Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 185: Dreaming Atlantis

"What a grand plan!"

Li Mo couldn't help but sigh, then asked, "What about us?"

Crutu shrugged and said: "After Atlantis, the past, the future and the present will be cut off, and of course you will no longer exist."

"Then there will be no choice." Li Mo sighed. "I will always respect people like you, but sorry, I still want to live."

After speaking, a red light flashed under Li Mo's feet, and the power of the real gems modified the magic array and came out easily.

And the hallucinatory image of Schumacolas behind him also gradually disappeared. Li Mo saw and crouched at Crutu and said, "Man, you have to say, you are really miserable, Big Eyes is very proud and Revenge is the dimension demon. "

When Crutu saw Li Mo coming out, he was not panicked at all, and leisurely laid a magic energy ray casually.

Li Mo escaped with a teleportation and came to Crutu. He struck his collar and slammed his nose on the nose.

"I don't want to fight against the old man, but you don't have to live as a goblin." Li Mo's expression became serious, "tell me how to stop the above thing."

Crutu's nose was crooked, and nosebleeds dripped down, flowing on his gray beard and chest shirt.

Although he had a terrible look, he still smiled cheerfully, "It's too late, it's too late, kill me. When I wake up, I will return to that dream city. How many years, my plan Finally succeeded ... hahaha. "

Li Mo frowned, and stunned the mad general Crutuo with a punch.

Strinch and Pharaoh supported each other, struggling to come over, coughing a few times and panting, "What to do now, I can't use any trace of magic."

Li Mo looked up at the sky. "Look at this guy first, I'll go up and see."

After speaking, Li Mo quickly flew into the sky and came to the monument of life and time.

Because Schumacolas and Li Mo reached a tacit understanding in the soul space, using the energy of the realistic gemstones to cut off the dimensional space connection. So this baby currently only absorbs three energy.

The powerful storm caused by the energy surge was whistling in the sky. Li Mo tried his best to maintain balance and observed carefully.

This monument is a bit like a corona on the Code of Hammurabi, and a large piece has been broken. The absorbed energy forms illusory light and shadow to make up for the damaged place, and it is flickering like a heartbeat.

Li Mo had seen fakes in Odin's Treasury, but at last he could not help seeing the real thing.

After using the power of realistic gems to form a thin energy hood, Li Mo gently stroked the monument of life and time, closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

The texture of this stele is very strange. It should be a silicide of some kind of biological bones. There is no trace of impurities arranged very closely.

Its interior is full of complicated and complicated three-dimensional rune arrays. After seeing it for a while, Li Mo was dizzy and could not understand it at all.

Li Mo is a bit weird. After theoretically understanding the original runes and learning the magic and alchemy knowledge of multiple races, he has formed his own unique understanding of the operation of the energy array, but why he is still confused.

After careful observation for a while, his eyes lighted up and he finally found the clue.

This energy matrix turned out to be expressed in a four-dimensional manner, removing the x, y, and z axes, and adding another axis in a gradual manner.

If it wasn't for Li Mo's soul who just came back from a high dimension, I really don't understand this stuff.

He closed his eyes and felt it with his soul ...

"It's so awesome, you can play like this ..." Li Mo's expression was excited. "It is also composed of the original runes, but it is slightly different from the rules of this universe. No wonder some people say that this thing is a legacy of the last universe. Matter ... time and space are made of strings, and can be manipulated as tangible matter from a higher dimension ... "

Gradually his expression became serious, and a hidden equation of life appeared in front of him.

"This is what they call civilized detachment, no, it shouldn't be like this ... well ... let this thing ruin ..."

After a while, Li Mofei came down, looking at Strang's anxious face, and said calmly, "The bad news is that we have less than ten minutes left. The good news is that I have a way to ruin it. This thing, stop it all. "

Strinch rejoiced, "What do we need to do?"

"I need a rune arrangement password. As long as the password is unlocked, you can use the real gem to modify several energy circuits to completely dispel this thing."

After speaking, Li Mo looked at Crutu in a coma. "The rune code should be this guy's."

Strinch had taken a rest after a short break and said with a serious expression, "Let me come."

Immediately, he began to show gestures with both hands, a green light shrouded to Crutu. However, when he hit Crutu's head, he was bounced back.

This is still the case after trying several magics in succession.

"Oops." Strange's face was a little bad. "This guy doesn't know what soul protection magic is used, all the ecstasy and confusion spells are useless."

He looked at the monument to life and time in the sky, gritted his teeth and said, "Would I use the eye of Agomo to reverse the time of this thing?"

"Don't!" Li Mo was startled. "This thing is unstable now. If it affects its timeline with the eyes of Agomo, maybe it will form a time bomb. It will be even worse."

Strinch understood the truth as soon as he thought about it, and said with a grin, "What else can we do, just wait for the end?"

Li Mo smiled, performed the hidden object technique, and took out a stick from a tiny space, which was dark, thick and long.

Strange's expression gradually became weird. "Even if I put him there, I don't think he would say it, and, when I think about it, I feel sick."

"You're disgusting!" Li Mo rolled his eyes. "This was originally the Holy See's artifact broken magic cone, but after a special mutation, it has a powerful effect to bring people into dreams."

"What do you mean?" Strange eyes lit up.

"We need to induce him to speak in the dream dimension." Li Mo nodded with a smile.

Subsequently, the two did not hesitate to order the Pharaoh to protect the law, and then tried astral projection at the same time.

"Have you used astral projection to invade dreams before?" In his soul state, Li Mo asked Strinch.

"Never." Strange shook his head.

"The good thing is that we probably don't need to go into deeper dreams, but this guy has a strong personality and we need more patience." Li Mo explained seriously.

"Everything is under your command." Strinch was very serious at this time. "What should we do?"

"See what happens."

After Li Mo said something, he immediately injected the dimensional energy into the broken magic cone, and with a green smoke rising, the two souls disappeared into this space.


The blurry clouds aside,

This is a huge city cluster, distributed in concentric circles, separated by countless circular river channels.

At the outermost edge are elegant small houses with a lot of flowers on each balcony.

As you go to the center, the building is more magnificent and sacred. At the center is a huge pyramid temple. In front of the temple stands a statue of Poseidon more than 300 meters high. The top of the temple is inlaid with a roof-sized diamond and golden energy. Lines continue to emerge from the diamond, covering the city to form a giant energy shield.

The roofs of all houses are gold-plated, and the special structure emits a harmonious, pleasant and solemn sound under the changes of wind and temperature and humidity.

"Atlantis capital Posedonia." Li Mo smiled, turned to Strance and said: "It seems I guessed right, this place as Crutu's obsession, will definitely It's our destination. "

Stranger sighed first and then asked, "This place is so big, where should we go to find Crutu."

Li Mo thought for a while and said, "If it ’s not someone who deliberately cultivates the magic of dreams, most people will only create characters in familiar scenes. See where is the most lively?"

"Where is that?" Strinch first discovered, pointing to a large square three blocks from the statue of Poseidon.

The square was lively at this time, and the small theater stage, magic show, parade dressed in costumes, and the residents with dense faces full of laughter showed a scene of celebration.

"Is this a celebration?" Strangi asked.

"Go down and ask." After Li Mo said something, the two quickly landed not far from the square and walked into the lively crowd.

As people walked around for a little while, they figured out that it was the annual harvest festival.

Atlantis is located on the western continent between Europe and the Strait of Gibraltar. Barren food output has plagued them in ancient times. Even on other continents and even under the sea, high-yield agricultural bases are located. The harvest festival is the grandest annual The festival has continued to the present day.

Li Mo remembers that Crutu said that he was a member of the Grand Master League, so he deliberately probed and quickly found the trace of this guy.

It's just different from what they know. Now this Crutu is a young man with long brown hair and a gentle smile.

Walking in the crowd wearing a large mage's robe, he received flowers from young women with red faces and smiles from time to time.

He responded politely, but his eyes occasionally glanced to the side of the stall, a cute girl who was selling flowers and had two large dimples.

When the women around him left, the flower girl smiled and walked to his side with a smug smile. "You are the best promoter, thank you today."

After speaking, the girl turned and walked away with ease, and the skirt with some worn patches also seemed to be worn out by her.

"Alia ..." Crutu called quickly.

"What?" The girl turned and asked, blinking her eyes.

Crutu flushed, "Tomorrow ... continue?"

The corner of the girl's eyes turned red, and she turned around with a smile, a big v.

Crutu smiled silly ...

Li Mo sighed not far away, "Pure lovers, ancient wars, ruined kingdoms, ten thousand years of obsession must be a sad story."

"What shall we do next?" Stranger asked aside.

Li Mo shook the broken magic cone in his hand. "This thing can let us disguise, you become the girl to set up intelligence."

Strinch opened his mouth, then shook his head frantically, "I'm a real straight man and can't do such things."

"The world is going to be destroyed!" Li Mo said seriously.

"I'm actually a mean-talking person, what if something bad happens?" Strange shrugged.

Li Mo rolled his eyes. "Isn't it just to be a big lady in women's clothing? There's nothing difficult. I'll go as long as I go."

Immediately after speaking, Li Mo injected the dimensional energy into the broken magic cone, and a burst of green smoke rose, turning into the girl Aria just now, with a charming smile by the way.

Strange was completely stunned, he did not expect that Li Mo could really do this.

"Bring this." Li Mo used the demons to re-emerge the miniature headset and earpiece. "The secret in the dream is usually placed in a well-guarded place. I probe the place and you act immediately."

"No problem, it won't hurt me." Strinch took the headset confidently.

Li Mo, who was in the form of Alia, nodded, turned around and took a cat step and came to Crutu, bit her lip, and looked at Crutu charmingly.

Crutu's face suddenly turned red, his eyes staring at Li Mo.

Li Mo shook the handkerchief in his hand. "Damn, what are you looking at?"

"Alia, you ... you ... seem a little different," Crutu stuttered.

"Get better or worse?" Li Mo asked with a smile.

"More ... more beautiful." Crutu smirked.

"That's of course, old man, no ... keke" Li Mo coughed and immediately shifted the topic. "I heard that Atlantis had an important secret, and it was kept in a tightly guarded place, so you can tell me Where is it? "

"Can't say." Crutu looked embarrassed.

"Tell me, they are curious ..." Li Mo immediately made the final move, and the doll sounded and waved.

Strange looked silly not far away.

Crutu immediately couldn't help it, and said softly, "Don't tell anyone, just in the basement of the Great Pyramid ..."

"It was in the basement of the Great Pyramid." Li Mo repeated it intentionally, and then secretly winked at Strance.

Stranger nodded and turned and disappeared into the crowd.

In this dimension of Crutul's constructed dream, Strangi can still use magic, and soon hides the guard into the basement.

At the same time, Li Mo, who was idle and bored, continued to probe, "Is that place very tightly guarded?"

"Of course!" Kruto was proud of, "the corridor has a matrix formation ~ ~ can't use any magic, and also has several crazy hyenas."

Li Mo opened his mouth. "That should be fine."

In the basement, Strange ran screaming in the corridor, and several drooling crazy dogs chased after him. His clothes had been cracked and there was a big wound on his **** ...

Fortunately, after learning a couple of times, Strand took a lot of effort to kill a few mad dogs, rested for a while, and then went down.

On the other side, Crutu continued to boast: "Even if you cross the corridor, you still have to pass a pond full of mutant octopus."

Strange swims frantically in the pond, with hooked tentacles everywhere ...

"These are just the beginning. I have raised many" cute "animals ..." Crutu was excited.

"You are such a good guy." Li Mo opened his mouth first, and then gloated, "Although he can't die, it will definitely be miserable ..."

After a few more casual conversations, Li Mo turned away in all kinds of reluctant gazes, returned to his original form, and then arrived at the place agreed with Strange.

For a long time, a sparkling portal opened, his shirt burst, his wounds covered, and Strangy with a pale face came out, sitting on the ground with his buttocks.

He first took out a few broken tentacles from his body, the huge front of the weird insect, and then tremblingly took out a note from his arms and handed it to Li Mo, and at the same time said firmly: "Next time ... I'll seduce people! "

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