Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 308: Anarchy

? The distortions of space gradually subsided ...

"Are we here?" Dracula asked.

Li Mo said nothing and opened the observation window of the shuttle.

In front of me is a snow-covered world. Mountains, plains, gullies, etc. are all shrouded in a thick layer of strong ice. Looking at it, the world is white and white.

Before Dracula asked, Li Mo introduced ...

"At the end of Archean, the Earth's first Ice Age began, in the middle of the Precambrian."

"In the future, the rock formations in this period were generally damaged, so I set my destination in this era."

Dracula hesitated, "Do you suspect ... because of the ancient god?"

"It's hard to say." Li Mo shook his head and stood up. "Let's go out and see."

As soon as he stepped out of the shuttle machine, Dracula shuddered, and even with his vampire physique, he couldn't stand the extremely dry and cold environment.

Li Mo looked up, the sky showed an extreme blue, and the existence of this large cloud layer.

The rapid increase of oxygen during this era caused the ice age.

It should have just entered the glacial period. After a while, the water cycle will stop and there should be no clouds in the sky.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from the ground, and a large area of ​​ice on the surrounding mountains fell off, and there seemed to be a behemoth from far to near.

Li Mo raised his vigilance. After inputting instructions from his personal terminal, he narrowed down the space-time shuttle and flew up into the sky with Dracula, who looked around.

At the top of the mountain in the southwest, a small black spot quickly approached, and when they reached a distance of 800 meters, they appeared in shape and roared loudly.

This is a ten-meter-high monster with an elephant's head and a bear-like body, two rows of sharp horns on his forehead, and a pair of huge meat wings behind him.

"This is the ancient god?"

Dracula was a little strange. "How does it look more like a beast?"

"Probably the lowest one ..." Li Mo said with some uncertainty.

The monster uttered a high-frequency tremor sound, which seemed to be a language. Although Li Mo and Dracula could hear it, they couldn't understand the meaning.

Seeing the two little men in the sky didn't answer, the monster directly raised his nose and opened his mouth full of fangs, and a flame was flowing in his throat.


A pillar of fire measuring one meter in diameter was directed at Li Mo and Dracula across a distance of hundreds of meters.

Dracula's figure disappeared quickly, Li Mo then teleported to the monster, raised his hand and waved, two tentacles of several hundred meters long directly entangled the guy like a python.

"Don't do it!"

Dracula suddenly appeared at a distance of 100 meters from the monster, and thundered suddenly, "let me be full."

Li Mo poked his lips and didn't continue.

Dracula rushed to the monster's stiff neck all at once, biting like he was holding a huge pillar.

Soon, blood-stained fumes erupted from him, and the monster paled at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Li Mo was a little surprised. Dracula has always been a clown in his eyes, but he did not expect to have such strength.

About ten seconds later, Dracula suddenly lifted his head, jumped to the ground, and walked a few steps, sitting on the ground with one buttock, panting heavily.

Looks like it's eating ...

Li Mo shook his head, twisted the monster's neck with his tentacles, and threw it aside.

Dracula seemed to have digested the monster's blood, while wiping the blue blood on his mouth with a handkerchief, while standing up, he made an elegant thank you ceremony.

Li Mo shook his head impatiently, and just about to greet him to leave, but immediately felt wrong. After observing with the eyes of dimension, he shouted loudly, "Fool, leave there!"

As soon as his words fell, Dracula's ground suddenly shattered, revealing a hundred-meter-wide circular lotus-shaped sawtooth. The layers were very scary. He took a look at Dracula and just now Monster body swallowed.

However, the gap between the monster's teeth was too wide, Dracula turned into a fat bat, and fled in panic and flew to a high place.

Because Dracula has just absorbed the blood of that monster, even if it turns into a bat, the energy is very powerful and exudes a seductive breath.

The monster at his feet seemed unwilling to give up the deliciousness of his mouth, pulled his body from the mountain, and chased Dracula.

Dracula flew desperately high, the monster's big mouth chased behind, and the exposed body became longer and longer.

200 meters, 500 meters, more than 1000 meters ...

The monster finally revealed its entire body from the mountain.

This is a tube-like worm, with countless pointed long limbs that looks like a snake, and looks very sultry.

Li Mo was not in a hurry to rescue Dracula, instead he felt his chin and appreciated it.

This thing is a bit like the giant star bug he caught, but it's smaller.

If this kind of thing is also considered an ancient god, then it is too far away from the West Thorne in his mind.

Then he remembered the evolution direction of the Dimension Devil.

Whether or not the ancient **** is also two directions, one evolves to a cosmic giant creature, and the other becomes a cosmic entity like Sisorn.

Seeing that Li Mo didn't mean to rescue him at all, Dracula was anxious. Although he was a vampire king, he had never fought against this giant creature. He turned around and flew towards Li Mo in a panic.

Looking at the terror in the sweaty fat bat, Li Mo almost didn't laugh.

In Dracula's resentful gaze, Li Mo waved a hand, a tentacle that was thousands of meters long, about the same size as the monster's body suddenly appeared, a wave of lightning, and bombarded the monster's middle body.

What surprised Li Mo was that even though he didn't inject the gem power, the tentacle, which was already very powerful, did not break the monster, but instead blasted into the air for thousands of meters.

This monster is not weak,

Li Mo thoughtfully.

Dracula flew to Li Mo, and as soon as he transformed into an adult, he wanted to say something, and looked into the sky in horror.

In the sea of ​​clouds, a giant monster fish with a length of two kilometers suddenly appeared. It looked like a whale, but had a big head like Ankang in the deep sea.

After breaking through the clouds, the monster fish flew down like a flash of teleportation, opened its mouth full of sharp teeth and swallowed the monster.

Immediately after that, a monster with a height of thousands of meters, waving a giant meat wing, and a head full of heads like a tumor, suddenly appeared next to the monster fish, reaching out and letting out a light beam on the monster fish.

The skin of the strange fish was fleshed, and he screamed in pain, entangled with the monster like a flying tumor.

Two huge monsters launched a slaughter in the sky, a spray of light from the mouth, and a white ray released from the palm, as two huge starships were fighting, breaking up the white clouds in the sky.

The second and third accidents surprised both of them below.

Dracula swallowed. "It's too dangerous here. Let's leave."

Li Mo shook his head and didn't speak. He could feel that these low-level ancient gods were not his opponents, so he just continued to watch with a kind of appreciation for strange hunting.

Suddenly, Li Mo's pupils shrank, dragging Dracula to the ground suddenly, hiding at the angle of a mountain peak.

First they performed stealth for the two, then they used the mirror space uneasily.

"What happened?" Dracula asked quickly, he had a bad hunch.

Li Mo did not speak, but looked at the sky with a serious expression.

A crack of black space several kilometers long suddenly appeared in the blue sky. A green giant snake of the same height suddenly drilled out. At lightning speed, after swallowing two monsters in the entanglement, they drilled into another A crack in the unfolding black space.

An indescribable fear filled the whole world, and everything seemed to be silent.

The snake is fast, but the body is too long, the snake tail appears after a minute, and disappears quickly ...

Dracula had softened to the ground, sweating like rain, stuttering, "What is that?"

"One of the four ancient gods, the Zombie Sete." Li Mo said with a lingering fear.

"How ... how could it be so big?" Dracula said tremblingly.


Li Mo-Leng snorted, "It has been vaguely mentioned in the records of some magic books that the future zombie Seth entangles himself in multiple universes."

"Even himself is a universe!"

Dracula was taken aback and asked Li Mo: "Aren't you the Demon of Dimensions, or his opponent?"

"Even if I'm here, even if Sete is still growing, it won't be enough to swallow it."

Li Mo shook his head, "I really don't know what the four ancient gods are in your eyes."

Dracula grinned. "I thought they were just big demons hiding in a certain dimension."

Then he asked carefully, "So how strong is Weston?"

Li Mo looked at the vampire king silently.

"Strong is not enough to describe Sisorn. Do you know how he is recorded in the classics?"

Dracula shook his head.

Li Mo sighed, "It is said in the classics that sometime and somewhere in the dark universe, above time and space, great shadows inhabit and are invisible."

"The human brain cannot cover the invisible, fearing to live with the nameless, and then casts a shape of great shadows, giving the nameless name a taboo, calling it Weston."

"He is the soft underbelly of creation, the shadow peeping behind the footsteps of God, the cancer of the multiverse."

"Of course, this is a bit big, and the name of the cancer of the multiverse has come to me."

"But his real soul almost killed me. You can imagine how powerful it is."

Dracula muttered a spit, and after a long silence he said, "Otherwise, forget it, I'm used to it anyway."

"It doesn't work." Li Mo shook his head. "Unless our souls step into madness or fall into darkness, we can never escape, and we must get rid of its curse."

Dracula didn't expect that things would be so difficult, he sat on the ground for a long time and kept silent.

Li Mo shook his head. In fact, the curse of Weston was not so complicated. He had helped Ophelia get rid of it.

But the two of them were a curse of the true soul and a creation of Weston, so it was very difficult.

After the zombie Seth passed, the world became very peaceful, as if its breath still remained here.

Li Mo looked at this side of the ice and snow, can not help but have a hint of anxiety about the future, as he grows up, he will inevitably confront these big brothers. Will there be any hope of escape at that time?

He remembered the two evolutionary directions mentioned by Mrs. Agatha, and merged into the rules to become cosmic entities, or the universe itself.

The five great creation gods will not talk about it, and Sisorn and Sete in front of them are the two most vivid examples.

Each of the two roads has its own advantages, and it is impossible to distinguish between who is higher and who is lower, but why can't they proceed at the same time?

Li Mo fell into meditation, and the air of space began to become obscure. From time to time, a tentacle was stretched out from the void, rolling with Thunder Cloud ...

Dracula was taken aback. After avoiding Li Mo's unintentionally swept tentacles, he ran out hundreds of meters away and anxiously shouted, "What's the matter with you, wake up soon!"

Just then, a sparkling portal suddenly opened, and a beautiful tall brown-haired woman came out. She was wearing a mage robe made of sackcloth and had white wings behind her.

"God ... angel?"

Dracula was taken aback at first, followed by a few steps of alert immediately, but felt the other person's breath like the sky and the sea, and suddenly burst into tears.

"Damn, I never cursed God!"

The woman chuckled and ignored him, instead looking at Li Mo quietly waiting.

To be honest, Dracula really wanted to run away immediately, but in this distant ancient time and space, Li Mo is like this now, where can he escape?

Had to wait carefully.

After a week, Li Mo finally returned to God, first looked at the time, could not help but shook his head.

He then looked at the woman and felt the arrival of the other person while he was quietly thinking, but because the other person was not hostile, he did not stop thinking.

"Who are you?" Li Mo asked.

The woman with the wings performed a mage ceremony, "My name is Schumannhart, I am a servant of the great East Star Goddess Osthur, and the first generation of Supreme Master."

"Welcome you, Space Traveler."

Li Mo was startled first, and then doubts came to mind, "You know us ... what's your purpose?"

The first-generation female Supreme Master smiled slightly, "Some things are destined to happen, some people are destined to come, come and see someone with me, and all your questions will be solved."

"Who do you want me to meet?" Li Mo asked, touching his chin.

The female Supreme Master opened a portal without using a hanging ring and turned around and said, "Servant of the goddess Gaia, the highest priestess of the earth, Carlin."

After speaking, he walked directly into the portal.

Li Mo winked at Dracula, and the two followed carefully.

Opposite the portal is the top of a kilometer-high mountain, with a altar at the top, and across the vast frozen sea.

An old woman holding a stone staff is standing in the middle of the altar. The old wrinkled face has a light temperament, and messy white hair hangs at least one meter long on the ground.

She nodded to the female Supreme Master, "Troublesome you, Schumann Hart."

The Supreme Master smiled slightly, "Seth's Lizard clan is attacking Tiandu, and I will leave first."

After speaking, he performed a mage ceremony, opened a portal and walked in.

Li Mo inadvertently saw a golden city floating in the blue sky and white clouds opposite to it. Numerous people with white wings were suspended ...

There was a flash of light in my heart and I didn't pursue it anymore ~ ​​ ~ Instead I turned to look at the white-haired old lady Carlin.

"The future High Priestess gave me tips to come here, and you're waiting for me here again."

"What the **** are you doing?"

The old supreme priestess smiled and reached out to the sea. "What do you see?"

Li Mo glanced at her suspiciously, then looked at the endless frozen sea, and started to operate the eye of dimension.

The scene in front of me changed, and a woman on the frozen sea showed her half body, almost over 3,000 meters high.

She has long green hair and wears emerald robes. She can't see what she looks like, but she has a white luster and a motherly glory that embraces everything.

Li Mo had a feeling of returning to the womb.

"Goddess Gaia ..."

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