Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 73 Arresting Captain America

So he broke through SHIELD's guards by himself? Where did our annual security funds for SHIELD go? I think when the new director takes office, the first thing to do is to find out the financial affairs of SHIELD every year. Problem! one of the directors said angrily.

On the top floor of the tri-curved wing, the World Security Council is holding a video conference, with representative directors from various countries participating in the meeting through 3D video.

Mr. Pierce, you also failed in your duties as the supervisor of SHIELD! the female director said, You allowed Nick Fury to mess up SHIELD!

Does that require me to take the blame and resign? Pierce spread his hands and said helplessly.

We will discuss this matter later...

Have you really thought about firing me? Pierce's face was filled with disbelief.

Nick Fury used his friendship with you to force the council to delay the 'Insight Project'. He knew that this plan would expose his crimes! A director was very angry.

Pierce said, But he's dead and there's a murderer on the loose!

It is the job of the next SHIELD director to arrest demons. Now we must immediately restart the 'Insight Project'! The director said firmly, The three helicarriers must be launched before Christmas Eve. This is the security of the world. The purpose of the existence of the Council is to make the world truly safe and protect the people from the threats of terrorists and criminals...

After the video conference ended, Pierce returned to his office. He opened the door and was stunned for a moment, then stepped back and looked at the empty corridor before entering the office and closing the door.

I hope you were careful enough not to be noticed by others when you came, Mr. Demon.

Pierce did not go to the sofa area where the demon was, but sat behind the desk, as if this would bring him some sense of security.

Before you say these stupid words, you should think carefully. Is SHIELD worthy of telling me to be careful? Luo Xia looked at him sideways.

Pierce's heart trembled a little. The devil seemed a little unusual today. He saw not only weirdness and terror in the mask, but also a hint of gloomy evil.

It seems that the devil is in a bad mood today, but who dares to provoke the devil in New York?

Originally, Pierce wanted to ask the devil why he attacked the Hydra people last night! As a result, he lost the powerful trump card of the Winter Soldier!

But Pierce felt the devil's state today and swallowed all these words back in his stomach instantly.

After all, there is not much difference between the Winter Soldier being imprisoned by SHIELD and being controlled by himself. He can easily create the illusion that the Winter Soldier has successfully escaped from prison. And these things are insignificant compared to the insight plan... well, in front of the devil, it is called the devil plan.

I apologize to you for my remarks, Mr. Devil. Pierce said, Now let me explain the situation to you. In the early hours of this morning, Nick Fury was confirmed to be dead, and we confirmed Steve Rogers through a meeting. …”

I came here just to listen to your nonsense? I look like I'm very patient? Luo Xia said coldly, Let's get to the point!

Cold sweat broke out on Pierce's forehead, Steve Rogers escaped. Nick may have told him some important information. If you don't want any accidents to happen to the 'Devil Plan', I think it's best to let him be controlled by SHIELD until Get the information from his mouth.

Luo Xia actually sneered. He stood up and walked towards Pierce. Pierce's back was pressed against the back of the chair. He had nowhere to retreat.

Luo Xia walked up to Pierce, grabbed Pierce's collar across the desk and pulled hard.


Pierce hit the desk hard, and he groaned and rolled back and forth on the desk, which almost made the old man's bones fall apart.

Are you threatening me? Old guy, Luo Xia said coldly, If anything goes wrong in the 'Devil Plan', I guarantee you will definitely die miserably, and Jesus will not be able to keep you!

I'm not threatening you! I have put more effort into this plan, and all of Hydra hope it will succeed. Pierce endured the pain, But Steve Rogers will be an unstable factor, and My 'Winter Soldier' ​​can't be used, so I can only rely on you to take action...

It's unimaginable that with the power of you Hydra, you are still dreaming of ruling the world all day long. Luo Xia shook off his collar.

Luo Xia pulled out some pieces of toilet paper and wiped her hands, then threw them on the ground.

Pierce watched helplessly as the demon flew through the glass and disappeared into the air. He stood up slowly, picked up the papers and threw them into the trash can. He returned to his seat and sat down, meditating...

Sam Wilson served in the 58th Division Airborne Rescue Unit and worked in Veterans Services after retiring. Thanks to that unforgettable military life, Sam developed the habit of daily exercise.

Sam returned home after finishing his morning exercise this morning. As soon as he opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of drink, there was a knock on his door.

Sam opened the curtain and found that the person outside the door was Captain Rogers, the Running Man. They met while running together.

Sam opened the door without hesitation.

You look bad, Cap. Sam said, staring at Cap's arm that had stopped bleeding.

Sorry, I need a place to hide from the limelight now. Captain America gasped, Although I really don't want to involve you...

Then now I'm involved! Sam smiled nonchalantly. He moved aside and motioned for Captain America to enter the room.

Inside the house, Sam was taking out a first aid kit to help Captain America treat his injuries.

So what happened? Sam was curious, You are Captain America, how did you end up a fugitive?

There is a problem within S.H.I.E.L.D., even the top management has been infiltrated by Hydra, Director Nick Fury has died, and now there is chaos...

Who can kill Nick Fury? Sam asked in surprise. It seemed that he had also heard of the name King of Agents.


That demon on the streets of New York? How did he get involved in the fight between Hydra and SHIELD? Sam fell silent.

Captain America hesitated while holding Sam's cell phone.

Director Nick told him the entire contents of the Insight Project before he died. Director Nick knew the current situation of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he also gave three agents he could trust: Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Maria Hill.

But now Captain America doesn't know who to contact, and he doesn't even know what the situation is now.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door again, and Sam and Captain America immediately became alert.

As Captain America prepared to enter the bedroom and hide, he asked Sam with his eyes who the person outside the door could be.

Sam's dark face was full of question marks. He signaled Captain America to hide first and opened the door himself.

Sam cautiously opened the curtain... His breath was held at just one glance!

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