Zola’s three evil plans made Lin Feng, Banner, and Tony a little worried, but what is the use of worrying, the most important thing at the moment is to improve their strength. Without strength, no matter how worried you are, you are blindly worried.

After the three returned, Lin Feng decided to make more different types of battle suits to improve his strength.

In the last mutant war, humans finally reached the goal of mutual understanding and mutual forgiveness with mutants, and Magneto, the villain, also came together with Professor X in order to fight the Hydra organization. Magneto’s ‘Brotherhood of Mutants’ and Professor X’s ‘School of Wiesel’ are no longer enemies, and the mutant crisis is finally resolved.

But now, if Zola uses tricks, really let Scarlet . The Red Witch runs violent, and the consequences are dangerous.

Dark red. The Red Witch itself does not have much attack power except for spiritual power. But she can use her psychic powers to kill, or change the will of any mutant. If it is true that Zola wants to destroy the world, the only way the witch can achieve this goal is to manipulate all mutants and declare war on humanity.

If the mutant were to make enemies of humans again, the consequences would be unimaginable, and in order to prevent trouble, Lin Feng must make various preparations.

Lin Feng decided to engage in a set of ‘anti-Magneto suit’, this suit is made of pure nanofibers, there is no metal, the chip is used in liquid biochips, even if he meets Magneto, no matter how strong his ability to control metal is, it is useless, and the nanofiber suit is not afraid of Magneto’s control.

With this kind of battle suit, even if Magneto became bad again, Lin Feng could deal with him.

In order to worry that the X-Men were also manipulated by witches, Lin Feng decided to get an anti-laser eye suit.

The ‘anti-laser eye suit’ is a bit complicated, the laser eye blasts out the ray, which is actually a high-energy laser, and the temperature is extremely high, enough to cut most things except Edman alloy. To deal with laser eyes, the only technology that can be used is ‘dark energy technology’.

There is a dark energy that has the property that it does not interact with light, not even gravity.

If Lin Feng could find this dark energy and use it to make a battle suit. No matter how powerful the laser eye is, it will not work for Lin Feng.

Dark red. The Red Witch’s mental power is very strong, and even Professor X’s mental power cannot be compared with her.

In order to deal with this kind of spiritual power, Lin Feng decided to come up with an ‘anti-mental power battle suit’. In order to prevent being attacked by Professor X, Magneto found someone to make a helmet, which can resist the attack of spiritual power.

Because the witch was too strong, Lin Feng had to come up with a suit that was ten times or even a hundred times stronger than the helmet that Magneto wore in order to resist the witch.

In addition to his daughter, Magneto’s son ‘Quicksilver’ is the fastest among mutants, he can even move close to the speed of light, in order to deal with this monster, Lin Feng decided to create a set of ‘gravity suits’

Wearing this suit, Lin Feng can increase the gravity of the center of the earth by 100 times to hundreds of times, and with the effect of the ‘Gravity Ring’, even if Quicksilver becomes bad, Lin Feng does not have to worry. Using gravity to make his body countless times heavier, Lin Feng did not believe that he could still move at a speed close to the speed of light.

Lin Feng immediately began to act, took out 10 billion US dollars of funds, Lin Feng teamed up with Tony, began to plan for the new suit, began to work hard.

Lin Feng first started with the ‘anti-Magneto suit’, originally Lin Feng planned to use nanofibers to make this kind of suit, but after thinking and thinking, Lin Feng felt that this kind of suit was similar to the 4th generation liquid biological suit, and it was not made of metal.

The 4th generation of biological liquid suits has stronger performance than nanofiber suits, and it has the ability to repair itself. In addition, it can also be deformed, apparently engaged in 4 generations of biological combat suits, killing two birds with one stone.

In order to come up with the 4th generation of biological liquid combat suits, Lin Feng had to raise all his ‘biomaterial technology’ to the level of the ‘solar system’.

After spending 50,000 talent points, there was another ‘biomaterial technology’ on the technology tree, and branches and leaves grew, and huge knowledge flowed into Lin Feng’s mind like a stream of water.

Lin Feng already knew how to make liquid biological materials, using the molecules of various plants to combine into super materials, Lin Feng concentrated on studying liquid biological combat suits.

A week passed unconsciously, and Lin Feng finally came up with a liquid biological suit in the laboratory.

This liquid raw combat suit has the factor of plastic, the factor of rubber, various resins, nano-ceramic powder… and other 198 kinds of materials, mixed with nanofibers to fabricate, and also using biotechnology, to create a biomimetic nervous system.

Under the control of liquid biochips, using neural remote sensing technology, the suit can accept various commands and change various forms.

Biological suits can turn into liquid and solid at any time, and after Lin Feng changes their molecular structure, their density is tighter, reaching 300 times that of rubber and plastic, and they have super toughness and elasticity. Sex, but also anti-electricity, lightning, waterproof, in order to prevent fire and high temperature, nano ceramics will play a role.

Lin Feng tested the performance of the 4th generation biological suit, and the indicators of this suit met Lin Feng’s requirements.

With an order, the battle suit turned into a fist-sized liquid ball and appeared in Lin Feng’s palm, and with another order, the liquid ball was like a spider’s web, all over Lin Feng’s body, protecting him to the point of impenetration.

Use the electromagnetic gun to attack the liquid biological suit, the electromagnetic sniper gun that can penetrate the 10-meter-thick steel wall, and after bombarding the thin suit, the super plastic factor, and the super rubber factor, directly bounce the bullet. A hole appeared in the suit, but in a microsecond, it was automatically repaired.

The repair ability of the liquid creature suit is unmatched by other suits.

Super plastic factor, and rubber factor, if used to make money, can be applied to the car, using these two super biological materials to make the bumper of the car, even if the car hits the iron wall at the fastest speed, there will be no accident. These two materials will improve the shock absorption system of the car by a hundred times.

“Damn it, sell these two material technologies to Huaxia, there will be no more car accidents in the world, I can save countless people, this thing will definitely make me a lot of talent points and money.”

Lin Feng was excited for a moment, and began to invest in the research of other battle suits.

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