The roar shook the sky, and all the houses within ten kilometers of the slum were shattered by the Hulk’s roar.

In Banner’s rental house, Hulk reappears, he punches the wall of the room, and the green giant appears in front of the gangsters.


Frightened gangsters, desperate to shoot at the Hulk.

All the bullets hit the Hulk’s tough skin, leaving not a single bullet mark behind.

After Lin Feng’s stimulation last night, the Hulk’s defense and strength were terrifyingly high, and he let out a mournful cry after he picked up the little black dog with his huge fingers.

Bullets rained down on the Hulk, and the angry Hulk put down the little black dog, jumped over, smashed a wall, threw himself in front of the gangsters, and a huge fist blasted out at the crowd.

The five gangsters didn’t even have the ability to dodge, so they were hit by a huge punch that came quickly, and when they were hit, the five immediately turned into minced meat and were torn apart by the terrifying punch force.

Before Yu Wei was finished, Hulk’s fist hit the cement column of the floor, the cement column more than one meter thick was directly shattered, the five-story building lost its pillars, the floor began to collapse, and other gangsters were ready to escape, and were smashed down by the falling cement slab.

The Hulk walked out of the dusty building, and a few gangsters who escaped by luck fled into the distance in fear.

Hulk grabbed two cars on the side of the building and threw them out like toys.

The two-ton car, after being thrown out by Hulk’s brute force, was as fast as a cannonball, and the four gangsters had just run out of tens of meters when they were hit by two thrown cars.

The car hit a one-story building on the street with four gangsters, the car exploded, boomed, the ten-story building was directly blown down, and the four gangsters had long been reduced to pieces.

In the nearby neighborhood, there were terrified cries of people, and countless people fled in all directions, and they were frightened by the Hulk.

The anger made the Hulk lose his mind, the gangsters were not killed, the Hulk’s anger could not be released, and he began to spread his anger to the nearby building.

A punch blasted out, a building fell, and with a foot on it, the road directly cracked and broke.

The Hulk becomes a violent maniac, and everything that stands in his way becomes his target for venting.

“Hulk, that’s enough!”

Lin Feng flew in mid-air, trying to remind the Hulk not to kill innocents.

The huge head turned to look at Lin Feng, and the Hulk, who had lost his mind, looked at Lin Feng and seemed to be a little impressed.

Suddenly, Hulk pulled his legs and ran, his huge body ran at supersonic speed on the street, and cars were directly hit by him, Hulk seemed to remember the battle with Lin Feng last night, and was beaten miserably by Lin Feng, he actually dodged Lin Feng desperately and fled wildly.

“I’ll go, am I so terrible? Why are you hiding from me! ”

Lin Feng was anxious and flew after Hulk.

The faster Lin Feng chased, the faster Hulk ran, and in the blink of an eye, all three nearby streets were destroyed by Hulk, and I don’t know how many cars were smashed. The Hulk is still running desperately.

“There is no way, it seems that you can only use ‘molecular shock’ to subdue you, let you continue to destroy like this, I don’t know how many innocent people will be killed.”

Lin Feng was preparing to use the ‘Molecular Concussion Ring’ to defeat the Hulk, in the distant sky, several gunships flew into the sky, and the Brazilian police learned that a huge monster appeared, and mobilized the army to start chasing the Hulk.

Gunships flew in the sky, bullets rained down on the Hulk, rockets, missiles, and bombarded the Hulk madly with flames.

The cracking flames soared into the air, and the explosion shook the sky.

Those rockets and missiles produced more destructive power than the Hulk knocked down.

Looking at the helicopter overhead, Hulk felt that the thing was as annoying as a fly, grabbed two cars casually, and threw them directly into the sky.

With two loud bangs, the car, flying at supersonic speed, hit the helicopter, the explosion sounded, and the two helicopters were killed in seconds.

The Hulk flew up and slammed a punch into another helicopter, shattering that helicopter to pieces. Ordinary armies are vulnerable in the face of the Hulk.

In Lin Feng’s ears, Tony’s voice was heard: “Lin, we found the Hulk and are hunting him, how are you?” ”

Lin Feng sighed: “I was right behind the Hulk, he was afraid of me, so he fled.” ”

“Lin, I can’t watch the Hulk go on like this, I plan to deal with the Hulk with Major Emile.”

“Tony, you’re not Hulk’s opponent, don’t act rashly, leave that guy to me!”

In his ears, Tony was upset: “Lin, you underestimate me, isn’t it a huge monster?” What’s great. ”

Lin Feng was stunned: “I’ll go… Is this Iron Man vs the Hulk? ”

Lin Feng really wanted to tell Tony that after Hulk was stimulated by himself last night, he became super strong, and it was not something Tony could deal with now. But Tony is proud and will believe that he can’t deal with a green monster.

In the sky, a US military transport plane flew over, and on the plane, groups of American soldiers landed on the ground and bombarded the Hulk madly with various weapons. At the head was a white major.

“Major Emile . . .”

Lin Feng recognized the special forces who took the lead, this guy called Emil is a top special soldier, it is said that he has never lost a battle, he led the team to capture the Hulk under the order of Major Ross, this guy has no idea how terrifying the Hulk is.

In the movie, after seeing the horror of the Hulk, he asks the military to inject him with that genetic potion, and he also wants to have the strength of the Hulk.

After the first injection of Superman serum, Emil thought he was awesome and wanted to single out the Hulk, but as soon as they met, he was kicked by the Hulk and fractured his bones.

In desperation, Emil asked General Ross to increase his injection and inject all kinds of superhuman serum into his bone marrow.

After the second mutation, Emil also turned into a huge monster, he grew bones all over his body, turned into armor to wrap his body, the power is infinite, he mutated into the notorious ‘abomination’, he kills people when he sees them, and the destructive power is amazing.

To stop him, Banner jumped from the plane, turned into a Hulk under dangerous prodding, and beat Abomination in three or two strokes.

The Hulk saved countless Americans, which earned the respect of many, and to the applause, Ross was forced to let Hulk go.

The plot of the movie has appeared, and Lin Feng can only wait for the progress of things to develop.

In the sky, Tony appeared, he was wearing a 3rd generation suit, equipped with a 4th generation reactor, relying on the ability to fly, he flew to the Hulk at once and punched the Hulk. After being knocked down a building by this punch, Hulk got up and let out an angry roar before rushing at Tony.

With a loud bang, Tony didn’t expect the Hulk to lean on meat. The body can reach supersonic speed, and after being directly hit by a punch, even the person with the suit flew out of the distance and knocked down a building.

The shocking battle between Iron Man and the Hulk scared those American soldiers to fly, Hulk’s defense is too perverted, even if Tony uses various weapons to attack, it still can’t break Hulk’s defense.

Tony even used more than a dozen weapons to attack the Hulk, and it didn’t work at all.

Aside from hand-to-hand combat, Tony couldn’t hurt the Hulk at all.

The power of the Hulk’s fist made Tony’s heart jump, and the 3rd generation suit has been punched out of many holes by the Hulk’s fist. The 4th generation reactor can make Tony’s fist reach tens of millions of tons, but this fist power is too far behind the Hulk.

In Lin Feng’s ears, Tony’s voice was heard: “Lin, the Hulk is too strong, come and help.” ”

Lin Feng smiled: “I told you a long time ago, you can’t get him now, unless you make an ‘anti-Hulk suit’, you really can’t hurt him.” ”

“Fak, back to the Stark Group, I’ll study the anti-Jake suit, this guy is too wild. Brute, come and help me deal with him. ”


Lin Feng swept by, and after using the molecular shock ring, Hulk’s huge body was numb and plopped.

“Finally caught this guy.”

After Major Emil saw Lin Feng grab the Hulk, he was excited: “Lin, thank you!” We’ve brought this monster back to the United States, and your mission is complete. ”

Lin Feng shook his head: “I captured the Hulk, I’ll take him back to the United States, you guys go first.” ”

“Lin… General Ross ordered us to capture the Hulk. ”

“Lao Tzu doesn’t care what General Ross, give me a roll.”

Lin Feng roared, and that Major Emile was unwilling to climb into the helicopter with the soldiers.

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