
While Mustache was still giving a passionate speech on stage, Rogers and they finally acted.

One by one, the soldiers led by Bucky took out the high-quality grenades they got from Howard and threw them at the Nazi soldiers.

A violent explosion rang out, and in just a few moments, hundreds of Nazi soldiers were already killed.

However, instead of flinching and panicking, the rest of the Nazi soldiers quickly surrounded Bucky and them, shooting their guns at them, completely unconcerned about the civilians.

Even, beside Bucky, civilians who were originally ordinary people suddenly took out pistols from their arms and shot them at them.

For a while, the Nazis were not confused, but Bucky and they were confused.

“What’s going on, and why was all our assassination layout discovered by the Nazis?” Rogers roared, while holding his shield and violently knocking several soldiers in front of him out.

Not only on Bucky’s side, but even Rogers, who had not yet made a move, was discovered and besieged by Nazi soldiers.

“Traitor, someone must have betrayed. He leaked all our secrets. Nick Fury’s side was also attacked by Nazi soldiers, and as time passed, more and more Nazi soldiers began to surround him.

“It’s Tang You, that’s right, it must be him.” Rogers suddenly roared, “Only he is the most suspicious, otherwise how can there be intelligence on the mustache.” He must have defected to the Nazis. ”

Nick Fury frowned, although he also felt in his heart that Tang You might have betrayed, but he was not good to say without evidence.

“Rogers, no matter who the betrayer is, the priority is to break through first. Catch the thief first, Rogers, we cover you, you do your best to kill the mustache. Only by killing him can we have a glimmer of life. Nick Fury yelled.

Hearing this, Rogers hesitated.

Because at this time, in front of the mustache, there were already densely packed Nazi soldiers, and now rushing over, the chance of death is very high.

But looking at the Nazi soldiers who had gradually surrounded him, Rogers gritted his teeth: “In is also death, retreat is also death, then it is better to stand and die.” ”

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Rogers pushed the soldiers in front of him with a shield, stepped on his feet fiercely, and the whole person advanced towards the front like a heavy chariot.

No one can stand in front of Rogers single-handedly, and anyone who is hit by Rogers will fly out backwards.

However, there were too many Nazi soldiers, and since one person, five people could not do it, then ten people, a hundred people went together.

Finally, when Rogers was still twenty meters away from his mustache, he was surrounded by Nazi soldiers and could not move.


But by this time, with Rogers as a hateful attraction, Nick Fury and Bucky had broken out and threw grenades into the crowd again.


The Nazi soldiers were once again a big bit less, and also gave Rogers the opportunity to fight back, and with Rogers’ roar, the shield in his hand flew directly out and smashed towards the mustache.

“Give me aaaaaaa

In the face of Rogers’ angry blow, Mustache didn’t even look at it, and the dozen or so soldiers beside him had all blocked Mustache in front of him.


The sharp shield directly split several Nazi soldiers in half under Rogers’ strength, but it still could not stop the crowd, and was deeply stuck in the bodies of several Nazi soldiers.

And the shield, several people away from the mustache.

“I’m not willing!” Looking desperately at the safe mustache, Rogers was completely empty because he did not have the protection of the shield.

Bang bang bang ~~

Several bullets directly hit Rogers’ body, and the pain in his body and the rolling flow of blood made Rogers’ consciousness more and more blurred.


His blurry eyes vaguely saw that his friend Bucky had been cut off by Nazi soldiers and fell to the ground with several shots.

Nick Fury was the same, with a lot of blood flowing from his left eye and falling to the ground.

“Are we going to die?”

Rogers muttered in his heart, he was very unwilling, unwilling to die like this.

He has not yet proved to Tang You that he Rogers is better than Tang You, and he has not yet proved to the world that he is a hero. He hasn’t proven it in front of Kat, you look away.

However, all else was impossible, and Rogers’ consciousness became increasingly blurred.

Suddenly, the back of a man he didn’t want to see the most appeared in his line of sight.

“You… Sure enough, a traitor. ”

With this thought in mind, Rogers closed his last eyes.

Tang You glanced at Rogers, who had completely lost consciousness and fell to the ground, and he was impressed in his heart.

At the very least, the captain of the United States did not flinch in the end, but plucked up his courage to confront the mustache. In a way, Rogers is already a hero.

Tang You knocked dozens of Nazi soldiers in front of him away with a light punch, grabbed Rogers’ body and Nick Fury’s body and jumped.

With just one step, Tang You stepped on the body of a Nazi soldier, and his figure flew out towards the perimeter of the square with a swoop.

And that Nazi soldier, in that instant, turned into a puddle of minced meat.


Seeing that Tang You actually wanted to escape, the Nazi officers yelled and gave orders.

“No need to chase.”

But the mustache suddenly said, “Let him go!” ”


The rest of the officers looked at the mustache in bewilderment, they knew the character of the mustache, it was absolutely cruel, how could they just let the enemy go.

Mustache shook his head and looked down at his feet.

On his feet, a wet piece.

Just now, no one noticed that the mustache’s feet had been completely frozen in ice, and in the face of the angry shield blow of the captain of the United States, he did not want to dodge, but he could not move at all.

If it weren’t for his mind control, controlling a dozen soldiers to protect him without fear of death, I am afraid that Rogers’ blow would have killed him just now.

“The man… Even my mind control is not afraid. ”

Mustache took a deep breath, he knew very well that if the man just now wanted to kill him, he would definitely be killed immediately, without any chance of survival.

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