Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 171: Plan M

Watching the cosmic spirit ball falling in half on the ground, the collector Difan yelled angrily, and turned the table's items to the ground all at once.

The pink-skinned maid Karina exclaimed, and quickly shouted, "He's not far away yet, guard, hurry up to catch up."

"Stop!" Collector Difan turned back. "I have been informed that the guy defeated the accused Luo Nan and the Dark Order. What's the use for you?"

"But we have given him a map of the universe's wonders, at least we should come back." Karina said respectfully.

"No one, no one can fool a great collector, even my annoying freak brother. There is indeed a universe in that place, but it is accompanied by greater danger."

Collector Di Fan snorted, "Do you think I would give him something silly?"

at the same time,

Li Mo in a cape and Cosmo, a space dog, are wandering on the strange and ignorant urban streets.

"Of course I wouldn't be foolish to give it to him." Li Mo said as he walked with a cigarette.

"You lied to him?" Cosmo, the space dog, asked.

"Nonono." Li Mo shook his finger. "I followed the agreement very seriously."

"Does this mean that you are talking nonsense with your eyes open?" Cosmo, the male dog, was disdainful.

"My commitment at that time was to give him the Universe Spirit Ball." Li Mo pouted his lips, "and did not say that he would give him the power gem in it."

"You're treacherous." Cosmo shook his head, then raised his hind legs to urinate.

"How can this be called treacherous?" Li Mo widened his eyes and spread his hands. "This is obviously a routine."

"Routine?" Cosmo asked curiously.

"Yes, it's just a routine." Li Mo said with a smile. "Use some vague words in the contract, or pass the most important words."

"This is a scam!"

"What the hell, the devil's contract hides even the most important words in the pattern." Li Mo was a little speechless: "Why is your dog so brain-dead."

"Because I'm a dog!" Cosmo ran forward disdainfully. "An honest dog."

Whispering while running:

"Humans and demons really look like ..."

Li Mo rolled his eyes and opened the communicator: "Hey, did things get caught?"

In the building opposite the Difan Group, the Cree kid Caesar is packing a set of nano-monitoring equipment. "It was all photographed, and I will pass it to you."

Li Mo turned on the nano-glasses and received a three-dimensional image: it was the picture of the cosmic spirit ball that he just handed to the collector just now.

After looking at it for a long time, Li Mo nodded with satisfaction. "Very good, delete the following image, and then sell this image to the intelligence merchant."

"OK, received." Caesar nodded and quickly left the building ...



Mechanical rat bar.

A group of gamblers were cheering frantically around the Colosseum.

When a slightly stronger green Auroni shreds another red,

Someone yelled in disappointment, venting swear words like poisonous water.

Some people cheered, sipped cheap drinks, and slammed the prostitute in the dress next to him, touching it.

Alcohol, gambling, women, people are here to excite their senses and numb their nerves.

And ignorance is everywhere like this, coupled with the lack of legal constraints, has become a paradise for criminals, mercenaries, and slave merchants.

It is ridiculous to discuss good and evil here, because there is no worst, only worse.

Li Mo took a sip of the so-called best Finley in this bar, shook his head, and handed the rest of the wine to a passing woman.

After rejecting the swarming prostitutes, Li Mo lit a cigarette and murmured, "Confusion, sin, Mephisto may like it better."

Caesar, wearing a leather jacket and a hood, pushed away the crowd and walked towards the crowd, looking at Li Mo with a look of dissatisfaction.

Li Mo shrugged, and he came to the balcony.

Looking down from the balcony, this city built in a brain hole is dark and prosperous. The tall buildings like stalactites are staggered up and down, and the lights are like fireflies in the cave. You can see the colorful universe not far from that side nebula.

As soon as Li Mo came up, he lay on the railing and stared at the front. Caesar asked, "What are you looking at?"

"It's very interesting, I don't know why I think of a city called Mosuo Black." Li Mo answered.

"What time is it, how do you still look like a tourist." The dissatisfaction of Caesar, the Cree child, has reached its peak.

"Why not?" Li Mo shrugged. "The bustling scenery in front of me is about to disappear soon. It's worthwhile to look at it a few more times."

"I have transferred most of my people and orphans, but this city still has 3 million permanent residents and 100,000 Difan Robotics."

Caesar stared at Li Mo's eyes: "We have too few people. How can you be so sure to drive away Difan Group and the huge number of mercenaries and criminals here?"

Instead of answering, Li Mo asked an irrelevant question: "I've always been curious what is the purpose of your child so anxious to set up his own team. Do you want to return to the Kerry Empire that is about to become a chaos in the world?

Caesar was silent and did not speak. Li Mo smiled and seemed to guess correctly.

"Do you think you can succeed with these old, weak, and sick?" Li Mo asked.

"I don't know." Caesar was a little confused. "I have too few chess pieces, but I have to do it for my father and my ideals."

Li Mo thought for a while and said, "Although I don't know any tactics and tactics for combat, and I know almost nothing about the distribution of forces within the Kerry Empire, I think it is the mind that determines the ultimate victory of this kind of war."

"Thinking?" Caesar looked aggressive, and shook his head in disdain at last: "What's the use of thought, can it bring a powerful army?"

"The Kerry Empire has the most powerful army. Isn't the entire empire messed up?" Li Mo asked.

Seeing the Cree child Caesar frowning, Li Mo continued to say, "Society, country, to put it plainly, is the unity of countless conscious thinking. In the process of formation, the top-down governance structure is inevitable Yes, if there is a problem with the social structure, the group's resentment and dissatisfaction will increase day by day, and a powerful army may become a dam, but this dissatisfaction will deepen and people will only see the calm lake, but it is impossible to imagine Unpredictable fear underwater. "

"Like the bustling scene in front of me." Li Mo pointed to the city of ignorance: "More than 3 million permanent residents, except for the hopeless slave workers, most of them engaged in illegal occupations, can maintain this calm It's built on the prestige of Difan Group. "

"And the collector Difan only cares about the profits made, and has no idea of ​​running this place. He will only send robots to suppress things when he encounters things. To be honest, this is a city walking on the cliff wire."

"I just need to push gently, and the false prosperity in front of me will come to nothing."

Caesar asked curiously, "What would you do?"

"I won't use my powers." Li Mo shook his head. "If you let Difan see me involved, this matter will be completely yellow. This time all actions must be hidden behind the scenes."

"Don't you want me to fight?" Caesar shouted, then shook his head. "I can't beat the gang of robots."

"No need to fight at all." Li Mo smiled. "Let's wait and see."


After two days,

Ignorantly, a rumor began to appear.

In order to obtain a treasure, the collector Difan offended the powerful and crazy Titan Thanos, and ignorance would soon be over.

Crazy Titan Thanos!

Every planet will destroy half of the population, and even the three empires will not be able to take him.

Everyone was scared, and the vast number of mercenaries and criminals ignorantly knew this guy's terror.

Where did this rumor come from? Maybe it was a passing businessman, maybe a trafficker, or a street child. No one can tell, but everyone knows that collector Difan sees treasures like Virtue of life.

At first people were just a little scared, but when a video came out from an intelligence merchant, the news was thoroughly confirmed.

Panic and irritability began to spread in the city of ignorance, and residents who were not good people began to become extremely excited.

Confusions such as fighting and fighting, street shootings, and so on have skyrocketed.

The collector Di Fan felt bad, and immediately sent a robotic force to suppress it, and implemented strict management of the ignorant city.

The street began to stagnate, but the mind settled, and people began to look at Difan differently.

After all, the Difan Group is also a powerful force, and maybe it can solve this crisis.

People who do nothing are hiding at home, and the virtual network has become the only pastime. They gradually start to feel bored and dissatisfied. After all, they are not otakus, alcoholic women and gambling are their favorite.

One night, almost everyone got a video file:

A man in a bowler hat, a black cape, and a white smiley mask on his face stood there and said, "All the residents who know nothing, I am M, I was born in this city, grew up in this city, look Through the bustling city, I honestly like it here. "

"However, this city has one of the biggest cancers, Difan Group!"

"Difan has relied on special resources here for hundreds of years to make a lot of money on the black market, but what has he done for us?"

"No! Old buildings, backward entertainment facilities, and even women are at the lowest level. Now, he has brought us a disaster!"

"To be honest, I despise you, you are all villains in the universe, but have been turned into the well-behaved Sandal sheep by the Difan Group."

"I won't be bound by ridiculous laws like you, and will become an obscure ordinary citizen from now on."

"If not for freedom, why survive in this messy place?"

"From today, I will resist!"

"for freedom!"

"Hahahaha ..." The masked M laughed wildly for a while, then said in a weird and relaxed accent:


The eyes of many criminals and mercenaries who are staying at home are getting weird, and they won't believe this idiot easily.

But to be honest, Difan Group really makes people feel a little upset.

the other side,

The cortex controls the central hall.

After Li Mo took off his head, Caesar asked a little speechlessly: "It was okay at first, but then why did you talk in that weird and perverted tone?"

"Just look at it, and ask so much?" Li Mo snorted.

"Do you think it will work, will those guys revolt?" Caesar asked.

"It's ridiculous to use the word uprising on them." Li Mo shook his head. "This is originally an industry developed by Difan Group. The guys just came here to hang out."

"Then why ..." Caesar was interrupted by Li Mo as soon as he was about to speak.

"That's the nature of human beings. When you get used to something, you will subconsciously think that this thing is yours." Li Mo grinned, "Not to mention they are a bunch of guys who like robbery."

"I see." Caesar quickly figured it out, asking, "What should we do next?"

"It's all guys who don't see rabbits and eagles." Li Mo shrugged.

"We need a primer."


Difan Group warehouse.

Cerebrospinal fluid and bone marrow mined daily by slave workers are extracted in a biochemical factory.

The extracted valuable materials will be stored here in a centralized manner, and slowly put on the black market, with a fixed limit every day, which ensures the source and does not drive down the price.

For centuries, no one has thought of it, but after a few **** crackdowns, it gradually became an ignorant forbidden area.

Slowly, even Difan Group relaxed its vigilance.

Because of the tense atmosphere these days, Difan sent another robot army to station.

But it was late.

In several large vacuum warehouses, Li Mo had made Caesar wear a space suit and use cortical teleportation to replace most of the valuable materials.

Now they are doing another preparation in the vacuum warehouse.

After working for a long time, Li Mo stopped and said, "How's it going?"

Caesar nodded. "No problem, the small anti-material bombs I installed on the outside will blow up the outside of the warehouse, and these bombs will blow up the streets full of boxes containing valuable supplies."

"Very good." Li Mo nodded with satisfaction. "The big show is starting, we will be the audience from now on."

Just at the same time,

All the residents of the Netherland received another video file, still the masked freak M before it.

"Oh, oh, your cowards have refreshed my contempt for you."

The masked freak M said after an indecent gesture, "You might say that this guy is also a coward."

"Tell you, I am not!"

"I will act."

"Just now, in Difan's warehouse!"

"By the way."

Masked Freak M lowered his voice. "If you stay nearby, there will be some mysterious gifts."

"Don't tell others ..."

Some timid people began to lie on the window to watch, while some daring guys hesitated for a while and copied the guy out of the door.

Sneaky guys began to approach the streets near the warehouse of Difan Group.

Just when Di Fan saw the video, Ga sent more robot troops to the warehouse.

A horrible explosion happened.

Antimatter bombs have long been studied, but extraction and storage is a key technology.

After a long time of preparation, Caesar made three small antimatter bombs. Each bomb contained 0.2 micrograms of antimatter ~ ~ Don't underestimate these. You must know that one gram of antimatter and one gram of normal matter are annihilated. You can Generates 180 trillion joules of energy, which is equivalent to 43,000 tons of TNT explosives (about 3 times the energy of the atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima).

First there were three dazzling lights, and then the dazzling light spheres quickly spread. Wherever they passed, the outer wall of the warehouse, together with the guarded robot troops, disappeared and disappeared into nothing. Even the elements were completely neutralized and did not exist in this world.

When the criminals and mercenaries hiding in the nearby streets were scared to urinate their pants, there was a violent explosion in the warehouse, and countless boxes were bouncing around the street like rain.

Boxes fell to the ground, and valuable extracts were thrown to the ground.

The guys on the street first froze, then looked at the robot army that had disappeared completely, and at the same time picked up the guy and watched others vigilantly.

I do n’t know who first reached out, and the street quickly became messy. People tried to tuck the precious extracts into their bodies and started a gun battle ...

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