Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 140: Chaos of 9 Realms (4)

The power of the Dark Elves is far beyond Li Mo's imagination, which is completely different from the movies he has seen.

He used to think there were only a few cursed soldiers, but this time there were 20 as a death squad. How many people were there?

Only a few ships appeared in their small assault spaceship movie, and a dozen ships were sacrificed here just as bait. What about giant spaceships?

Ether particles are not the same, and gold can show that kind of strength when they are obtained. So, as the original owner of the ether particles, what will Malekis be ...

With her own power, Li Mo quickly felt it, and found that the vampire was relieved only by absorbing the energy of digesting the real gem.

The entire base was clouded with mist and a large number of ambulances poured in, and many medical personnel were rescuing the wounded soldiers. And some logisticians began to converge on the soldier's body with grief.

Sol led the remaining Asgard warriors to mourn the dead soldiers, and a strong, strong man chanted the Song of the Palace of Heroes.

Li Mo also felt a little uncomfortable. Among the dead Asgard soldiers, there were quite a few of his usual drinkers. When he heard his call, he rushed over and died in the war.

All the people are very depressed. If Steve Rogers is here, maybe he can rely on good leadership to make the situation better, but he also disappeared ...

At this moment, the sound of a collision of weapons came from the Asgard.

It was a bit messy at first, and then gradually tidy. After two rhythmic beats, they would make a low roar ...

咣, 咣, Hoou!

咣, 咣, Hoou!


The sound was getting louder, full of primitive wildness and anger, and the attention of everyone on the base was all drawn to the past.

"Battle roar ..." Li Mo muttered.

Standing in the crowd, Sol suddenly raised Mourne, roaring loudly:

"Today, we suffered a failure,"

"But the warriors who died in battle returned to the Hall of Heroes,"

"They will continue to drink and fight!"

"We will be happy for them,"

"More revenge for them!"

"Revenge!" The other Asgard roared blushing and thick.

"Asgard, Asgard!"

The wild atmosphere infected the rest of the base, and a British soldier could not help raising his fists in tears and shouted, "Long live the British Empire!"

Although the people nearby were also very encouraged, they gave the soldier a look of "you are an idiot".

The soldier dropped his hand with a bright face.

Li Mo smiled and stood up and said, "Ok, we don't have time. Let's think about a solution together. Otherwise, the government guy might have to jump over the wall and throw a nuclear bomb."

"Tentacles are right." Tony also walked over and said, "We don't have much time."

The crowd nodded and walked into the temporary combat command center.

Tony has removed a data analysis and stereo imaging system from his plane, and has created stereo images of the Dark Elf ship and soldiers according to the combat video just now.

"Ok, at least we have a certain understanding of the power of the Dark Elves." Tony frowned. "Is their soldier all of that physical fitness?"

"That was the legendary cursed warrior, who relied on the pieces of crystals split by the etheric particles and sacrificed the power of life, and would die in about a week." Saul thought for a moment.

"Then they got ether particles, did it mean that they could be made in large quantities?" The boss suddenly asked.

"I just didn't notice, which planet are you from?" Tony asked strangely.

"He's a human being. He used to be a bad guy, but now he's under my control. He's pretty good." Li Mo replied.

"I don't think it will be too many," said Reid next to him. "According to you, they are a group of survivors of the destruction of civilization. Then they must not sacrifice too many people, because by doing so, even if they win Races also die. "

Tony nodded and continued: "It's also worth noting that their spacecraft stealth technology is very good, and their understanding of spatial chaos greatly surpasses us. This is the most disadvantageous place!"

"And their bomb." Sol couldn't help but say.

Li Mo nodded and said, "The problem of spatial chaos. Dr. Eric Schavig has studied this phenomenon for a long time. He has detailed information there. I have asked the British army to invite it. As for their black hole Grenade, I'm even harder! "

"Lovis black hole bomb?" Tony suddenly remembered. "Can be used as a killer."

Just then, Dr. Eric Schavig entered the command center under the leadership of a British soldier.

Without much nonsense, he immediately took out years of observation data and a drawing.

"I have studied the convergence of the Nine Realms for a long time, about once every 5,000 years. Because they are together in a special cosmic system, whenever they converge, there will be a wonderful connection in the space of the Nine Realms. The earth is also known as The atrium is at the very center of the system, so we have become the main traffic route. "

He keeps marking on the drawings with pens. "When celestial bodies converge, not only will there be chaos and overlap in space, but gravity will also be abnormal. Even large trucks will float in the air because of the loss of gravity. I suspect that many miracle buildings of the same era are It is with this power, such as Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid. "

"Wait ... is this ..." Tony interrupted Eric's words suddenly after seeing a wavy picture record.

"Yes, you're right." Reed frowned as he looked at the data.

"Sure it is!" The boss was also a little excited.

"Congratulations, Dr. Eric, this year's Dirac and Nobel Prizes are yours." Tony said, patting Eric Shavig's shoulder.

"Where, there are still many outstanding scientists," Eric said modestly.

"Hey, I said you're enough." Li Mo had a headache. "Can someone explain this, this is not the strongest brain show or the annual meeting of scientists."

The others also nodded in eager expressions, um ... Except for Hulk, he was watching the surveillance video on the LCD computer in his hand, and Xiao Wangyou was dancing in the video.

The boss explained quickly: "We are talking about gravitational waves."

"Gravitational waves are ripples curved in space and time, and Einstein predicted its existence based on general relativity. This year, the LIGO organization first detected gravitational wave signals from the merger of double black holes. However, it can be observed systematically in this place. Gravitational wave. "

"Are you guys writing a thesis?" Li Mo's head was big. "Does this help us save the world?"

"Of course!" Said Dr. Eric Schavig. "At least we can now turn the chaotic time and space here into a battlefield in our favor."

Later, he took out several silver-white pillar-like instruments, and said with some pride: "This is a phase jammer I invented. It can change the position of the space tunnel by interfering with the peak and valley signals of gravitational waves."

The boss took a look at it, shook his head and said, "The production is quite rough. I can increase the power ten times and increase the controllability."

Tony also shook his head. "The idea is too outdated, and further improvements can be fraught with uncertainty."

Dr. Eric Schavig's face was embarrassing. He was just an astrophysicist, how could he compare with these all.

But he is not unhappy, because the more outstanding a scientist is, the less he will falsify academic issues and say boring polite words.

Just then, the next Reed suddenly said: "We can change our minds, how about installing a regulating reducer for Jiujie Congregation?"

Tony, Eric and the boss frowned at the same time. "What should we do?"

Li Mo figured it out. These bulls are also divided into different levels. Eric is the worst. The boss is much stronger than him. Tony is smarter than the boss. This guy named Reed is the strongest. !!

Reed quickly walked to the three-dimensional imager, quickly edited a rough physical model of the nine realms, and then told ...

"The Nine Realms Convergence is like a precision-moving instrument in the universe. The center point of this system is in Greenwich, so it causes various spatial chaos and observable systemic gravitational waves."

"What's more subtle is that there will be a magical magnification effect here, and this is where the dark elves choose here. Only here can he let the etheric particles exert the power to cover the entire Nine Realms within his ability."

"Similarly, we will also have the advantage that as long as one instrument is manufactured and installed at the node of the gravitational wave of the Nine Realms, and then a resonance effect is formed, we can regulate the phenomenon of the coincidence of the Nine Realms."

"Of course, we can't compete with the power of the universe, but a half-hour delay is still possible, and this half-hour will be the key to our decision!"

Everyone else was stupid, Sol mumbled, "The scientists on Earth are terrible."

Li Mo also swallowed, "They are all a group of lunatics, they can save the world, they can also destroy the world."

"You have a major flaw in this plan!" Tony shook his head and retorted. "To do that, you need the entire planet's energy to create a gravity singularity. We can't have that energy."

"We don't need huge energy, we only need one substance, gravity protons!" Reed said.

"That thing is just an imagination." Tony covered his forehead, then surprised, "Did you find it?"

Li Mo quickly shook his shoulders, and the boss reluctantly started to popularize science: "One basic knowledge, there are four basic forces in nature, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and gravity. Other forces are caused by Particle-mediated. For example, electromagnetism is the exchange of photons. Weak nuclear forces are carried by the W and Z bosons. Most physical theories believe that gravity should also be carried by an imaginary massless particle, gravity protons. It It could be an extra dimension of particles, beyond the space we are familiar with. "

"I don't have that luck." Reed shook his head, then turned his eyes to Coulson. "But I heard a rumor that someone actually found its polymer, and finally got it by SHIELD."

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Coulson.

"Well, I don't know where you got the news from." Coulson sighed. "That dangerous thing is indeed in our hands."

"That's nonsense, come quickly, it's needed to save the world!" Tony said to Coulson.

"I have a throbbing sensation." Coulson couldn't help but swear, "Although it is still a little confused, but I still understand. You madmen want to interfere with the operation of the universe. You are not afraid of the world's destruction. !"

"I know the risks, but if you don't," Tony shook his head. "The world will really be ruined."

"Trust us, this is where the best minds in the world are gathered." Reed's face seemed to carry the Holy Light. "I have deduced this solution thousands of times in my brain, and we will make the gravity protonium onium. To ensure its security. "

Before Li Mo urged, the boss explained: "Oniumization is a common use in the chemical industry. It is a cation obtained by hydrogenating a mononuclear hydride of nitrogen, oxygen, and halogen, and is called an onium compound."

Coulson's face was cloudy, and he finally sighed and said, "You must give me a guarantee!"

Reed's face was sincere. "These things look amazing, but they are just applications of physics. Don't worry."

"Okay." Coulson nodded helplessly. "I will ask for the gravity protons to be moved above, but for safety, I will go to the SHIELD laboratory for manufacturing. There are all the equipment there, and I There are two clever men who can help you. "

Tony and Reed agreed immediately and followed Coulson out of the tent. Li Mo looked at the big boss who was eager to try, patted his shoulder and said, "Go where you want to go."

Immediately after the words fell, the big boss couldn't even say a word of thanks, and quickly hurried out.

"This guy." Li Mo shook his head.

"Hey, Lee." Sol came over. "I'm going back to Asgard. The dark elves are our enemy. Asgard must be the target of their attack. I'll go back and arrange the defense and take more People to support. "

"Well, okay." Li Mo nodded heavily, "We should not underestimate the wisdom of the enemy, after all, they almost overturned the Nine Realms."

"Also, those mad scientists make me feel a little worried." Saul frowned. "They're driving God's right as a mortal body."

"I know, but the problem is that even God's Land is in trouble." Li Mo smiled bitterly. "There is no plan that will be successful, but it is always right to make preparations."

"Well ... you know what you need." Saul nodded. "Do you think we need to do anything else?"

"You should set up a mobile team." Li Mo thought for a while and said, "If the Dark Elves attack Asgard, you will help us if you drag them. If they attack here, you will pass. The Rainbow Bridge joined the battlefield at a critical moment. By the way, remember to let Heimdal open the protective cover and prevent them from creating chaos from the inside, such as prisons or something. "

"Okay, I've made a note." Sol nodded, disappearing as he took a group of Asgards on the Rainbow Bridge.

Li Mo looked at the light disappearing in the sky, and found a place to sit down and quietly lit a cigarette.

The development of the situation has seriously exceeded his imagination. It is said that the sky is down and there is a tall man standing. What are Odin and Master Gu Yi doing?



"What! Father Wang fell asleep ~ ~ Sol's face looked astonished," At this time? "

"Yeah, I feel very sudden, too." Frigga shook her head, then hesitated and said, "Otherwise, you can let Loki out. At this time, the brothers should work together."

Sol: "..."


Camar Taj

Master Gu Yi sat with his eyes closed in the top loft of a mage tower.

A bright light flashed, and he ended the astral projection back to his own flesh, and a burning red symbol on his forehead flashed and disappeared.

He had just killed a group of non-eyeless void demons through the low-dimensional space projected by the stars from outside the earth.

Stepping out of the attic, Master Gu Yi looked at the stars in the sky, a look of exhaustion appeared on his indifferent face, "Time is coming and finally I can rest ..."

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