Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 43 Night Kiss

After Gwen put down the phone, she froze on the spot. A piece of information kept swirling in her mind. Rosha also disappeared from everyone's sight tonight?

She disappeared mysteriously for a while...

The reason why Gwen disappeared is simple. She is not an ordinary student, but Spider-Woman... Ordinary students will flee to a safe place when encountering danger, while Spider-Woman will solve the danger.

So what's the reason for Rosha's disappearance? A lot of guesses suddenly surged in Gwen's heart, but she couldn't determine the correct answer from them, because they were always assumptions and guesses without strong evidence.

The court needs evidence when trying suspects with numerous crimes. Gwen has no reason to doubt or maliciously speculate on Luo Xia just because of some of her conspiracy theory speculations.

But Gwen was sure of one thing, Luo Xia would not be an ordinary high school student... Those things that she had not wanted to think about now came to mind one by one.

More than a month ago, Rorschach mysteriously appeared in Osborne Building. No ordinary high school student could bypass the security system of Osborne Building... And Rorschach seemed to be looking for something in Osborne that day. .

He also followed Rorshasa out of curiosity, and accidentally entered a laboratory and was bitten by a radioactive spider. After mutating, he gained strength and became Spider-Woman.

Tonight, Gwen learned about the existence of a superhuman born in Osborne...the Green Goblin.

It is obvious that there are many secrets in the Osborne Building, and as the person who explores these secrets, Rorschach is also very mysterious.

Luo Xia seems to have strong personal strength, which cannot be explained by his excellent physical fitness.

He once easily lifted the strong Fleischer with one hand in school, but Luo Xia was not a muscular man. As far as Gwen knew, he didn't even have the habit of fitness or exercise.

There was also the night when Gwen was exploring Queens and had an encounter with the spider-orc transformed by Peter. After fleeing the scene, Gwen accidentally entered Rorsha's home.

The two had a brief exchange when Luo Xia entered the living room. Before she recognized Luo Xia, Gwen tried her best, but she didn't even touch the corner of Luo Xia's clothes. His speed was too fast, and it didn't belong. Human reflexes and speed…

Gwen has met many superheroes and criminals, but there is only one who can crush her in terms of speed - the devil!

Gwen didn't doubt it at the time. Her idea was that she had been injured by the spider-orc, and it was estimated that the anesthetic component in her body had taken effect and affected her speed.

But now that I think about it, there are many doubts. After the mutation, Gwen's strength and speed have far exceeded the limit of human beings. Even if the speed is affected by various reasons, it is not comparable to that of a normal human being...

Gwen has a very good memory, and when she thinks of these things, what happened that night in Queens flashes before her eyes like a movie scene.

And that powerful energy wave!

That night, Gwen felt the energy fluctuation nearby, which made her so alert. After Luo Xia opened the door, Gwen launched an attack before she could judge who was coming.

Thinking of these, Gwen couldn't help but frown. The past is like a ball of thread with many threads. If you comb and review it carefully, you can gain a lot.

Of course, based on these doubts and clues alone, Gwen could not confirm Luo Xia's identity, or the connection between Luo Xia and the devil.

You can't just conclude that the devil and Luo Xia are the same person just because they both have black hair, right?

It is very likely that one day in the future, she will be able to find evidence to prove her guess... but the conclusion will not be determined until then.

But once the idea and setting of Rorsha is a devil came up, Gwen couldn't help but think about it.

Gwen thought that if the person under the demon mask was really Luo Xia, then all her doubts would be answered.

Even her new doubt tonight was answered - why did the devil build an Iron Spider suit for her? Why would the unscrupulous devil let Peter be protected by her?

Because the devil once took off her spider mask, he knows that Spider-Woman is Gwen Stacy... so the devil will give her the Iron Spider suit and put down her attacking hand...

Moreover, the devil and Luo Xia are similar in character and style. They both advocate violence and have no fear of justice.

But when he thought about it carefully, Gwen also found an obvious difference. The devil was disordered, with a madness hidden in the chaos and a murderous heart.

Luo Xia is not as talkative as a demon. His heart is cold, which can even be described as cold. He also has a warm side when it comes to Gwen.

He is not as crazy as the devil, but more serious.

Although Luo Xia does not believe in justice, she has not turned to evil either...

Suddenly Gwen cut off her own association.

Once doubts and speculations arise, they are like seeds planted in the mind. They will soon take root and sprout into towering trees through constant association.

Gwen didn't want to think about this anymore, because now it seemed that these were fruitless things. She took out her mobile phone and dialed Luo Xia's number.

Suddenly, an idea came to Gwen's mind - or no matter how many guesses, it would be better to ask clearly in person. Spider-Woman and the devil are not enemies, and she and Rorsha are not enemies.

After a few beeps, the call was connected.

Where are you? I miss you, Rosha. Gwen said softly.

Parking lot. Luo Xia's gentle voice came over the phone, I remember we were separated less than half an hour ago.

It's very close to danger...

It's okay now. Luo Xia turned his head and saw the flashing police lights through the car window. The police have blocked the scene. I just saw your father.

Then why didn't you say hello to him? Gwen complained.

Because you are not with me, Rosha replied with a smile. If Mr. George asks: 'How did you lose Gwen?' How should I answer?

Okay... that's true. Fortunately, you didn't go to see him just now. Gwen bit her lip, Don't move now. I'll go find you, and don't hang up the phone. I want to hear your voice...

The two met in the parking lot, hugging each other tightly in front of the dilapidated Ford car in the snow-white headlights.

I'm worried about you, I miss you very much. Gwen buried her head in Luo Xia's arms and said, her voice a little blurry.

I should be worried about you because you suddenly disappeared. Luo Xia said calmly.

Gwen suddenly raised her head. She opened her eyes and looked at Luo Xia's face carefully, those black eyes, the high bridge of her nose...

You seem to have no doubts or doubts... Luo Xia, don't you want to ask me anything about my sudden departure just now?

No. Luo Xia also looked into her eyes and said seriously: I think if you want me to know something, you will tell me when the right day comes.

Luo Xia's words instantly dispelled all Gwen's doubts and speculations.

Gwen stood up on tiptoes and kissed Luo Xia.

The two kissed each other in the night, Luo Xia hugged Gwen's waist, and Gwen responded fiercely...

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