Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 142: Chaos of 9 Realms (6)

One day before the decisive battle

Tony's adjustment device was delivered. It was a silver-white metal, a honeycomb spherical object, and the center was filled with gravity-like protonium compounds such as petroleum viscous liquid.

The diameter is about one meter, and the outer ring is surrounded by several rings. The magnetic ring is constantly rotating, and there is a base on which the ejector is installed.

After Reed started the central controller, the ionizers of the nine gravitational wave adjustment device bases ignited and flew to their respective positions, 300 meters from the ground to Greenwich, and stayed one after each tens of meters.

The magnetic ring on the adjusting device started to rotate, the speed became faster and faster, and finally a silver light formed ...

Suddenly, Li Mo noticed the vibration of the space, and the last nine devices disappeared.

"Because of the dimensional properties of gravity protons, they are now in the subspace where the earth and the other nine realms are connected, which can also make it impossible for the enemy to discover." The boss explained with pride.

The development of this device also brought another surprise. They also added Dr. Eric's phase interference meter function. As long as you carry a beacon device, you can achieve space transfer in this special battlefield.

Due to the weakness of the defense forces, Tony and Coulson discussed with each other and took out 300 modified Zitarui explosive guns from the SHIELD inventory, plus Tony temporarily installed a rocket jet backpack. After installation of space beacons, the light infantry armor of the United States formed a simple macrospace flight device.

300 well-trained British Army special air regiment soldiers performed emergency drills after wearing this device.

Looking at the super legion that is haunting in the sky and can carry out high-power laser attacks on any place, the saliva of the British military and government officials will be drained. They blushed Tony in the house and paid any price to These devices are commercially available.

"Gentlemen, I don't sell weapons." Tony was helpless. "This macro-space device can only be used at this special time, and then it becomes waste. Those laser explosive guns are also controlled by SHIELD, and I can't help it. . "

The British government was also helpless and stopped chasing Tony. They made up their minds to increase their investment in the Royal Academy of Sciences after this time.

Except these, Li Mo's McQueen was the main force in this battle. After all, only his spacecraft can suppress the opponent's spacecraft.

The tentacles have been in the process of evolution after absorbing the energy of real gems. Unlike space gems, the energy of real gems turns into a stream of juice-like things flowing in the meridians of the vine, making the shape of the vine more concrete.

Li Mo has the feeling that after adapting to the energy of a real gem, his power will change qualitatively.

All personnel are in place, the entire Greenwich perimeter has been emptied, and the city of London has been heavily defended. Various air-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft weapons surround Greenwich.

They are ready to fight, and many countries and departments are paying close attention to it. If the developments exceed the control, they will conduct nuclear bomb washing.

Asgard was also ready for the war. Sol originally wanted to use Rainbow Bridge to take the lead, but the Dark Elves' stealth technology was too good. Heimdal couldn't even find it, so they could only passively defend.

Everyone is waiting ...


the next day

3pm GMT

McQueen was invisible, hiding in the air, and Li Mo was smoking a cigarette in the captain's seat of the cockpit.

Suddenly, he felt the anomaly of space and looked at the sky. "Time is up ..."

Eight huge space-time gates with a diameter of one kilometer suddenly appeared in the sky, and they were vertically aligned. From the inside, you can see eight different scenery of the world, lava lakes, snow-capped mountains, grass plains, and golden cities in the sky ...

Reid is sitting on the top of a clock tower watching an instrument, and Natasha and several macro infantry are protecting him.

"Everyone is ready," Reed said, picking up the intercom. "There is still half an hour to reach the peak of the Nine Realms."

It was then that Asgard was attacked first.

A huge T-shaped spacecraft suddenly appeared in front of the circular transfer station of Rainbow Bridge. Several orange-red lasers were emitted in an instant, destroying ten Asgard ships arranged at the outpost.

Then another laser slanted across the transfer station. Heimdall's pupil shrank, rolled away from the laser, and then stood up and looked at the damaged transfer station. I couldn't help but want curse.

Sol, who was outside the Golden Palace, immediately led dozens of spacecraft to come to support.

The huge Dark Elf T spacecraft immediately released ten small razor ships and started a fight with Asgard's ship.

Relying on the powerful firepower of the giant spacecraft, the scene froze for a moment.

Saul wanted to fly to the giant spacecraft to attack, but a high-energy laser launcher seemed to be staring at him. As soon as he got closer, he fired a laser to drive him back.

The giant ship temporarily prevailed, but did not continue to attack, but just defended.

After being repulsed by the laser again, Sol retreated to Heimdal. "What do they want?"

"Intercept reinforcements!" Heimdall looked at the cosmic void, "their troops have entered Midgart ..."


The day before,

Tony and Reed and a few other leaders discussed the scale and method of conceiving future space wars.

It is different from the war that Li Mo envisioned with tens of thousands of starry ships in the universe.

They believe that this can happen only if two civilizations with the same technology level.

The vast universe determines the diversity and level of civilization development.

You never know what card your opponent holds, antimatter, black hole, super virus, time and space, death star gamma ray explosion ...

All you can do is maximize your strengths without giving the enemy time to react.

So sometimes, the victory or defeat of two civilized wars is just a moment.

Li Mo suddenly thought of Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, and Rocky wanted to use it to destroy Jotunheim.

How can I know how to do this before?

The unlucky dark elves are probably the victims ...


Just a few dozen seconds after the assault on Asgard, the Dark Elves' attack on the Earth arrived as scheduled.

McQueen had just detected space fluctuations, and five huge T-shaped spacecraft suddenly appeared on the Thames, simultaneously invading Greenwich from five directions.

Each giant spacecraft carries 20 razor small assault ships, so the small sky above Greenwich is instantly filled with five giant spaceships and hundreds of small spacecraft from the Dark Elves.

Dense high-energy laser shock waves destroyed the seemingly powerful air defense lines of the British army in seconds.

Li Mo piloted McQueen and launched an attack. The blue beetle-shaped spaceship was attacked by a light blue transparent space shield, and a dense laser array weapon fired at 360 degrees without dead angles.

Just like the sun suddenly appearing above Greenwich, a piece of space was instantly cleared, and more than 30 dark elf small spacecraft exploded and crashed in the air.

Countless burning debris fell like rain, and the British position, which had become a sea of ​​fire, instantly turned this beautiful area of ​​Greenwich into a flame hell.

The fierce war made Li Mo's eyes red. He couldn't care about admiring his record and shouted, "Run up! Do them!"

With the cooperation of McQueen, the fireman Scottie used holographic images to lock up the densely packed warships around him, constantly launching attacks, his eyes flushed, "motherfk!"

The powerful McQueen attracted the firepower of all the Dark Elves, and the remaining giant battleships and Razor ships attacked it almost simultaneously.

Lasers of varying thickness and thickness hit the McQueen instantly, and the strength of the space shield dropped by 30%.

"Raider tactics!" Li Mo awoke and quickly gave instructions.

McQueen speeded up instantly, drawing the remaining small Razor ships off the Greenwich battlefield.

The space energy shield at the rear was strengthened, and the small spaceship that was chased after neglecting the buttocks quickly circled a large arc and later came behind a relatively bulky large spaceship.

McQueen's laser array weapon quickly concentrated on the front of the spacecraft, firing a large laser with a diameter of ten meters, and instantly cut the giant spacecraft in half.

"Yes! Just do it like this, go on!" Li Mo cheered, and McQueen cleverly avoided the lasers fired by the other large spacecrafts, which was another rapid arc ...

At the same time, the ground battlefield was also in full swing, and the remaining 800 cursed soldiers covered Malekis and rushed to the apex of the overlapping energy of the nine realms.

The Asgards who were originally scheduled to enter the battlefield were blocked, and the British army lost everything without exerting their combat power, so the situation on the ground battlefield deteriorated sharply.

Hulk met his opponent, and the cursed warrior incarnate by the Dark Elf Lieutenant was even more powerful. In the movie, Thor was defeated with no power.

Two wild giants attacked each other quickly and crashed a tall building.

However, the situation of other people is not optimistic. Their attacks are difficult to effectively harm the cursed soldiers, not to mention these guys are holding huge shields.

Their giant shields completely defended the Chitari Explosive Gun of the Macross Infantry and counterattacked from time to time.

Even if the Macross Infantry can be haunted on this battlefield, casualties are increasing.

The ion shock wave of Tony's armor completely became a decoration. After killing more than a dozen cursed soldiers with high-energy particle waves on his chest, Jarvis began to remind him that the energy had reached the red line.

Unfortunately, the new armor has not been successfully researched yet. Tony shook his head and shouted at the communicator: "Asgard guys can't seem to come, start the magician project!"

Hawkeye also wore a Macross infantry armor. He was in charge of commanding the team. After hearing Tony's order, he quickly issued a command: "Change the gun, the magician plans!"

All Macross infantry immediately hung the Zetaray explosive gun behind them, and took out a modified small automatic weapon from the waist. The opponents were selected and attacked.

The cursed soldiers quickly raised their shields, but it was strange to them that there was no sense of energy explosion. Some cursed soldiers looked at the front of the giant shield, and there were several small signalers that were constantly emitting red light.

What is this?

Just when they were weird, away from the battlefield, Reid entered the command in front of the monitor with no expression.

After a ripple of space, more than 300 cursed soldiers disappeared.


The hot magma hall.

The Lord of Flames, Sirte, was sitting on the throne with his eyes closed and his eyes suddenly opened.

There was a ripple of space in the hall, and more than 300 aggressive cursed fighters suddenly appeared, and then took up their arms and watched the Lord of Fire with vigilance.

Several flame dragons crawled out of the caves on both sides with heavy steps, and countless black leather fire monsters crawled down the wall like ants.

Flame Sovereer grasped the Twilight Sword with his hand, "Would you like to hear a story?"

A dozen black hole grenades threw at him ...


Since the death of the King of the Ice Giants, Laughey, it has been in chaos, and various clans have been fighting endlessly.

Today is the final battle to determine the king. Tens of thousands of ice giants are facing each other on the ice plain.

More than 300 cursed soldiers appeared in the middle of the battlefield with a grim expression.

As if a signal, the sudden killing on the ice plain ...

After suffering huge losses in succession, the cursed soldiers quickly dispersed, holding up the worn-out car or huge rubble next to the low level, and once they were attacked, they threw away their things.

The two domains of flame and ice immediately became a dump, and the fighters in space began to die because of the pause in the attack gap, and soon there were only twenty people left.

The ground battlefield quickly lost ground, the hawk eye was seriously injured, and Tony's armor was completely depleted. Although Hulk killed the most powerful cursed warrior, after evading several black hole grenades, he was still sucked away by a large piece of flesh. He was stunned again by Malekis' etheric particles and changed back to Bruce Banner.

At this moment, the Asgards finally arrived. Although the transfer station on the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed, they drove the spacecraft out of the huge space crack above Greenwich.

The battlefield quickly turned to one side. Under the cover of the Asgard, McQueen first quickly cleared the remaining Dark Elf spacecraft, and then used a high-energy laser to kill the cursed warrior who was still resisting.

Only the Dark Elves were left on the battlefield. Li Mo drove McQueen, and Sol led a large group of Asgards to surround him.

"It's time, you're late." Malekis shook his head, and the ether particles expanded rapidly like a tornado, gradually spreading to the space-time gate in the sky.

Just then, Reed frowned, and entered the final instructions.

Nine sets of gravitational regulators hidden in the subspace started to operate at the same time ~ ~ the faster and faster, the vibrations continued to be heard in the space above London.

Suddenly, a dull sound came from the sky, and the eight huge space-time doors began to flicker.

"It should solve the problem in half an hour." Reed stroked his chin.

Sol laughed and waved his hammer ...

Li Mo laughed, and the laser array at the front of McQueen quickly began to gather ...

Malekis smiled, his face full of sadness, and he was the only one in the race of the dark elves.

Then, the frightened elves rang,

"Ether, sacrifice myself, Midgart, and then the entire Nine Realms, let the universe return to darkness ..." (https: //) "Marvel World Mixed Days" only represents the author Opinions, if it is found that the content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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