The first time he tried to use the 'Cosmic Rubik's Cube' to open up space, Lin Feng actually did it, which made him extremely excited.

"Damn, you have to use this gem to lead humanity to the stars. "

Lin Feng happily returned to the Avengers headquarters in the 6th generation suit.

As soon as he returned to the headquarters, Lin Feng received news from Yan Huang that in the solar system, nine planets were slowly converging towards one place, which was a complete violation of the common sense of astrophysics.

In the solar system, the nine planets revolve around the sun, and now the nine planets are actually forming a straight line.

There is no doubt that the nine stars are conjoined and the celestial body convergence is about to appear, and the cosmic space channel is about to be opened.

The nine-star conjoined body, in addition to allowing multiple universes and worlds to communicate with each other, will have a terrible impact on the earth.

The gravitational pull of the earth is due to the action of the sun and the moon, and now that the earth no longer revolves around the sun, the gravitational pull will be out of balance, and countless tsunamis and earthquakes will occur.

However, Lin Feng doesn't have to worry too much, most of the buildings in the world are now built with tempered cement, even if there is a super earthquake or tsunami, the harm to human beings is limited.

Lin Feng knew that the matter was too serious, and immediately asked Yan Huang and Jarvis to continue monitoring, and after Lin Feng loaded the antimatter cannonball into the miniature electromagnetic cannon on his shoulder, Lin Feng sent a prompt to the world on Revenge Island.

"Hello friends from all over the world, I have bad news for everyone. We have discovered that the nine planets of the solar system are orbiting in a state that defies the common sense of physics. I predict that in another day or so, things will get worse. "

"I call on all people around the world to stay in their homes in their own safe homes. Disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis are imminent. And the world will soon be weightless. All cars on the road should return to the garage immediately, and all boats on the sea should return quickly. "

After Lin Feng issued a warning to the world, Lin Feng once again ordered the spacecraft between the Moon and Mars to suspend all flight missions and all of them must stay in a safe place. All the inhabitants of Mars, please return home immediately.

Lin Feng's reminder made the world panic, and in one day, like the end of the world, 7 billion people around the world began to look for shelter.

Lin Feng took all the Avengers and flew to New York in his battle suit.

As soon as he arrived in New York, Lin Feng was reminded by Yan Huang and Jarvis that the situation of celestial body aggregation was getting more and more serious, and the nine planets in the solar system were about to be connected in a straight line.

Lin Feng's brows furrowed, in New York, the influence of the nine-star conjoined body and the celestial body convergence was becoming more and more serious. The most obvious place is that gravity has become abnormal.

The cars on the road began to lose weight, and the pedestrians on the road began to act like light masters in martial arts novels, and they could step in the air.

"Damn, I hope that the gravitational abnormality will not destroy the atmosphere. "

Lin Feng's biggest concern is that after the gravitational force loses its effect, it will not be able to retain the atmosphere, if there is no atmosphere to filter the light, after the sun's rays directly hit the earth, the global temperature will rise to about 60 to 70 degrees in a short time.

Such high temperatures would melt the glaciers of the Antarctic and Arctic, the waters would skyrocket, and a terrifying tsunami would affect every coastal city around the globe.

Big cities like New York, Shanghai, and so on may become water towns.

"Try modifying reality with the 'Gem of Reality'. "

Lin Feng was worried, and once again urged Xiongkou's 'Reality Gem', Lin Feng tried to use this Infinity Stone to modify reality.

Lin Feng's eyes were tightly closed, silently contacting the reality gem, aether particles poured out of Lin Feng's body like blood, and after these aether particles flew into the sky, they were affecting the whole world.

Under the effect of the aether particle modification reality, the global weightlessness began to slowly become normal, and the atmosphere did not change at all.

Ether particles are removing the effects of celestial aggregation on Earth every minute.

"It's a pity that I can't use the power of this gem to the fullest, otherwise I can use the ability of the Infinity Stones to modify reality and return the nine planets to their places. "

Lin Feng could only exert the power of the Reality Gem to this extent, changing the celestial body retrograde, there was nothing he could do.

In the sky, the nine planets are moving in the same direction with an irreversible trend.

What had been a sunny day suddenly turned into night, and due to the influence of celestial convergence, satellites began to lose their effectiveness, global communications were almost completely paralyzed, and human cries of horror resounded in the city.

In space, the nine planets are converging faster and faster.

Lin Feng was a little anxious: "Yan Huang, Jarvis, help me find the location of the celestial body convergence." "

"Boss, through calculations, I predict that the position of the celestial body convergence will be over New York, over Queens of Manghton, and then there will be a space passage with a diameter of five kilometers. With the influence of celestial convergence, that channel will get bigger and bigger. Then the whole of New York, and even the whole world, will be enveloped. "

"Yan Huang, continue to monitor everything. "

Lin Feng soared into the sky and flew towards Queens, New York.

As soon as he arrived in Queens, Lin Feng saw that the space was unstable, and some strange scenes appeared in the sky from time to time, or there were extremely large mountains, or terrifying monsters appeared.

Different scenes appeared in the sky, everything was like a magic movie, flickering and changing in the sky, provoking many residents of the city under their feet to turn their heads to look strange.

Lin Feng raised his vigilance, and the antimatter cannon was already aimed at the sky.

About four hours later, nine planets in the solar system were joined in a straight line.

There was a boom, as if the glass was shattered, and a circle of light appeared in the sky above Queens, and on the other side of the circle were all kinds of strange planets, each of which was like sand in the desert.

The sea of stars appeared in front of him, the aperture was expanding larger and wider, this cosmic passage had opened the doors of many worlds, and Lin Feng saw that among the hundreds of millions of planets, there were monsters the size of mountains. There are planets where space battleships that fly at the speed of light appear.

Even Lin Feng saw groups of immortal cultivators, cosmic zergs, galaxy-level monsters, all kinds of mechanical creatures, and all kinds of weird humans wearing robes and stepping on swords, all of which were completely presented in front of him.

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