Ending the video conference with Harry, Rostow craned his chin in deep thought.

Although the laboratory has developed to this day, it has achieved great results, but it has also been under great | pressure, which is the main reason why he tried to raise funds from all sides. Akari’s six million investment is a small fraction of the money taken from the gangsters, but despite the huge | of earnings, it is still somewhat inadequate compared to the huge expenses, and the total of all stock returns plus product returns can only meet this year’s financial needs, but more funds are needed if a smooth transition to the next fiscal year is to be carried out.

Today’s cutting-edge technology laboratories have more than 3,000 employees and 27 research groups, which is also quite large in private research institutions in the United States, but compared to the quality of old laboratories of the same size, S.T.A.R. is simply miserable.

For example, compared with the Watsons Institute, which also specializes in immunology, chemistry and biopharmaceutical, the 3,000 scientists and staff have 270 professors, about 800 postdoctoral fellows and 1,500 technical assistant researchers, plus more than 120 doctoral students. Many of these professors and researchers are star figures in the scientific research community, and even have three Nobel Prize-winning ding-level scholars, which are the academic halls admired by many scientists, and receive up to $80 million in research funding from various channels for new drug development alone every year.

The cutting-edge laboratory is an invention factory model, and in addition to researchers, there are a considerable number of production operators.

After many invitations from Ross and Dr. Connors, less than half of the above numbers of researchers were recruited, and the quality was greatly inferior.

A small number of professional but out of the mainstream independent scholars, more for good salaries of scientific research workers and second- and third-rate college graduates, this part of the number of people accounted for about half of the total, the rest are basically logistics staff and manufacturing workers.

In North America, biology and chemistry researchers earn an average of $130,000 a year, and high-level workers earn even more, reaching $150,000. That is to say, in terms of salary alone, Ross has to pay three to four hundred million dollars a year, plus gradually expanding scientific research investment and operating expenses, this figure is even higher, to feed so many people, unless he is the protagonist of the novel, can wave his hand to attract tens of billions of dollars, otherwise he can only think of a way from elsewhere, securities is also one of them.

Perhaps for this reason, those predators hidden behind the scenes have maintained a good patience and did not start with the laboratory that insists on independence in advance. They must have been waiting for the moment when the clay-footed giant fell on its own, so that they could easily divide the inheritance left by the giant, but they did not expect that Ross repeatedly broke their imagination.

Laymen who don’t know the inside story may be dazzled by recent news reports, thinking that the achievements of the laboratory are inseparable from the hard work of these scientists, but in fact these achievements are all based on Ross’s past life technology and research on mutant genes, which is equivalent to Ross, Connors and Maya carrying the still immature laboratory on their shoulders and running on their shoulders.

Although the overall results are extremely dazzling, at least for three years, Ross does not have much hope for these people, he only hopes that these research groups under his subordinates can gradually enter the | state, improve the tasks assigned by himself, and then use the unique resources of the laboratory to make a breakthrough, and he will be satisfied with reaching a breakeven after two or three years.

After all, this is only a peripheral organization to hide people’s ears, and the real secret is not something that peripheral personnel can easily know.

But while it’s a state of pure investment, Ross doesn’t plan to be as aggressive as other capitalists.

He adopted a very humane management and incentive mechanism, even the past researchers, as long as they complete the assigned work, can get 10% to 20% better salary than their peers, and those who think they have pursuits, Ross prepared a more relaxed working environment for them than other companies, as well as low base salary and high share packages, as long as they can play a sufficient role, the laboratory can fully satisfy the appetite of ambitious young people.

This incentive mechanism has not been in operation for a long time, there have been some people for their own pockets to advise and advise, although most of them are worthless cranky, but there are also valuable flashpoints, Gwen’s father’s bulletproof under|wear is the idea of these young people, after the charity gala incident, the police recognized the role of this armor, after submitting a purchase order, these people were greatly encouraged, and now they are planning to develop children’s bulletproof |underwear to meet the increasingly unsafe school protection needs.

Ross is optimistic about this, and he has a feeling that these peripheral members, who are still immature, will one day become an important part of his own strength.

But before that, he had to match this wild horse that was easy to break free of the reins with a heroic female rider, that is, Pepper.

Ross believed that with her support, she could keep the fledgling organization as well as she would lead Stark Industries.

As he thought so, Pepper’s voice came from outside the door, she was learning from Connors and Maya, and she wanted to fully grasp the basic situation of the laboratory before officially taking over the management of the laboratory.

Recovering from his musings, Rose opened the door, and outside Pepper happened to have just walked to his office.

Today Pepper is dressed in a black suit with cropped sleeves, with a simple and elegant cut that perfectly shows off the slender lines. Inside is a white shirt, a pure crystal necklace around the neck, and long naturally curly golden hair, which is very elegant and elegant for urban women who are independent and feminine |.

It was really worthy of the woman he had managed to snatch from Tony, and looking at Pepper, Ross secretly praised his eyes, and then he looked at the Doctor and Maya, who also looked appreciative.

“Looks like Pepper already knows something about us, Doctor, what do you think of her?”

Ross didn’t shy away and asked Connors in front of Pepper.

“Frankly, beyond my expectations, I feel like I saw in her the shadow of Norman Osborne’s youth, she was a shrewd and decisive manager, but she was more tactful and gentle, and I would love to deal with Pepper.” Connors replied with a smile.

“Ms. Potts has won several state university scholarships, has excellent grades in management, and is no stranger to the management of large enterprises, and I am sure she will soon be up to the job.” Maya also chimed in.

Ross remembered that before Maya and Stark met, Pepper had not yet graduated, but she was no stranger to Pepper.

Glancing at Maya, Ross turned her gaze to Pepper.

Facing the scrutinizing eyes of his new employer, Pepper raised his head without fear, his tall body straightened and his temperament more confident.

“Both PhDs have high evaluations, so let me ask Miss Potts one last time, do you really have the confidence to lead such a R&D and production organization as ours—- don’t rush to answer, please think about it and reply to my question.”

His question seemed redundant, after all, Pepper was recruited by Ross himself, and he was basically in office, but it was also the last confirmation process in front of other collaborators.

“Yes, I am confident enough to take care of the lab.” Pepper paused in her tone, remembering what she had just seen, many secrets that were not open to outsiders were not hidden by Ross, which surprised and moved her and deeply realized her responsibility.

There is no justice in the business field, since she can help the arms tycoon make money, then she will not be disgusted with what Ross has done, at least so far, Ross stands with more integrity than most tycoons, so when she hears questions from new employers, she doesn’t need to think about it again.

“In terms of management experience, I am indeed not as rich as Mr. Obadi and Mr. Osborne, and I will never be able to compare with Miss Maya compared to scientific research, but I have my strengths, that is, I have a certain understanding of scientific research and production, I also have a considerable understanding of marketing and company management, and I am not bound by the old model.”

“During my ten years with Mr. Stark, I have come into contact with many business and political personalities who are familiar with their stories and temperaments, and I believe these will be my unique resources for future management practice. And most importantly, I believe we have enough trust in each other, and that’s my greatest asset. ”

Pepper met Ross’s eyes and talked, Connors and Maya couldn’t help nodding, these two are pure researchers, although the knowledge is profound, but the emotional intelligence is terribly low, belonging to the otaku and the like, otherwise they would not make a lizard serum and a desperate virus. It is safer to expect them to share the work than Ross to do it herself, and now that they recognize Pepper’s professionalism, they will be a solid support for Pepper in the future, which will save them a lot of trouble.

By the time the trial was about to end, the Doctors were completely impressed by Pepper.

Her network teamwork tools and multi-project concurrent management model concepts were theories that took shape after | new century, based on the spread of high-speed Internet, lighter mobile devices, and easier movement of people. In response to the increasing situation of different and non-face-to-face communication, the old step-by-step, process-based working method is replaced by a flexible, time-changing, non-linear working method, which is well in line with Ross’s concept of loose management and effective incentives.

Connors and Maya have never even heard the terms above, and even scientists instinctively have a reverence for things they don’t understand, so it seems that Pepper’s path to management has been smooth.

“Last question,” as the two men left, Ross leaned against the door and suddenly winked at Pepper.

“What would you think if I rejected you now?”

The corner of Pepper’s mouth couldn’t help but show a | smile, and the elegant half of his body looked back.

“I’ve thought about it, but one guy has inspired me with his own experience. He told me that I can illuminate other people’s lives and put them on track… I chose to take his word for it. ”

That’s what Ross said during that chance encounter, and he certainly wouldn’t contradict himself.

Ross raised his eyebrows and raised his right hand with a smile.

Pepper raised his palm and gave him a high five.

The applause was crisp.

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