Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 333: Interstellar annihilation (1)

The primitive Earthlings had extraordinary potential because they contaminated the blood of the mysterious Tenjin group and the cosmic locust at the same time.

Later, after the discovery of another group of gods, the primitive earth people were transformed and the eternal people were born.

Because of the struggle for power, the two brothers who were the leaders fought a war, and Kronos won, while another group of Ulanos led the tribe to move to Titan, and met the Cree on the way, almost being exterminated.

But at the same time, the ancient Crees also discovered the potential of the Earth people, which coincided with the war with the Skulu Empire, so they went to the Earth to transform the Earth people and gave birth to alien races.

The eternal people hidden near the Earth's Olympus conducted a horror experiment. With a huge explosion and strange rays, they were all excited with potential, possessing extraordinary strength and almost immortal life.

Since then he claims to be eternal protoss.

Kronos realized the rules of time, claiming to be the **** of time, and went to the unknown to serve the eternal god, and his two sons, Arals, exiled himself to Titan to avoid civil war, gathered another group of remaining people to fly The Universe established Titan Star, and subsequently gave birth to Exterminator.

The eternal protoss led by Zulas, who remained on the earth, also moved to the depths of the universe thousands of years later to establish the eternal holy city.


Three months ago, the holy city of the eternal protoss.

This is an island-type continent suspended in the void. It is completely different from any subsequent architectural style of the earth. It is like a mix of building blocks and weird round windows.

In a cell hidden deep in the ground, Tyrant's hands, feet, and even neck were tied with thick special yoke, pulled by a small black hole gravitational force, and hung him in the air firmly.

Nourish ... nourish ...

The two jailers suddenly slammed on the tyrant with a stick that emits a burst of magneto-optic light at the top.

The magnetic waves continued to wash the cells of the whole body, and the muscles on the annihilation face were beating, but his eyes were still deep and indifferent, as if all the pain was absent.

Tina, this woman who was once regarded as Athena, fit and full of gold armor, looked at Mieba, her eyes full of anger and helplessness.

Leng Huo turned and walked out.

I walked through the teleportation corridor to the depths of my palace.

"Father, he still refuses to speak," Tina said.

A tall man in silver law and silver beard, wearing a gorgeous robe, turned around, and it was Zulas, the elder protagonist.

Zulas's eyes were very calm. "A few decades ago, your grandfather, the **** of time, Kronos suddenly came back, and he seemed to foresee something and tried to kill the tyrant."

"However, the two fell into an unknown area, and in the end only the tyrant escaped. We must get specific information from his mouth to save the **** of time."

Tina: "But ..."

"No, but." Zulas interrupted her.

"I know his will is strong, but we must be more patient than him. Ten years, 100 years, 1000 years, he will eventually collapse."

"Yes, father." Tina bowed back.

At the same time, the eternal holy city is inside the lower building.

Ordinary residents enjoy a peaceful life just like before.

Although the eternal race gene is powerful, not everyone has the potential to become a powerful warrior like Heibolong and Iglesias. Most people are obsessed with art or science and enjoy a long and nearly eternal life.

In a residential room, a blue-skinned woman in a white cape is sitting at a table and tasting a glass of wine. Opposite her is a brawny man with full scales and a height of more than four meters. Ham.

It is the only superstar and black dwarf members of the Dark Order.

The black dwarf is a powerful warrior that can be compared to the normal Hulk.

The superstar woman has extremely terrifying mind control ability. Judging from the eyeslessness of the host and the young family preparing meals for them, they are clearly under control.

After about four or five hours, the various lights in the eternal holy city gradually began to fade, and it was time for the residents to rest.

The male master changed his senior guard costume with blind eyes, and led the superstar and black dwarf through the underground tunnel, like a place of imprisonment and extermination.

When they came to a door, several people stopped and the superstar pressed his fingers against the temple and began to emit brain waves.

In the outer city, the superstars have controlled a large number of residents, and after receiving instructions, they have started frantically destroying and burning various buildings.

Outside the corridor next door, two figures, one yellow and one blue, flew outward at supersonic speeds. It was the two most powerful fighters, Hei Bolong and Igeris.

After the two most difficult people left, the captain of the guard who had been controlled opened the door and took the superstar and black dwarf into a long corridor. At the top of the corridor was the secret room where the tyrant was imprisoned.

The guards along the way were controlled by the superstar without resistance, opening up the various restraints tied to Exterminator like a walking dead.

After the shackles were opened, Mieba dropped her head slowly to the ground, and her wounds began to recover at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

The superstar and black dwarf slowly kneel on one knee, "Father."

Extermination took a breath, and steam-like smoke spewed out of his mouth and nose, and then the majestic body gradually stood upright and said indifferently, "Let's go!"

After that, he strode out of the door, and the superstar and black dwarf followed closely behind.

As they left, the alarm in the cell called frantically.

After receiving the news, Hai Bolong rushed in first.

The black dwarf roared, greeted him with a huge hammer, and smashed in the direction that Hei Bolong was flying.


The hammer collided with Heilong's fist in the air, and it shattered into countless pieces after emitting a huge shock wave.

The black dwarf immediately abandoned the hammer, and two large fan-like hands fought hard at Hai Bolong.

Heibolong also stretched out his hands. Although the black dwarf was his two and a half halves, his muscles swelled and easily formed wrestling.

The black dwarf is limited in both hands, and obviously feels the powerful power from the other party, roaring, constantly squeezing his potential.

Hai Bolong snorted violently, and suddenly sent out hot red rays from his eyes, and directly shot into the eyes of the black dwarf.

After the black dwarf screamed, there was no breath, his brain had been burned through.

Hai Bolong also screamed and covered his eyes. Every time his heat rays were fired, he would burn his retina, but fortunately his strong body could recover quickly.

However, before he recovered, a heavy iron fist hit his head severely.


A metal wall on the left was broken open, and the stunned Hai Bolong was lifted again and fell to the ground fiercely, and a heavy rain-like punch fell on his head.

Huh! Huh! Uh ...

In a huge wave, Hai Bolong passed out.

Mieba stood up expressionlessly and continued to walk forward. The superstar followed closely behind, and the two did not care about the dead black dwarf on the ground.

Igris, who arrived later, was also not an opponent of annihilation.

Anger, gloom, and calmness formed a weird breath on the exterminator, and the powerful eternal protoss was invincible.

Furious Tina led countless elite fighters to surround the tyrants and superstars in the center of the square.

However, the superstar with a large range of mind control showed his power, and countless soldiers covered their eyes with guns.

Helpless, Tina could only watch as the tyrant swayed and left the eternal holy city.

On the spacecraft, the superstar kneeled respectfully on one knee, "Father, where are we going?"

Extermination did not directly answer, but turned his head to the open space on the other side of the cabin, as if someone was talking to him there.

For a long while, Deba turned his head slowly.

"Let's go, Skulu Empire."


Fairy galaxy, wild star area.

Since the overthrow of the control of the Bitheism, with the support of the war lord Carter and others, the legacy of the ancient royal family has taken the throne.

However, on the vast territory of the empire, there are many remnants of the old nobility and bitheism who are unwilling to give up power. They formed a rebel army, secretly undermined, and tried to regain power.

After a long civil war, the Resistance was forced into the wild starfield, and with the help of local residents, it turned into underground activities.

Despite the long-term propaganda by the empire, the dualism has been destroyed, and no one will be enslaved to them spiritually. However, the vast middle- and lower-class people in the wild star domain still cherish the dualism and secretly help the resistance.

Warlord Carter really can't figure this out. Why are these people willing to be enslaved?

On this issue, he consulted Li Mo.

Li Mo's answer is: Poverty and numb life make these people who suffer from habit are more willing to pin their hopes on the afterlife or the kingdom of God after death.

On a poorly deserted planet, the Imperial Guards passed through raged land buildings for daily routine patrols. Those tattered people watched from their windows, their eyes filled with indifference and unexplained resentment .

Yes, these people bring food and clothing and are very friendly to them, but what is it?

There is still no hope in their lives,

Their anger and sadness will not diminish,

They ... request their own god.

Hundreds of meters below the city, the Duke of Brent stared at the portal with red eyes.

As the most powerful lord ever, he finally realized what it means to be a funeral dog.

He was a sad joke even in the eyes of the other lords who were also rebels.

You know, these people have begged to be at his feet.

The portal suddenly fluctuated, and a smoke-laden aircraft emerged, dragging a long Mars to the ground.

The driver ran out frantically, "Quickly, close the portal."

The scientists quickly closed the portal, and the Duke of Brent raised his driver's collar, "What's the opposite?"

"Bugs ... bugs that fill the sky!"

"Dead ... all dead ..."

The driver seemed to be extremely frightened, his eyes were dull and his body smelled of urine.

The Duke of Brent sat on the ground with a mournful buttock, and he used this sub-cosmic space door from Earth as his hope of turning over, because there were a lot of high-level resources on the opposite side.

And now, the last hope is gone ...


The heavy iron door of the laboratory suddenly burst and flew, and a large, gloomy figure came in.

"Guard!" Duke Brent exclaimed.

However, all the guards stood in the spot with no eyes.

"Crazy Titan Thanos ... you ... what do you want to do?" Said Duke Brent stuttered.

The name of the **** massacre has spread throughout the universe and is a wanted criminal of almost all higher civilizations. The Duke of Brent has also issued a large number of bounty.

"Don't be afraid, I know your feelings, loneliness, anger, fear ... as if the entire universe is against you." Extinct tyrant said quietly as he walked.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Duke Brend shouted in a break.

"It's very simple ..." Exterminate's eyes were somewhat meaningful.

"I want to help you invade negative space!"


Sandal Star, Hydra Academy.

In a small park, the size of a fish, dreamy and beautiful blue star spirits slowly fly around the fountain.

At the table next to them, two people were chatting while playing Go.

One of them is Ultron who changed human skin.

The other is Li Mo holding a black dead sword.

"All life has greed, poison, and poison, and with all the distress, I think philosophy must not only solve the problem of where I come from, where I go, but also help people through the distress first."

Ao Chuang talked while killing a big dragon of Li Mo.

Li Mo's arbitrarily raised the tie to solve the game, his face was a little weird.

"You want to be a Buddha?"

Ultron clearly didn't care about the mockery in Li Mo's tone, "when wisdom arrives, what's impossible?"

When Li Mogang was about to speak, he suddenly groaned, a shock wave spread, and the ground around 100 meters into powder.

"What happened?" Ultron was surprised.

"Nothing." Li Mo replied casually, then tightened the black dead sword that was shaking constantly.

After he had his own small universe, he began to study this powerful Sword of Excalibur.

It is found that its material is somewhat like the armor of the Tenjin group, but it contains more mysterious living things, and it is stranger that it is filled with an absolutely dark power.

The rules contained in this force are even beyond the universe, more like the darkness of the chaotic period.

Now cracking and researching this rule every day, transforming Black Death Sword into Li Mo's favorite hobby.

Although this power has a high level and is difficult to crack, it also enriches and improves Li Mo's small universe rules.

Just then ~ ~ Li Mo's personal terminal suddenly rang, and a message was automatically displayed.

Li Mo looked at it casually, his eyes a little puzzled.

This is the latest information from the Galactic Federation to every important member. It is a bit like an internal reference.

"What happened?" Ao Chuang asked.

In order to show his sincerity, Ultron has long closed external network links.

"The Skulu Empire sent a distress signal to the Galactic Council, but then the information was interrupted," Li Mo replied.

"Whatever these things do, nothing more than the various forces fought." Ao Chuang is obviously a little tired of these things.

"Come, let's move on to the next question ..."

"That's it for today." Li Mo hesitated. "There is always an ominous hunch ..."

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