Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 161: Shadow of peace

After turning off the communication, Li Mo thoughtfully.

It seems that the story of Guardians of the Galaxy has just begun. If he remembers it correctly, the cosmic sphere with hidden power gems will be placed on an abandoned planet.

But after all, movies are just movies. Without coordinates in the vast universe, it is impossible to find a planet without a name.

The only way was to keep an eye on Coras, the biochemical electronic man who had hunted down the Star Lord on that planet.

As for Xing Jue, don't even think about it, that guy is really smooth.

The waiting time can be days, weeks, or even longer. After all, this is the real universe. It takes time for a spacecraft to sail, and it takes time to transmit information.

However, Li Mo was not too worried, because Buck told him that Colas was still on the planet, and he could intercept the Star Lord as long as he closely followed his movements.

Everyone else was already shopping under the guidance of the intelligent system. Li Mo smiled and joined the shopping force.

In the afternoon, Li Mo kept paying money like water, and a large amount of goods were bought.

In addition to Woody's old movie equipment and chief scientific research equipment, Li Mo also purchased all the instruments on the list that Reed gave him before leaving, and also added a lot of things to McQueen.

Money is not a problem for him now. Before leaving, he went to the Asgard market to replenish some goods. Sowellin's funds will be continuously poured into his account.

After ordering Scolci to accompany the staff of the hypermarket to transport the goods to the McQueen docked at Starport, Li Mo returned to the hotel.

Then came the days of calm waiting. Old Woody was actively learning the use of new equipment and the history and customs of the alien planet, and at the same time began writing scripts.

Skolch removed the protection crew to go out to collect the wind, and spent other hours frantically exercising, and saw Li Mo surprised for a while.

The boss is like Tony, who stays in the hotel room to study and study all day.

Li Mo sometimes walks around with Stephanie, and most of the time he continues to study magic.

His attack power is already strong enough, so now he pays more attention to some auxiliary magic.

Such as soul defense, and hypnosis, oblivion and the like.

He did not forget the warning that the Queen of Dreams had given him, but to get that powerful soul defense, he must help the Queen of Dreams against the King of Nightmare.

He didn't have that confidence at all, so he could only do some research in the field of soul magic.

The rest is planned to continue to open the dimension door, increasing the number of vampire vine root whiskers.

From the clues obtained, in the known weak dimensions, most of the energy that can be extracted from the dimensions are dominated by the devil, so his current behavior is like opening a treasure chest.

What's inside can only be seen when opened.

one day,

After telling others not to go out at the hotel, Li Mo drove a floating car to a snowy plain on the edge of the city.

He didn't want to fly unnecessarily to attract unnecessary attention, nor did he want to cause accidents in the city center after opening the dimension door, so he came to this place intentionally.

Snow flakes danced in the sky, and there was a special sense of coolness in the air. Li Mo took a deep breath and slowly opened a dimensional door by drawing energy.

In this dimension he is about to open, according to the above-mentioned "Luo Hong Feature Book", there is a demon named Boguwa.

This guy is confused and only loves to collect specimens of life forms, and by the way dissection and other things.

Not dealing with other demons,

There is no terrible background,

Is the best starting point.

The dimension door was quickly opened, and Li Mo carefully extended the roots into it. It didn't take long to touch the dimensional energy context.

A weak dimensional energy was slowly extracted, Li Mo pouted his lips, and looked disgusted.

Sure enough, weak enough.

At this moment, there was a tremor in the space. A limb that was more than ten meters high and holding bone spurs was holding various scalpels. The purple worm-like monster suddenly showed its figure.

This was the opposite demon Boguwa, who realized that something was wrong, and used the avatar to enter the world through the dimension door.

The extra dimension he occupied was inherently weak, and Li Mo's act was simply an obvious robbery.

However, before he could make a terrible howl, Li Mo reached out his hand and started the mirror space. At the same time, the tentacles stretched out in the void wrapped the avatar of the demon **** tightly.

A thought that made people feel irritable and confused came, and the shock wave of mental power visible to the naked eye shot at Li Mo.

After blocking the shock wave with a magic shield, Li Mo found that the figure of the demon had become illusory, and suddenly floated out of the tentacles that were about to explode him, and rushed over quickly.

Li Mo, who is sensitive to space, finds that this unlucky thing can actually change the phase of the body in various bands in space, revealing a kind of ability to defend against physical and energy attacks.

Startled, Li Mo quickly teleported away, and summoned six or seven large eyeballs, firing energy rays like Vulcan artillery.

The continuous explosion on the ground raised the snow and the sky, and the demon Boguwa still rushed out with the ability to blur.

Li Mo shook his head and felt the fluctuations in the mirror space with his hands, slowly twisting.

The ground began to collapse toward the center like a tide. The devil Boguwa found that no matter how fast he accelerated, he was always more than 100 meters away from Li Mo.

After all, it was just an avatar, and soon there was not enough energy to cast the blur. The demon Boguwa was first hit by a large amount of energy rays, and then turned into a mass of pulp by the tentacles that suddenly emerged from the void ...

Li Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief, and waited for a while to find no abnormalities before putting away the mirror space.

It seems that getting a clone is already the limit of this demon god. He feels that the roots have been firmly rooted in this dimension.

This is the devil. Although he is only the master of the lowest dimension, and only has the ability to drop a clone, it has made Li Mo feel struggling.

So what are the unexpected abilities of more powerful demons?

Li Mo shook his head. His own means were too few. If he could develop the magic that disturbs the spatial fluctuations, this demon avatar would not be an opponent at all.

It should still be more secure and richer, and then provoke these demons.

Thinking of this, Li Mo terminated the plan to continue to open the door of dimension, and drove back to the hotel in the heavy snow.

"Dear Mr. Li Mo, you are back." Sexy boss Lady Kenlas twisted her waist and walked over.

"Well, how is business today?" Li Mo shouted casually as he took off his coat.

"Business is not very good." The boss came to Li Mo and held him close to him, helping Li Mo organize her clothes with her hands, said poorly and coquettishly: "Because of your reason, the guests have left for more than half. You see Shouldn't you give me some compensation? "

Li Mo nodded guilty, "You're right, how about not tonight?"

The lady boss smiled a little, "I mean, Starcoin!"

Li Mo: "Hehe ..."

"Don't let me hear anymore ..." The lady's face quickly cooled down. Over the past few days, she had completely given up the idea of ​​fishing for oil and water from Li Mo.

She found that this guy simply didn't get into the salt. Is it that the richer the money, the better?

Li Mo shrugged his shoulders and left. This kind of goblin knows a lot about him. He will only play ambiguous with you and make you think he is powerful. But after spending a lot of money, you will find that it is only a little bit worse.

In the hotel room, Old Woody is discussing the script.

After coming to the universe, their thoughts and ideas received a shock, and their inspiration burst out, but they were at a loss.

They wanted to make a really great work, which is no longer limited to the earth people, but they have never found a good focus.

Stephanie began secretly collecting a large amount of information. Li Mo probably guessed what the woman wanted to do, but ignored it.

In this vast universe, without the power of the earth, would a woman without power want to start the Galaxy Hydra organization?

It won't be long before she will be lost, disappointed, and retreat when she finds it difficult ...

At this moment, Buck, the lizard deputy's deputy, sent a message: "Boss, Kolas's **** left, only to take away his confidants, mysteriously wondering what to do."

"Stare at him!"

Li Mo immediately stood up and said to the crowd: "I have a business trip and I need to go out. Skorch stays to protect the crew and Stephanie. If you are in trouble, you can ask Lizardman Buck."

After speaking, he turned away without turning back and rushed out, rising into the sky with the horrified eyes of the **** boss lady of the hotel, and quickly disappearing into the snow.

Everyone left to look at each other.

"What is he doing?" Stephanie asked strangely.

"It's fair to say that it's a good idea," said Scorch with a shrug.

"How long will he probably go?"

"Who knows, it's possible in a few days, weeks, or months," said Scorch indifferently. "Rest assured, the boss has sent me some money, and we can still keep accounts."

"But what about the money for filming?" Old Woody was a little dumbfounded. "The script has already been written. The scene is huge and requires a lot of money. Is that just waiting?"

"I'm ashamed of you!" Stephanie frowned suddenly. "Are all people planning to be Li Mo's parasite?"

Everyone looked at each other with a dumbfounding, and did not understand why Stephanie, who has been a good woman beside Li Mo along the way, suddenly burst into such a strong aura.

"That ... Stephanie." The old Woody said with a grin. "We are just defenseless filmmakers, what can we do on this chaotic strange planet."

"No, you are all wrong." Stephanie shook her head. "We have the best directors and actors, we have startup funds, and we have the protection of gangsters. Why not set up a movie company?"

"We can make money while shooting. The emotions of intelligent life are common. Adapting those money-making movies on the planet should make good gains."

The crew ’s eyes were all brightened, and the old Clint nodded and smiled, "It is indeed a good idea. I even wanted to make a film in the first movie: the future galaxy is ruled by intelligent life, and the organic life is about to die. A super robot was sent back from the future to assassinate the rebel leader ... "

"Damn." Old Woody shook his head. "I wouldn't go back and make that vulgar truck driver movie, it would make people laugh."

"You don't shoot me." The old Clint snorted. "Don't forget that I'm also a director. You can even add a little western flavor to it."

Stephanie smiled and looked at the excited controversy, and suddenly said: "We should call Li Mo's bald heads together to discuss it."

Everyone agreed.

The Lizardman Buck and several heads of bald parties soon heard the news.

"There is no problem in this matter, we can even invest excess funds into this company."

These guys from the bald party were very vague about the concept of money and happily agreed.

"But I have to explain something beforehand." Buck, the lizard man, took a serious look. "We did this for the boss Li Mo, so this company must also be the boss."

"Of course." Stephanie nodded and smiled. "I even thought about the company's logo."

Subsequently, Stephanie took a three-dimensional stereo personal terminal and described a pattern while saying: "You see, the black skull represents the bald gangster, and the nine tentacles represent your boss's power ..."

"That's fine." Lizardman Buck nodded contentedly. "It looks pretty powerful, right. What's our company's name?"

There was a smile on the corner of Stephanie's mouth,

"Hydra Pictures ..."


The first star area of ​​the galaxy's arm spiral,

It is beginning to approach the center of the Milky Way.

It has been described in some science fiction novels that a large number of high-level civilizations gather in the center of the bright galaxy.

This is pure nonsense.

It is not a city light map, the brighter and more developed.

The center of the Milky Way is a supermassive star, full of powerful terrifying cosmic rays. Gravity, space and even time are undergoing collapse and compression and strange changes.

And a little further from the silver heart, there are indeed a large number of star systems, but most of them are stars that have gone through tens of billions of years and are about to die.

It may become a supergiant at any time, and then gradually evolve into a white dwarf and a neutron star.

So most of the cosmic civilizations live outside the galaxy.

The closer to Yinxin, the more desolate civilization is.

In this aging star system, a black spaceship with a cuboid spiral structure is quietly docking in a stardust.

This is a Cree spaceship,

The car of the accused Ronan,

Dark asterisk.

The accused, Luo Nan, with a tall figure and a Cree religious pattern on his face, shut the quantum communicator with an ugly face.

The pressure and humiliation given to him by the arrogant and powerful voice just now cannot be dissipated for a moment.

He shook the wild weapon hammer in his handshake fiercely and went to the central command cabin with a shameful face.

"Kolas has left, and for insurance purposes, I'll go too." A beautiful Zhuhouberry woman with green skin came forward and said.

"Camora, I have foreseen your failure and should let me go." Another Rufmand woman, who had undergone semi-mechanical transformation, said sarcastically.

Luo Nan looked at the two desperate Thanos to help his daughter expressionlessly. If it was not for others, he would have turned these two crazy women who were jealous all day long into meat sauce.

"No, you stay here and direct the battle with the Nova Corps."

Luo Nan said with an angry look: "Since the cataclysm, the strategy of the highest wisdom has become weaker and weaker. This time, even the envoy attack was ignored and the peace agreement was continued."

"I felt wrong. I did a secret investigation and found that many powerful forces actually secretly planned to set up the Galactic Council. This is the real reason for the peace agreement ~ ~ I cannot allow this to happen, I must immediately destroy the mountain Dahl! "

"So ..." Ronan stood up,

"I'll go in person and make sure I'm sure!"


On the McQueen, far from Conrad Charlotte, Li Mo put on a black magic robe wearing a hood.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Emile asked strangely.

"There is no way, this time the master is crazy Titan Thanos. I don't want to get in touch with him now, it is better to hide his identity."

"Boss, what should I call you?" Emile asked, scratching his head.

Under the hood of the invisible face, Li Mo laughed and his voice became old and gloomy:

"You can call me Master Sith ..."

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