Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 313: Death of Thor (Part 1)

Seeing the flash of thunder in Thor's fingers, Li Mo was a little surprised, "Isn't this just happening, prophecy is something about the future, and it doesn't tell everything."

Thor's thunder dissipated in his hand, and he took the jug and sipped it. "I can vaguely touch Odin's realm now, but the snake should have already surpassed Odin, so I can make it all with him, and I feel like I've earned it."

After that, a thick smile appeared.

Li Mo shook his head and didn't speak again. This silly big man had already given birth to death, and it was probably useless to persuade himself.

Tony has been given the armor of the Gods group by himself. By then, Domham will hold Mephisto. With Tony's help, he will definitely save Thor's life.

Just then, Sol suddenly showed an embarrassed expression, "Li Mo, can you accompany me to meet someone?"

"Who are you going to meet?"

"Well ... Jane Foster."

Li Mo first frowned, then raised an eyebrow, with a playful expression, "You want to see the old lover, OK, no problem."

Then I used a personal terminal to connect to the earth network to search for Jane Foster's position. "You must be mentally prepared. Maybe everyone has children ..."

Li Mo suddenly stopped talking, his expression was a little dignified.

Saul's hand holding the hip was stiff, and her voice was shaking, "Did she already ..."

"Not dead, but the situation is not so good, let's go." Li Mo shook his head and took Sol to teleport away.

San Diego Hospital, Los Angeles, California.

In a critically ill, the skinny Jane Foster was in a coma, and his cheekbones were thinly exposed on his face. His hair disappeared, and his life was supported by a ventilator.

If it wasn't for the clear information, Li Mo could hardly believe that this was the beauty doctor who was once brilliant.

Saul's voice was a bit low, and he asked Jane Foster's best friend, Louise, "When is it? Why don't you come to me?"

Louise wiped her tears without stopping the paper towel. "She noticed an abnormality when you quarreled, and the last time you came, her hair was constantly falling, so let me tell you directly to break up."

"Stupid!" Sol angered. "This disease, Asgard can be cured!"

"What about treatment!" Louise yelled at Saul: "Do you know that every time you leave is a few years, Jane is looking at the stars in the sky every night, this is not love, but a kind Torture. "

"She knows you can't be together at all, and she wants to leave you the most beautiful side."

"you are God."

"And she's just a mortal."

"A mortal who will grow old and die!"

Sol was silent, his fists kept tightening and releasing, and then he looked up and sighed, his face showing a tired expression.

"Forget it, don't talk about it." Li Mo hurriedly rounded the field. "Bring Jane back to Asgard for treatment."


After 3 days,

Asgard Island, Medical Temple.

Jane Foster was sleeping on the treatment bed, and the beauty medical officer Elle kept manipulating the three-dimensional image of the sky, and beams of light passed through the simplified Chinese.

After a while, Elle stopped the instrument, wiped her hands, and walked towards Li Mo and Sol who were waiting.

"How is she?" Sol asked anxiously.

"The cancer cells in the body have been completely removed, and then they can be cured after replenishing and recuperating." Eller said gently.

"But one thing is that her genetic potential has been compromised. We can treat the disease, but we can't repair the shortened life span."

After listening, Sol was silent, and slowly walked to Jane Foster, who was in a coma. He knelt down on one knee and gently wiped the sweat on the forehead of his old lover while stroking Jane's dry hand ...

Li Mo and Elle stood aside and looked.

"Love must never be dragged in." Li Mo sighed and said to Eller: "If you have love, you must make it bravely. What do you think?"

Eller twitched. "Don't think!"

Just then, McQueen sent a message to Li Mo, and Tony's armor was completed.

Li Mo quickly asked Eller to tell Sol, and then teleported back to ignorance.

Inside the huge truth laboratory,

Tony is driving a 600-meter-high armour of the Tenjin group, raising his hands and feet, and constantly testing it.

Reed gave Li Mo an introduction.

"We completely underestimated the structure of this armor. Although analysis diagrams were made, the functions and functions of many structures are still unclear. This is the gap between basic theory and the understanding of the universe."

"But the good thing is that this armor is already able to adapt to combat requirements. It can adapt to all space rules, and its speed and power are beyond imagination."

"The current shortcomings are also obvious. The Tenjin group obviously has a higher level of energy operation. We can only use a large number of dark energy engines to replace it, so we cannot continue to fight. Using high-level energy attacks, it will stop functioning as soon as it fires. Can be a week. "

Li Mo touched his chin, "a bit lower than expected."

"This thing is very precious, and it takes a long time to study." Reed looked at the armor of Tenjin obsessively. "It even contains the rules of time and space ..."

"Let's talk later, there's no time." Li Mo walked to the armor of the Tenjin group after saying, "Tony, get ready, go to the dark dimension."

Upon receiving the news, Strange and Kree arrived immediately and opened a green dimension door in the void dimension.

Opposite is the famous dark dimension.

In the terrifying and deep space, the nebulae and planets are polluted by powerful dark forces, maintaining balance in the semi-collapse of matter and energy, like a sick cell, emitting a purple-red light ...

* Here is a special talk about geography. The dark dimension of Dom is a dimension attached to the main universe. The dark universe of West Thorne is similar to the parallel universe, the original dark universe with big eyes and the crimson universe of Setorak are in the gap between the multiverse.

Strinch and Krie looked at each other and walked into Tony's Armor of the Gods.

"Hey, Tony." Li Mo beckoned. "Pay attention to safety, keep your life first!"

The armour of the Tenjin group made a gesture more than the middle finger, which flashed like a phantom. A huge wind blew through, and it had disappeared into the dark dimension.

Li Mo shook his head, a white light flashed, and brought Reed to the Stark Building.

As the main leaders, Strinch and Tony have entered the dark dimension. Therefore, the Earth Superhero League, which responds to the Seven Heavenly Hammer Terror attacks, needs a leader to let Li Mo come to help.

Although Captain America is here, to be honest, he is just the spiritual leader of many people, and he doesn't have enough ability to deal with this situation.

As soon as Li Mo entered the conference room, a large vote of superhero turned to look at him, his eyes filled with joy and trust.

Although Li Mo sometimes only helps his friends, after several crises, he has unconsciously become the strongest person on earth!

"OK, everyone, I can't use the ability for the time being, so I mainly conduct the command."

Li Mo clapped his hands and came directly to the huge three-dimensional earth image.

"Let's get rid of these fleas first!"

As soon as his words fell, a huge red dot appeared on a location in Mexico on a three-dimensional earth image. At the same time, Jarvis' voice sounded, "Mr. Li Mo, the Red Giant appears in Mexico City."

Immediately after the real-time video appeared: The red giant who was obviously a little taller was full of flames, waving a hammer and knocked down a low-rise building, with smoke everywhere, and many people were shooting at him crazy. Drug dealers.

"Why do you go there?" Li Mo muttered.

Many superheroes have a strange face. I heard that this guy had a bad mouth, but I didn't expect it to be exaggerated.

Pharaoh shook his head and opened a portal directly to it.

Li Mo ignored them and said through the portal, "This is the battle plan."

"All their strength comes from the hammer in their hands. That thing is like a split-end energy controller, all powered by the snake."

"Kama Taj's mage is responsible for using the mirrored space to block off, causing energy flow. Dr. Voodoo uses mental disruption, and others listen to me ..."

Under the order of Li Mo, a group of superheroes entered the battlefield.

Several Karma Taj mages jumped to a nearby high-rise building and used the mirror space together.

They are already the best of the new mages, but they are obviously far behind Strangi and Li Mo, and even the mirror space needs to be joined together.

The surrounding space quickly became glassy, ​​blocking the irrational Red Giant inside.

Perceived that the energy was interrupted, the Red Giant desperately destroyed the mirrored space, but then rammed his head and frantically banged around.

In the distance, the Dr. Voodoo wearing a black tights and standing in a black tights stood on a high-rise building, shaking the staff in his hand while chanting, and the two dry heads hanging from the staff were constantly green Light.

Li Mo later learned that the two heads were his parents, and that Strange apparently regarded Dr. Voodoo as his successor.

Susan of the Fantastic Four followed by using the energy shield to instantly extinguish the fire on the Red Giant.

A superhero wearing an ancient British knight armor appeared next to the Red Giant, waving a black wooden sword, and suddenly cut off the right hand of the Red Giant holding a hammer.

A mage quickly opened a portal, and the huge serpent hammer suddenly fell into the conference room. Li Mo pressed the teleporter and got back ignorant.

The Red Giant quickly withered, and the abnormality on his body began to disappear.

It is another two Heavenly Hammers descending from the sky like meteorites, respectively Ant-Man and Stone-Man, trying to rush to rescue the Red Giant.

Wanda and the evil knights, who were traveling abroad, greeted immediately. Although they can't kill the Heavenly Hammer alone, they can gain the upper hand.

Seeing that the Red Giant had failed, Ant-Man and Stoneman wanted to leave, but a door of dimension opened in the sky, and a large number of virtual air force groups blocked the entire space ...

Just when Li Mo commanded the Earth Superheroes to fight, Strange and Tony also came to a huge planet deep in the dark dimension.

This planet is like a tumor, and the sphere is constantly inflated, emitting a strange light.

There was a bit of nostalgia in Keli's eyes, "Here was a beautiful planet. My father carried me through the mountains and rivers, but I never expected my mother to want his life long ago."

"Domam has become a huge magical energy entity. He did not build a palace, but just imprisoned my mother here."

"This gigantic gigantic castle is probably built by my mother later, and she prefers luxury."

After speaking, Kelly pointed to a black hole in the center of the planet that seemed to be constantly sinking, tens of thousands of kilometers in diameter, turning slowly like a vortex.

"Domam was trapped there, restricted by his mother's dimensional rules. As long as he broke the space barrier, he could come out immediately."

In the hall of fallen hell, the imposing Uma suddenly changed her face, her face was distorted, her eyes were crazy, and she yelled, "Bitch!"

Immediately afterwards, the entire person disappeared.

Uma's spirit had serious problems. She came to Mephisto's castle almost in real life, and wanted to show her strength, but unexpectedly something went wrong.

Seeing Uma leaving in a hurry, the eyes of other demon gods in the fallen hall looking at Mephisto suddenly became strange, they realized that things seemed to change.

However, Mephisto didn't care at all. He had his sharp nails splattered and splashed out a lot of Mars.

In the dark dimension space, with the arrival of Uma, the entire universe seemed to be distorted, and stars began to burst and explode.

Strange swallowed and asked his girlfriend, "Can you say a few good words to your mother?"

Kelly shook her head. "She wants to kill me the most."

Strangci stopped speaking, and set himself a time loop to meet Uma directly.

"Hey, mother-in-law, we need to talk!"

On the other side, Tony continuously bombarded the black hole wearing armor of the Gods group.

This black hole is a manifestation of the dimensional rules. Although the corpses of the Tenjin group are powerful, Tony can't reach his potential at all and can only use stupid methods.

A few minutes later, Strange ran back with a grimace, "Damn, I've been killed thousands of times, how long!"

"It's now!"

Tony used all the energy directly, and shot a massive transparent energy column from the palm of his hand, and the space along the way was quickly ablated.

The huge black hole shattered like a snow flake. A guy wearing black armor, standing thousands of meters tall, burst out with flames on his head and hands.

It was Dom.

He ignored Strangy at all and rushed to his sister Uma.

The two brothers and sisters waged a fierce war of torture, the stars and rivers hanging upside down, and the polluted planets of all sizes were broken and split ...

Strange and Klee joined forces to open a door of dimension, turned around and walked in.

With only a trace of energy left, Tony quickly followed up ~ ~ When he quickly entered the door of dimension, he suddenly turned his head and shouted: Domham, it is Mephisto that hurts you. I will ride on your head and **** freely! "

After speaking, he quickly ran into the door of dimension.

After a while, Domam subdued her sister again, sealed in a black hole.


He yelled, and opened the door to Hell's dimension and rushed in.

At the same time, under the command of Li Mo, most of the Venerable Heavenly Hammer regained consciousness.

There is only one eagle eye left.

Li Mo didn't expect this guy to be so horizontal after gaining super strength.

And in the Mariana Trench,

The serpent, young and black, opened his eyes slowly ...

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