Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 423: : Dirty

Ye Chen is not interested in other people's private affairs at all, but in many cases, when treating a person's illness, when the patient needs to recover, he has to be clear about what happened to the other person.

For example, when Ye Chen treats Xu Wenwen for his madness, he must understand exactly what happened before and what caused the cause.

"Ms. Wu, if you are twenty years younger, and you will be treated with me at that time, you may be able to cure your infertility, and you may have grandchildren now. But at that time, I was not born, let alone I I think you should have seen a lot of doctors, but it didn't work. This should be your life, and you can't blame others." Ye Chen said. When Lin Xinting next to her heard this, she hurriedly pulled Ye Chen to stop him from speaking out.

After all, this is exactly what caused Wu Lanqing's pain and worry. Didn't Ye Chen say that now makes her even more angry?

After Wu Lanqing heard it, she didn't know why, but she let out a sigh of relief. She found that the young man was right. For so many years, she had seen many doctors. It was useless, and it was indeed her own life. It's just that I have lived for more than 50 years, but I still haven't seen these thoroughly, and I still can't match the mentality of the young man before me.

"Those things, I think they are over, now the most important thing is to cure your current disease, otherwise, if this continues, you really won't live a long life!" Ye Chen still looked at him like that.

"Then you can treat me!" Wu Lanqing said, but now her tone is no longer as aggressive as before, but has become calmer. Perhaps this is why she began to trust Ye Chen.

"Miss Wu, then I need to understand your current situation first." Ye Chen said.

"Usually it is upset and irritable, insomnia and dreaminess, which are aggravated by mood swings," Wu Lanqing said.

"Then how long is this, how long is the attack time?" Ye Chen asked while sitting there.

"It has been around for more than 20 years, and the duration of each attack is long or short. This attack occurred a few days ago, because some entangled affairs of the company caused upset and insomnia, so I came here for medical examination. No other special circumstances, the female doctor diagnosed with neurosis and took 5 doses of Anshen Bu Nao Liquid to Resent and Yangxin Anshen Decoction. The effect was not obvious. Now she can only sleep with the help of Western pills."

"Sister Xin Ting, would you show me Miss Wu's prescription?" Ye Chen said of course the prescription of the medicine for Zhenjing Yangxin Anshen Decoction.

A few days ago, Sun Mengjie had something like that in Qinglong Group, and Ye Chen also prescribed her a prescription to calm the nerves. However, after Sun Mengjie drank it, she looked very energetic the next day, even as usual.

Of course, facing different people, facing different illnesses, and facing patients of different ages, if you can't prescribe the right medicine, even the most expensive medicinal materials cannot cure the disease.

When Lin Xinting went to find the prescription for Zhenjingyangxin Anshen Decoction, Ye Chen looked at the prescription on it and saw that it was the female doctor in the affiliated hospital. In response to Wu Lanqing’s current situation and her age, she prescribed A famous party.

This decoction of Zhenjingyangxin Anshen was a famous Chinese medicine prescription in ancient times, and it was used by many frightened emperors or other princes, and the effect was also very good. However, facing Wu Lanqing's situation now, it has no effect. It can only be said that the right medicine has not been prescribed.

Now Wu Lanqing usually has to go to sleep and needs the help of western pills. Ye Chen guessed that it should be a sleeping pill. This medicine is very effective in a short period of time. Many people use this medicine when they suffer from insomnia at night or for a long time.

However, the side effects of sleeping pills are too great, they are used too much, and they may even become addicted and strongly dependent. Therefore, Ye Chen generally does not recommend that doctors prescribe this medicine to patients with insomnia. It has been used a lot, and the harm to the human body is really great.

After reading it, Ye Chen handed the prescription back to Lin Xinting. As for soothing the nerves and invigorating brain fluid, Ye Chen knew that this was also a Chinese patent medicine, but when it was taken, it was much more convenient than medicinal soup. As for the effects, these are all classified as tranquilizers.

Now Wu Lanqing has been taking it. If there is no effect, it shows that her illness is very serious. It is not simply these tranquilizers that can cure or even relieve her illness.

"Then what happened every time you had an attack before?" Ye Chen asked Wu Lanqing again.

"The same is affected by mood swings, prone to upset, worsening insomnia, taking oryzanol, and taking 3 tablets of Shule Diazide at night, you can sleep for 4 hours. However, it is easy to dream and wake up easily." Wu Lanqing said helplessly.

Suffering from this disease, she is 58 years old now, and it looks like she is over 50 years old. However, if it is a person from a family background like her, who has money to maintain, eats well and wears well, it usually looks like more than 40 points at most, and it is not as old as it is now.

"Then what are the specific symptoms when you are sick now?" Ye Chen asked.

"During the day, my brain is confused, unable to control myself, upset, impatient, irritable, likes to swear, looks unpleasant at everything, and occasionally feels sad and crying, memory is significantly reduced, palpitation, palpitations, weakness, dizziness, chest tightness Shortness of breath, wandering pain throughout the body from time to time.” Wu Lanqing thought about her symptoms one after another, even after Lin Xinting prompted them to say it.

It can now be heard that Wu Lanqing's illness is very serious. Of course, in addition to her heart disease, it has a lot to do with her age.

After all, Wu Lanqing is not a young woman, but an old woman in her 50s and 60s. Her physical constitution is inferior to the young in all aspects, and her memory will naturally decline in all aspects.

Ye Chen looked at Wu Lanqing's face, except that his complexion was chlorosis and chronically ill, and mentally exhausted, his eyes were also very unhappy. If it weren't for her to be angry, she would really see that she was a very old patient.

Let her stick out her tongue, and then look at her tongue, and after knowing her pulse just now, Ye Chen basically knew her condition.

As for other things, Wu Lanqing didn't tell her heart disease. However, Ye Chen knew that the cause of her illness was closely related to the infertility caused by the abortion that year, and that she had no biological offspring. This kind of medical history, if other doctors ask the patient and the patient doesn't tell it personally, then they definitely don't know.

However, it has been clear and can be determined just now, so I will not ask her why that happened.

After all, asking again now is just to make Wu Lanqing angry and hold that breath. Therefore, it is still better to prescribe medicine for her first, let her drink the traditional Chinese medicine soup first, and get rid of her dependence on western pills such as sleeping pills, so that her body can recover slowly under the conditioning of the traditional Chinese medicine soup, and then slow down later. Slowly understand those things about her.

However, Ye Chen knew that with Liao Lao's medical skills, as long as she was treated, Wu Lanqing's illness did not need to be delayed. But why didn't she see other male doctors?

Ye Chen didn't know, but guessed that it should also have a lot to do with the situation that she had been looking for a doctor and couldn't treat her after she was infertile due to a miscarriage.

Therefore, this time, if Ye Chen hadn't told her about her situation, or even deliberately angered the other party, the other party was really unwilling to accept his treatment.

"Young man, what is my disease? Can it be cured?" Wu Lanqing looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"This is called visceral irritation in Chinese medicine. It has long been recorded and studied in Chinese medicine books. This can naturally be cured!" Ye Chen said. Perhaps in the eyes of other doctors, this is more difficult to treat, especially Wu Lanqing's disease, which has been around for more than 20 years, and it must be an intractable disease. However, in Ye Chen's view, as long as he finds the symptoms and prescribes the right medicine, it is naturally not difficult.

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