced by the explosion.


Tony was knocked to the ground as soon as he warned, followed by Captain America. All the agents in the room were not spared. They didn't even know what was happening.

Jarvis, motion capture!

Yes sir!

The helmet of the steel armor shot out an infrared ray that swept across the entire hall, and the next moment Tony was knocked down by a punch again.

Not only is the opponent extremely fast, but his physical strength is also very high, with a strength of at least twenty tons.

Fortunately, the attack method is single and cannot break through Tony's steel armor in a short period of time.

Jarvis also came to the conclusion that the scan showed that the opponent's speed reached an astonishing two hundred miles per hour, and the speed exceeded one hundred meters per second.

His speed is too fast, everyone, be careful! Tony warned again, but Captain America, who had just gotten up on the other side, was hit again.

This kind of person with the ability to move at high speed is simply their nemesis. Although Tony can exceed the speed of sound when flying at full speed, it does not mean that he can have the same reaction speed.

Suddenly a voice came from the corner of the room, Okay, okay, I got it!

Tony saw a man leaning against the wall and answering the phone. Tony also saw clearly this super-speedy superpower.

He was wearing a blue suit with a lightning symbol on his chest, which matched his ability very well.

He has medium-length silver-white hair and wears windproof goggles. He is a little impatient when answering the phone.

The person who came was none other than Baron Strucker's right-hand man, Quicksilver. Since the Scarlet Witch disappeared, Quicksilver has been performing high-risk tasks within Hydra alone. This time he also followed the others to London.

Bang bang bang... A series of gunshots rang out, and the well-trained agents shot at where Quicksilver was.

But those bullets hit the wall, and Quicksilver's voice came from another place. He was sitting on a wooden table shaking his legs.

Then you send the address of the 'safe exit' to my mobile phone, and I'll go there now.

Bang, bang, bang... The agents fired again, but before they could empty their magazines, everyone was knocked down again. This time, Quicksilver's attack was so heavy that ordinary agents lost the ability to move after vomiting blood.

Tony scanned again and found that Quicksilver had left, and he recalled the key words of the phone call.

He's gone? Captain America asked, standing up with his shield in hand.

Could Jarvis try to follow him? Tony asked as he stood up.

Sir, his speed is too fast. I am extracting the surveillance video of each intersection to look for him frame by frame, but there is too much data and I will need some time.

But we don't have time! Tony

He's gone. The target is the 'safe exit'! Tony flew out the window and said to Hill, We need to know the location of the safety exit. Those presidential bodyguards are no match for him!

As he spoke, Tony flew out of the window and raised the height.

Jarvis's voice sounded again, He was found southeast at the intersection leading to Oxford Street.

Tony controlled the steel armor and flew toward the southeast.

Mr. Stark, I seem to know the location of the 'safe exit'. Gwen's voice came from the communication channel.

Gwen, who was dangling on the street, looked at the panicked streets in the distance and said that she also saw a sudden commotion on the streets, as if the calm water was stirred.

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