Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 305: Ancient legend

?Manhattan, New York.

In a high-end office building, Dr. Kleissant leaned back on his chair, dangled his pen, stared at the medical records in his hand, and looked at the opposite side of the thunder Thor lying on the sofa.

He is a well-known psychiatrist in New York and has considerable achievements in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

As a top expert, his favorite thing is to provide psychological counseling to a group of superheroes.

Probably from Iron Man Tony, the guy praised Dr. Claisant in order to cover up his mental dilemma.

So the nightmare career of the doctor began ...

To be honest, he didn't want to do the job at all.

Tony Stark's guy has severe anxiety and is addicted to alcohol. Every time he is dragged here by Little Pepper, he starts to ridicule the doctor.

The drunken, violent, severe PTSD patient of Jessica Jones also called him a quack.

Dr. Banner made him feel like he had an IQ.

When the black widow comes, she sleeps ...

Dr. Klassent's hair had already been thankful.

"Well, Mr. Sol." Dr. Kleissant nodded and said, "From your description, I'm judging that you have death phobia."

"Me? Fear of death?"

Sol turned over and stared at him with a wide fist, "Are you insulting me?"

"No no no ..." Dr. Kleissant suddenly sweated and quickly waved his hand to explain:

"Death phobia is simply an excessive emotional response to an adverse or dangerous situation. It is usually accompanied by anxiety or causes neurological dysfunction."

"The causes are often deviations in the inner emotional experience, continuous or repeated real-life environmental stimuli, etc ..."

Dr. Cresent asked carefully: "I want to ask you what happened recently, such as the death of a loved one?"

Saul was immediately mourned. "My father died, my sister wanted to kill me, my brother was killed by my sister ..."

Dr. Kleissant swallowed hard. "It's ... it's ... well, the grief changes."

"Witch Doctor ..." Thor was silent for a moment. "Can I still help?"

"Must have confidence," Dr. Kleissant comforted patiently. "For this kind of situation, you need to relax your muscles on a weekday, and you can kill a chicken when you have time."

"Well ... it's massage."

"This ... can I regain my power by killing the chicken?" Sol asked, puzzled.

Dr. Kleissant was a little confused for a moment, then opened his mouth, "Probably not."

"I don't have the time and mood." Sol got up and walked over, put his hands on the table, staring at Dr. Kleissant's eyes and said, "I must recover my power as soon as possible!"

Looking at those muscled, sturdy arms, Dr. Kleisst felt his heart tremble. "We have another method, the mental shock method. We are constantly facing the things and situations we fear."

"Do you mean to find someone to kill me over and over again?" Saul gave the doctor a contemptuous look.


Dr. Kleissant feels like vomiting blood ...

Just as Sol and Dr. Claisent struggled.

Outside the door ...

Li Mo glanced at the wolf and squinted at Dracula next to him.

The charm of the vampire is indeed not covered.

After changing his normal skin color, this guy relied on a pair of thief eyes and inexplicable mouths to seduce the beauty at the front desk.

It's just that guy's eyes have been staring at the girl's slender neck ...

After a while, Dracula walked back with a gloomy face, sitting silent on the bench.


Li Mo shook his lips. "The old antique methods of hundreds of years ago have long been outdated."

"She gave me the number and should be able to reach her." Dracula stretched out his palm and looked at Li Mo.

"Women have been the same since ancient times. Handsome looks and sweet words are their poison."

"Then what are you doing black-faced?" Li Mo asked.

Dracula was a little confused. "The woman's blood was full of alcohol and psychedelics. Although I was immune, I was really sick."

"Almost all of them along the way, and some even have a mess. It's a terrible world ..."

"But there are also surprises." Dracula took out a mobile phone with great interest. "Our blood race is actually regarded as an idol. Do you want me to play a role?"

"Okay, you can do everything you want to be a movie emperor after you're done." Li Mo said impatiently: "Tell me more about Weston's curse."

"OK." Dracula's face also became serious.

"I inherited all my powers from the previous vampire king. According to him, I was a court magician of the Atlantis era."

"I know this." Li Mo nodded. "They got the Book of Darkness, which could explain your source of the curse."


Dracula sighed. "I was going crazy with this thing and doing a lot of things I didn't want to do. Later I got used to it and controlled myself."

"During World War II, Captain America and I encountered a dark mage cursed by a demon ..."

"Wait ..." Li Mo was surprised. "Have you ever worked with Steve?"

"I invaded my territory, of course, I must fight back!"

Dracula continued with a shrug and said, "The curse of the demon, like Sisorn, makes people go crazy in fear. But the dark mage who is not so powerful has lifted the curse.

"Guess how he did it?" Dracula asked mysteriously.

Seeing that Li Mo didn't mean to answer, he pouted, "This guy used the fear of the devil to lift his curse."

"Later I want to understand a problem."

"In addition to their own dimensional energy, many demon kings must absorb the fear of their souls, and this is also mixed into their magic with their soul power."

"So the key to breaking Westorn's curse is to find his fear."

After listening to it, Li Mo thought, "It's hard to have fear as Sisorn, and the only thing we know is that he fled the earth scaredly ..."


Dracula said decisively: "We must find this person or item and face it in order to be able to lift the curse of Weston."

Li Mo scowled his wolf, and frowned, "The history of the ancient period is too long. Until now, nobody knows what happened. How can I find it?"

"Of course I don't have that possibility," Dracula said, blinking. "But as a dimensional demon, you can ask those long-term existences."

Li Mo's face suddenly became ugly.

Speaking of dimensions, he knows a lot of demon gods, but there are enemies everywhere, the only big eye cute is a foreigner!

It feels like a failed life ...

At this moment, the door of the consultation room opened, and Dr. Kleissant walked out first, with grievances and griefs all over his face, and came straight to Li Mo and said, "Sorry, I can't do anything."

After speaking, ignore the crowd and leave.

Sol stepped out immediately, also with a look of frustration, and shook his head at Li Mo. "The witch doctor you introduced can't do it. I have to go back to Asgard."

After speaking, Lonely left here.

Although Li Mo was sympathetic, there was nothing he could do.

He stood up and turned to Dracula and said, "Let's go, too. I thought of someone who might be able to ask something."

With that said, he teleported away with Dracula instantly.

As soon as they left, Sol rushed in, and he forgot that he could neither fly nor teleport, not even a dime on his body.

After looking for Li Mo for a long time, Sol could only helplessly walk a few streets to find the Stark Building, and returned to Asgard with the help of Tony.

As soon as he entered the Golden Palace, Sol saw Friega anxiously turning around in the Hall of Courage.

After seeing Sol, Frigga came over with joy, "Sor, I found the place where Rocky reincarnate!"

Saul hesitated. "What happened?"

Later, under the explanation of Queen Friega, Sol figured out what was going on.

To be honest, it was an unexpected surprise for him.

If he dies as predicted, wouldn't Loki just succeed the throne after reincarnation?

Even more intelligent, he will certainly take good care of the Asgard people and Frigga.

Thinking of this, Sol's look became firmer, and he ran out, "Mother be assured that I will bring Rocky back!"


The Highlands of Scotland, the highest priesthood of the earth.

Yes, the person Li Mo wanted to ask was the witch, Lady Agatha.

As a guardian older than the Supreme Master, she must know more about Misin, not to mention that the old lady transformed herself into countless avatars, scattered in a long time.

Witch's House.

Wanda was still asleep on the second floor. Old Lady Agatha entertained Li Mo on the first floor, while Dracula stood on the wasteland and did not dare to enter.

"Yes, I know why Sisorn fled!" After listening to Li Mo's words, the old lady said unhurriedly.

"He was trying to avoid the pursuit of the God Eater."

"God Eater?" For the first time Li Mo heard, he couldn't help being curious.

"This is a mouth-to-mouth story of the supreme female sacrifice." The old woman sipped her tea and told ...

"A long time ago, the first ancient gods were born on earth. The most powerful of them are Gaia, Seth, Sisorn, and Osthur."

"Later, for some unknown reason, the ancient gods launched a brutal slaughter and devoured each other. The zombie Seth and Sisorn fell completely into demons."

"The East Star Goddess Oshtoul could not bear to see all this, left the earth and walked in the multiverse alone, met Hogos, and gave birth to the Agomoto, which together constituted Vishan.

"To end all this, the goddess Gaia gave birth to Artum the Devourer."

"Atum continuously devoured the fallen ancient gods, and their strength became stronger and stronger, and even Seth and Sisorn were not rivals, so they fled the earth and ended the chaos of the ancient gods."

"But Artum devoured too many fallen ancient gods, and there was a problem, so he chose to end his life. His energy after death split the second generation of demons, including Satan Marduk and Mephisto. The best. "

"That's it ..." Li Mo opened his mouth. "It's a long story."

The old lady Agatha continued, "Your plan to lift the curse has a great success rate ~ ~ but you must face Artum the Devourer and he is dead.

Li Mo touched his chin. "That's not necessarily the case. I can time travel back to the past."

"Hehe ..." The old woman smiled and shook her head. "It was a long journey. Even the avatars I scattered in the long river dared not go up against the current."

Li Mo asked: "We only need to see the God Eater, do you know the specific age of its birth?"

"It's been a long time ..." The old woman shook her head. "How could humans know."

"Then the era when the ancient gods were roughly active?" Li Mo asked impassively.

The old lady smiled. "About 4 billion years ago."

"4 billion years ago? Hell!"

Li Mo is dumbfounded ...

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