The new chairman Gideon Malik died on the same day as his predecessor Watsons II, and the sudden bad news immediately brought the restructuring of the pharmaceutical company to a halt, because no one could have expected Malik to be targeted, so no one had prepared to substitute, so now that he is gone, who can play an acceptable role for all parties to save the dilemma that is getting out of control has become an extremely tricky thing.

Fortunately, this tricky matter has nothing to do with Ross, for him, this powerful competitor has completely become a thing of the past, so after eliminating the potential threat, he immediately returns to the lab to handle his work.

In the past few days, while the attention has been focused on competitors, a private security company called “Watchmen” has quietly entered the | intense preparatory stage.

On the surface, this company has little to do with the laboratory, except for the name of Ross in the funder, the two operate completely different business scopes, administrative and financial are basically independent, Todd and John are specifically responsible for the company’s directors, but privately it will become a test field for the laboratory, accept new equipment provided by the higher institution, and at the same time create conditions for Ross to try various aspects.

Before the establishment of a new company, the most important task is to hire employees and hire instructors.

Due to the rescue of many prisoners at the Long Island Underground Research Institute, Ross temporarily suspended the idea of recruiting more mutants and increased the hiring of ordinary people instead. Excluded for a long time, many mutants have not received a normal education at all, people like Toad Todd, although they can usually be used with confidence, but he is difficult to do too complex and delicate work, and does not have enough understanding of the art of management, it is enough that they can maintain their current state, Ross needs some ordinary people with excellent qualities to work for himself.

He needs some retired non-commissioned officers, to be exact, he needs some guys who have served overseas and know how to lead the team, and they themselves must have a certain combat effectiveness, and the number of personnel is tentatively set at between twenty and fifty.

Fortunately, such people are not difficult to find, especially when the capital generously waving the checkbook, those who meet the conditions but lack money on hand are always particularly responsive.

In just three days, the Watchmen Company recruited enough people, both those who saw job advertisements automatically and those introduced through acquaintance channels, who were not only sufficient in quantity, but also of good quality, and one of the lowest-ranking applicants had also been awarded a medal by the Pentagon for merit.

The federal government is grateful to the federal government for their rigid rules, which have created an awkward situation for middle- and lower-level soldiers, and in order to save military money, even Navy SEALs with years of combat experience and E-7 U.S. military salaries are only $54,000 a year, although the tasks are different, but the salaries of the team members are always the same. During the same period, the average salary of American teachers was fifty-five thousand dollars a year, which was a thousand yuan more than a commando who was born to death.

The situation is worse than average, many people do not receive 54,000 yuan at all, and young commandos who have just passed training receive less than 2,000 dollars a month, less than half the average teacher’s salary, and the latter can take two to three months off a year, whether senior or newly employed.

When soldiers are still in service, they can receive some subsidies, but once they leave the army, |these benefits are all gone, so many junior officers quickly fall into difficulties after retiring, which creates excellent conditions for the Watchmen to hire them, as can be seen in the disappointed expressions of those who came late.

In order to promote employment, the local government gave the green light to the establishment of companies, and what made them more interested was Ross’s super human risk control plan through Watchmen.

The content of this plan is very simple, the most important one is that the company intends to openly recruit some superpowers, integrate them into the company’s management, pay them salaries, provide support, usually act with ordinary staff, enjoy promotions and bonuses according to performance, and when superheroes or super criminals pose a danger to the protected party, they will defend or reduce the harm of this risk and reduce the loss of the employer.

If in the past, the people would not have been interested in this project, in the eyes of most people, superpowers are always a double-edged sword, and they don’t know when they will hurt themselves, but as mutants make a big fuss in New York several times, wealthy citizens begin to worry about whether their homes will become the next battlefield, so they begin to have some needs.

What Ross has to do is to expose some of his power to the sun and legally have control.

Local politicians were also interested in his ideas, arguing that once the feasibility of using superpowers to stifle superpowers in a given conflict was proven, threatened voters would discover their foresight, creating opportunities for them to collect votes | move to higher levels.

In this way, some of the clean-experienced mutants, led by Steel Lux Pete and Bobby the Iceman, turned into employees of the Watchman Company.

Ross’s approach caused some criticism, but by this time the mutant and Watson had just shed blood, and no one wanted to provoke another racial conflict, so he attributed it to the whims of the young man and acquiesced to his actions.

In addition, it is strange that the last candidate is neither a mutant nor a retired non-commissioned officer, but he is unexpectedly received by Ross.

The man’s name was Ulysses Crowe.

Born into a military family, German-American, his father Frieze worked for the Nazi government during the war, in order to find special materials to make weapons, Frieze went to a secret country in central Africa to find the metal called vibranium, but he failed, was destroyed by the powerful king, and lost his life and that of the entire team, but Crowe remembered his father’s hatred and grew up to return to that country and quietly explore |the most important ore source like his father.

During a theft of ore, Crow accidentally killed the previous king known locally as the Black Panther, and the new Black Panther severely injured his right hand in revenge and almost amputated his leg, but after returning to the United States, the miracle drug of the cutting-edge laboratory allowed him to retrieve an arm, but at that time, the production of Phinex potion was extremely small, the price was sky-high, and the expensive treatment cost made him spend his savings, and he was immersed in failure and depression every day.

It wasn’t until Ross occasionally heard someone mention him that he sent his men to find the drunken guy from the tavern.

Although from his life experience, he is a complete failure, fortunately, Mr. Crow still has a little basic common sense, knowing that the opportunity must be seized tightly, so when he got the news that the new genius and rich Ross Byrne named him to see him, he immediately packed his bags and took the bus to the small city of upstate New York, and came to Ross’s office early in the morning.

When he came to Ross, Todd and John, who had not yet set off for Central Asia, were also nearby.

Although they didn’t want Crowe, Ross insisted on keeping the guy.

The facts are clear, Crowe is a bastard. Accustomed to alcoholism, not caring about other people’s opinions, clinging to hatred, and admitting that he will not stay in the company for long, and eventually he will return to the small African country like his father to start his own revenge plan—- such a bastard, but has the deepest understanding of that mysterious country, so Ross must control him.

At least as a guide, Crowe was certainly more competent than others.

In Ross’s impression, Crow later became a black market arms dealer who secretly smuggled vibranium, and he was also the downside of Ultron’s right hand after Ultron’s birth, which shows that he has some channels for Wakanda.

“What’s there?” John is very confused, he has never heard of this country, only that vibranium is a super material for making Captain America’s shield.

“Isn’t it enough to have vibranium?” Crowe scratched his hair in distress, crumpling them extremely messy.

He could see that his two future bosses didn’t like him, but he never wanted to be likeable.

Fortunately, there is always someone who appreciates him, so Crowe is willing to share the secret with him.

“Wakanda is currently the only source of vibranium in the world, and the country has always wanted to keep it a secret, and in this regard, it has been really successful, although there are satellites everywhere in the sky, but few people have found this hidden country deep in the rainforest.” As the only specialty in the world, vibranium is of course an unprecedented | profit, I have done research, if it can be mined steadily, it is worth $500 billion in terms of industrial demand alone, which is enough to make cutting-edge laboratories the Pentagon’s most popular regulars. ”

He asked rhetorically while looking at Ross’s expression.

Yu Guang accidentally glanced at a colorful chong spider crawling slowly on Ross’s table, and Crowe couldn’t help but twitch his face.

In fact, this is a newly bred genetically modified variety model in the laboratory, but Ross does not need to explain it to others, so outsiders have always thought that this is a chong insect. Underneath its reddish fur, the spider possesses some mutant genes, the most important of which are the golden steel wolf and saber-toothed tiger, and Maya and Connors are studying what changes occur when its venom and mutant cells are neutralized.

Momo, a red rose spider native to the Chilean desert, Ross casually asks questions to new hires, and he cares about the situation in Wakanda.

The new employee patiently explained the instructions for him until Ross formed a basic impression in his mind.

Stroking | the spider, Ross sank for a moment.

“Mr. Crow, I think we can be more honest with each other, I know your wishes, without affecting the mission, I am willing to provide you with some help, in return, I want you to lead my people deep |into Wakanda and bring back at least some ore specimens.”

“I can do it, boss, as long as your people listen to me.” Crowe tried to hold down the joy in his heart and nodded vigorously, which was not difficult for him.

“Very good, nice to meet you.” Ross stood up.

The two sides shook hands and sent the guests out of the office, and the two responsible persons followed and walked out.

After half a minute, Todd sneaked back.

“Stark is here again, and he’s talking to Miss Pepper.”

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