As of chapter four hundred

Name: Isabella Swan

Age: 22 years old

Race: Human, Isu gene concentration 3.5%

Identity: Stanford fourth-year student, instructor of the Brotherhood of Assassins, behind-the-scenes boss of Wieland Tanggu, and direct disciple of Gu Yi.

Occupation: Psion (spiritual traveler)

The spiritual traveler can resist (not immune) spells and abilities with different dimensions and time characteristics, and can open up a unique dimension storage space in the body.

Attributes (DND algorithm): Strength 16, Agility 18, Constitution 14, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 16, Charisma 18

Attributes (Marvel Algorithm): Intelligence 5, Strength 4, Speed ​​3, Endurance 3, Energy Launch 6, Combat Skill 6

Equipment: Golden Apple No. 3, Golden Apple No. 6, Light Mountain, Loyal Halberd Point, Magic Carpet, Yata Mirror.

Summon: Triangular head, flying Dutchman (including Jason, Aquatic Arin, Snake Eye)

Talent: Psionic ability, equivalent to the spiritual shield of 7th-level spells.

List of spells.

Level 1: Obsession, Recall, Energy Ray (Ice, Flame, Thunder, Sound Wave), Levitating, Frost Bolt, Feeling Emotions, Indication of Paralysis, Communication, and Language Proficiency.

2nd ring: Crystal Storm, Invisibility, Energy Suppression, Appraisal, Group Communication, Damage Sharing, Severe Pain Suggestion, Rock Walk.

3rd ring: Frost Nova, Ice Shield, Mind Blast, Forced Damage Sharing (Life Connection), Elimination of Invisibility, Energy Spear (Ice), Mind Suppression.

4th ring: Ice storm, divination, deep hint, death hint.

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