The Night of Fallen Night is a small famous bar on Conte Aksha.

It is located in the prosperous Southern Region, one of the three five-star rated bars in the entire Southern Region.

The consumption level of the bar at Fallen Night is higher than most bars on this planet. Often a single person can spend hundreds of stars here in one night, if it is a group of friends Come, hey, then you have to prepare a few thousand stars in advance, don’t get drunk but don’t have enough money to pay the bill.

Take a black jeep smart taxi in the city, Qi Yu, fatty traveler Harvey, red-clothed sexy woman Christine, and also Bill Prince and the girl who acted as the host Following Diana, the group of five quickly arrived at the Night of Fallen Bar.

At this moment, it is the night. Blink on the door of this bar is decorated with neon lights of various colors. Also, the endless stream of customers outside the bar is enough to demonstrate its booming business.

It is worth mentioning that the bar here is not like the one on Earth, but a hall of several hundred square meters for hundreds of guests to drink and play.

Falling Night is a large ten-story bar, each floor has several thousand square meters, including the noisy and lively public bar area, but also many relatively quiet private boxes. The entire bar has a large construction area and can accommodate tens of thousands of people to consume here.

Bill Prince, after all, is Prince from Bocht, a rich lord.

Looking at the clothes out of the ordinary on him, a blue-skinned bartender and waiter eagerly greeted him immediately.

“Five distinguished guests, are you here for a drink?”

The blue bartender asked with a smile on his waist.

“Nonsense, come to the bar not to drink, don’t you drink water?”

Bill Prince gave the blue bartender a white look, “Arrange a high-end private room for us, and then Open a few bottles of valuable and good wine.”

After the order, Bill Prince took out a 30 denomination star coin and rewarded it to the blue bartender.

The tip of 30 stars can definitely be regarded as a generous take action. It is important to know that the tip of most customers generally does not exceed 5 stars.

Receiving the reward happily, the blue bartender immediately walked in front, bending over respectfully and reaching out, guiding the five guests to the high-end area of ​​Tenth Layer.

After taking the elevator to the tenth floor, five people entered a box and sat down.

Soon, a few bottles of expensive Cocktail were brought up, and the bartender backed away and took the door to leave, leaving private space for the guests in the box.

As a woman who often wanders among men with money in casinos, Christine has a very open personality and is very playful.

Just after the bartender left, she used the utensil to pry open the wine stopper, one after another pour the wine in front of the five people.

“Cheers to our starry sky journey!”


Qi Yu, Harvey, Bill Prince, Christine join hands The cups touched, then drank their heads up, and sat down.

However, Diana is obviously not following the crowd. She is still a female warrior who does her own way, standing quietly beside Bill Prince, with a serious look on the surrounding situation. I don’t know if she should be described as high and cold, or if she should be too serious.

Bill Prince got used to it and didn’t say anything.

“By the way, Christine, which planet are you from?”

Bill Prince put down his wine glass and leaned on the soft Ornylon leather sofa.

“Zehouberger Star.”

Christine raised her hand and wiped the bead on her red lips, “a planet that has been reborn from suffering. “

“Zehoubeili star?”

Qi Yu frowned, something seems to have been thought of.

This Zehouberg star seems to be the planet where Gamora, the adopted daughter of Thanos, was born, and was bloodbathed by Thanos when Gamora was eight years old.

When I got interested, I immediately asked, “Did your planet have a major event more than 20 years ago?”

“You mean the crazy Titan Thanos led the army to bloodbath our planet?”

See Qi Yu nodded, Christine Shrugged said, “In the disaster of race massacre, half of the population of Zehouberg They were all cleansed. I was only six years old and witnessed the miserable conditions on the scene. In retrospect, it was a terrifying day. My parents were also reduced to the half-killed souls because of bad luck. The other half of the unwashed population survived. After that, they did not sleep well for several months, and often woke up from nightmares in the middle of the night.”

Listening to Christine’s account of the past, Qi Yu, Harvey, and Bill Prince were all immersed in it, listening with interest as she continued.

Even Diana, the cold female warrior like a machine, is slightly moved at this moment, a pair of beautiful eyes glancing at Christine secretly, listening with keen interest pleasure.

“I thought our planet was over. After all, civilization was ruined and devastated, the clansman was slaughtered in half, and everyone was immersed in grief for relatives, lovers, and friends. Restless.”

Kristin browses slightly wrinkle with a complicated expression on her face, “But fate often likes to tease people. Slowly, many people gradually come out of the shadow of sadness and hatred. , Began to repair and develop the planet civilization again. Before being included on Thanos’s bloodbath list, our planet was overpopulated, and the limited resources allocated to everyone seemed stretched.”

“Laughable Yes, after half of the population was washed out by Thanos, the resources available to everyone on our planet increased. Gradually, many of the original social problems seemed to be solved, and the speed of the planet civilization was surprisingly fast.”

“Let’s go to see our Zehoubeili Star now, and you’ll find that civilization has developed better than before, and people live happier lives. There are no more huge social conflicts caused by resource shortages. There is a paranoid faction in the planet that actually began to believe in the dark Titan god like Thanos, thinking that the bloody cleansing was actually a necessary baptism to realize the self-redemption of the race.”

Speaking of which , A bitter smile appeared on Christine’s face, “You said that a cruel demon who slaughtered the planet’s tens of millions of people was regarded as a Savior by the remaining survivors. Is this a great irony?”

For a long while, no one spoke.

Apart from all around the light music played by the mechanical audio, there was silence in the box.

Someone is torturing own’s heart.

Someone is re-examining the meaning of killing.

Someone is thinking about whether Thanos’s “evil” is as pure as it is widely spread.

In the silent atmosphere, Diana suddenly leaned over behind Bill Prince, reached out and picked up the bottle full of wine on the table, and handed it to her mouth to bite off the cork.

“I toast you a glass!”

Diana raised the bottle and blew it directly into the bottle. In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, the whole bottle soon Was drunk.

“Diana, didn’t expect your drink to be so good.”

Bill Prince couldn’t help giving her a thumbs up. The alcohol he ordered was generally alcoholic. Not low, especially the bottle that Diana had just drunk, and it was a very high-alcoholic fiery spirit. An ordinary person would become a delirious drunk after drinking it, let alone a whole bottle.

“I am an advanced warrior from Douxing. In our Douxing, even the low-ranking warriors have better alcohol than the overwhelming majority in this galaxy.”

Diana Wiping the wine contaminated at the corner of his mouth, he immediately raised his arm and slammed the empty wine bottle on the ground.

With a click, the bottle broke.

The other four were immediately taken aback.

“Are you crazy?”

Bill Prince was in a panic, stroking his heart’s beating chest, leaning sideways and looking up at Diana beside him.

“I can prove that she is not crazy.”

Qi Yu spread out both hands and explained with a smile, “Because I have a friend who lives in Asgard Star Domain, he also I like to drop a glass after drinking.”


In the music-filled box, the atmosphere relaxes, and there is a burst of happy laughter and cheerful voices.


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