After leaving the box where the Viper Gang was meeting, Qi Yu took Hannah by the hand and returned to the box of the high school classmate reunion party.

Everyone in this box, after experiencing the arrest of the underworld people just now, the original classmate reunion party has begun to change, and the classmate Dylan, Merlin, Bobby, and Se After the four Linna escaped from the underworld, through Dylan’s detailed description of the person who was present at the time, especially the description of the later cutting of people’s tongues and stomping of hands, almost all of the classmates were frightened. Many timid girls were scared to cry.

So, someone called the police, and most people agreed.

In their opinion, although Locke has no clear relationship with the underworld, he is an old classmate who has spent three years with them in high school. Moreover, the other party is proud and took the initiative to contract this classmate reunion party. All the expenses of the food, so that everyone has no worries, eat and drink well.

In general, they looked at Locke also a little pleasing to the eye and helped the police as they should.

“Ai, it’s up to now. Hannah and her boyfriend haven’t come out yet. Could something really happen?” A female classmate wearing denim hot pants anxiously asked Said everyone who was together.

“So curiosity kills the cat. Sometimes, it’s better not to scare and join in the fun.” A yellow-haired girl who didn’t have a good relationship with Hannah before euphemistically expressed her taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Hannah, Heaven helps the worthy, nothing will happen!” A male student who had a crush on Hannah for three years in high school firmly said.

But another male classmate quickly broke his beautiful delusion, “You have also heard from monitor Dylan before that it was the Boss of the Viper Gang who asked Hannah to stay, Viper What level of influential figure is the Boss of the help? You should be very clear without me explaining more. Let’s just say that we called the police just now, for him, who rules Brooklyn’s entire underground Dark World , It’s probably not even useful at all. Do you think Hannah will be fine if she meets such a person?”

“Hannah, she was the classmate of our high school class, she was very beautiful Beautiful, maybe the big guy stayed with her just to get her body. If that’s the case, Hannah’s life will not be a problem.” Another male classmate speculated.

While the students were talking anxiously while waiting for the police to arrive, suddenly the door of the box was pushed open from the outside.

One man and one woman, the man walked in from the outside holding the woman’s hand.

Everyone turned their heads to look around.

It is Hannah classmate and her Chinese boyfriend!

For a time, everyone walked quickly across the street, rushing to the two who had returned intact.

Mei Lin came to Hannah and hugged Hannah tightly.

“Hannah, you…are you okay?” After hugging for a while, Hannah let go of her arms, crying in her questioning voice.

“I’m fine!” Hannah shrugged, smiling.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have abandoned you just now. I left first.” The guilty Meilin thought for a long time, and finally decided to apologize to Hannah.

“You can’t say that. In the life-threatening emergency, even more how the other party is an influential figure of our ordinary person cannot afford to offend. It’s correct that you leave as soon as possible. Choice.” The kind Hannah forgave Mei Lin.

Squad leader Dylan looked up and down Qi Yu, trying to find the scars and blood stains from Qi Yu’s body.

But no matter how you look for it, there is no trace.

“In the box where the Viper Gang was meeting, you used to provoke Mr. Slake so arrogantly, but…but you came back intact?” Squad leader Dylan was puzzled. The expression was quite puzzled.

“Because…” Qi Yu began to explain.

The classmates, like Dylan’s monitor, also had questions about the safe return of the two of them. Therefore, when Qi Yu was about to explain the reason, everyone raised their ears and prepared to listen carefully.

Qi Yu shrugged, then said: “Because Mr. Slake is a reasonable person!”

“A reasonable person?”

The crowd was in an uproar, obviously not expecting such a reason.

“Yes, my boyfriend is very slippery. It was he who used his charm of language to convince people with reason and convinced Mr. Slake, and finally settled the conflict between them almost peacefully.” Hannah also cooperated on the sidelines, flicking along with Qi Yu.

“You two are back well, what about Locke and his model girlfriend, how are they?” Dylan asked.

“Isn’t the Hungry Wolf Gang where Locke is also planning to be incorporated into the Viper Gang? He is currently having a meeting with a group of underworld bosses!” Qi Yu curl one’s lip, replied.

Although Qi Yu’s explanation is actually made up, it is always reasonable and difficult to see through.

So monitor Dylan believed, Merlin, Bobby, Serena also believed, and everyone else also believed.

And if Qi Yu tells his classmates the truth of the facts, he said that he used his overlord spirit to frighten all the triad bosses and bodyguards present. It is estimated that none of the more than 30 students People would believe what Qi Yu said, but they would feel that Qi Yu was forced by boasting, suffering from severe delusions, and thought that oneself was the Superhero against criminals.

This is often the truth.

If you tell the truth, they don’t believe it, and if you tell lies that they can accept, they will believe it.

If you talk too much, you will lose.

Qi Yu patted his hands, half-cracking a joke, and said: “Hannah and I are back safe and sound. It’s okay. Let’s all go away. Surround us, making us both look like monkeys. It’s like.”

The students laughed face when they heard Qi Yu’s cold joke.

So, the party gradually returned to a relaxed atmosphere in a tense atmosphere, and continued to begin…

Qi Yu and Hannah were drinking wine while meeting a few classmates Chatting.

After Qi Yu finished drinking the wine in the glass, he walked to the white cloth round table and prepared to pour oneself with one third wine.

However, the moment Qi Yu just finished pouring the wine and looked up, he suddenly saw outside the box door and hurriedly walked in with a familiar face——

Peter Parker!

Qi Yu can easily guess that Peter Parker is also a member of this high school classmate reunion party.

Of course, he was late.

According to Spider-Man Peter Parker’s urinary sex, he must have been on the way to the classmate reunion party when he encountered someone in need of rescue, or a criminal incident, so he was delayed. Time.

“Hey! Peter!” Qi Yu held the wine glass in one hand, beckoned to Peter a few meters away with the other hand, and walked towards him at the same time.

Hearing someone calling oneself, the small transparent hanging silk that is often forgotten in the corner by everyone, Peter followed the source of the sound and looked towards Qi Yu.

With breathing time, Qi Yu has come to Peter.

“The two of us met two years ago, don’t you forget who I am?”

Seeing Peter, I didn’t say anything, Qi Yu couldn’t help but wonder Road, patted Peter’s shoulder.

hearing this, Peter frowned slightly.

To be honest, oneself is really familiar with this Chinese, and this face is indeed familiar.

Trying to think about the impression of Qi Yu in his mind, after a few seconds, Peter finally remembered why the Chinese in front of him looked so familiar!

“You are…”

Peter raised his hand and pointed at Qi Yu who was on the opposite side, with five points of surprise and five points of joy on his face, “Teletubby Killer King!?”

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