Master of Beasts

Chapter 313: Rely on the old and sell the old

   He Guan’s body smashed heavily into the ruined house, and suddenly the brick wall collapsed and turned into a mess of ruins, filled with smoke.


After a while, as the smoke dissipated, an embarrassed figure with a disheveled head pushed away the bricks and stones that were pressing on him, and stood up slowly, staring at Xiao Yang with bitter eyes.

Looking at He Guan in the ruins, except for Chen Su's dull face, everyone else was expressionless. A small steward dare to embarrass the honorary elder, and he is also the honorary elder of the fourth grade alchemy master. , I'm so impatient.

These people are just named in the Obsidian Society, even for Gong Yu, they don't have much awe, not to mention, they are just a small steward.

Moreover, they are both honorary elders, so their hearts are obviously more inclined to Xiao Yang's side.

"Do you dare to hit me?"

He Guan gritted his teeth and thought that with President Gong Yu standing behind him, Xiao Yang would be in awe of him for three points, but in front of so many people, he was beaten in such a miserable state, which made his face very Can't hang on.

"Noisy and yelling, in what manner."

At the moment He Guan just walked out of the ruins, a rickety old man's shadow suddenly walked over. He glanced at Xiao Yang, then at the dusty He Guan, and said in a sharp voice: "He Guan , How did you make it like this."

He Guan looked overjoyed when he saw the coming person. He immediately pointed at Xiao Yang and said with an angry expression: "Chairman Cui, this is the new honorary elder. I just made a joke with him, but he just rebelled. As a fourth-rank alchemy master, I will directly attack him. If it weren't for my fate, I'm afraid I would have been beaten to death just now!"

Hearing He Guan's words with strong indignation, Xiao Yang sneered in his heart. It was just a third-order spiritualist. If he really wanted to make a heavy hand, the current He Guan would be smashed so that he could not even distinguish the human form.

"is it?"

Hearing the words, the old man named Cui raised his eyebrows slightly, then looked at Xiao Yang, curled his lips and said, "Little brother, I am the honorary president of the Obsidian Society, Cui Ting, what matters is just a joke. It’s not a big deal, are you so aggressive."

As soon as these words came out, even Chen Su next to him was embarrassed. This joke seemed to be too big.

"Sorry, I don't like people joking with me." Xiao Yang glanced at the four-star badge on Cui Ting's chest, and said flatly.

"Hehe, it's so hostile. It's just been promoted to the fourth rank alchemist, and the tail is up to the sky."

Cui Ting pretended to shook his head: "Little brother, your character seems to be bad."

Hearing this, the surrounding honorary elders frowned slightly. It is not difficult to see that Cui Ting is deliberately favoring the official. This matter, if it is placed on any of them, is probably going to be thunderous.

As for Cui Ting, it was obvious that he couldn't speak while standing.

"My character doesn't need President Cui. For you, Chen Su, give you three breaths time to hand over the spiritual power runestones in this mansion, otherwise, what happened just now will repeat itself." Xiao The faint sun said.

Spiritual power runestones are the exclusive items of each high-level mansion. Only the formation mage can create them. Only those who control the spiritual power runestones can enter the mansion freely, and everyone else will be isolated by special formations.

"Little brother, I like to do things so much. It's me who suffers." Cui Ting saw that Xiao Yang didn't give him face, and his face gradually became cold. In this elder's house, he has become accustomed to relying on the old and selling old. Once someone dared to refute him in public.

"Unfortunately, I just like to do things."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yang's figure suddenly flashed in front of He Guan, his right hand extended firmly grasped his collar, and immediately threw it out fiercely.


He Guan, with a frightened expression, only let out a scream, and then he flew into the ruins again, billowing smoke and dust, covering his figure.

"Bold, it's so bold!" Cui Ting's face flushed with anger, and Xiao Yang went so far as to beat He Guan again in front of him, which made him feel provoked.

"Three breaths." Xiao Yang looked at the ruins where the smoke was rising, and his calm voice came out slowly.


The atmosphere in the arena was slightly silent, and immediately a cyan light burst out from the ruins, and Xiao Yang grabbed it in his hand.

That is a pair of exquisite runestones. The upper one is used to inlay the stele of the mansion. At the same time, the magic circle below the mansion will open quickly, covering the whole above. Only the one holding the other runestone Only people can break through the limits of the magic circle and step into it.

Looking at He Guan who was out of breath, Xiao Yang's mouth twitched slightly. The wicked still need to be grinded by the wicked. For some people, if you bear it once, they will treat you as soft. The attitude behind will become worse and worse, only to be scared of them. Only then will there be the possibility of peace and security.

"I will tell President Gong Yu everything about this matter." Cui Ting glared at Xiao Yang viciously, then turned around, squeezed a few honorary elders, and walked in the direction of the Obsidian Society.

"How old I am, I still like to file complaints." Xiao Yang curled his mouth. As his fourth-rank alchemist, according to common sense, he could also be the honorary president, but because he didn't like being restrained, he only did it. Just an honorary elder.

After all, this is only a temporary foothold. After all the things are resolved, he will leave on his own and go to the wider world outside.

Xiao Yang's disdainful voice came into his ears. Cui Ting's body trembled slightly, and the palm of his angry hand trembled. He whispered in a low voice, "It's too much for me to have no respect. I will not only tell Gong Yu, but also inform Gong Yu. The owner of the animal husbandry."

Seeing Cui Ting leaving, Xiao Yang sighed helplessly and looked at Chen Su: "What is this person's background? Will Qian Yaofang or Obsidian have a lot of power?"

Looking at the four-star badge on Xiao Yang’s chest, Chen Su wriggled his throat without a trace, and said cautiously: “This person is a close friend of President Gong Yu. Five years ago, he was invited to serve as the honorary president. , Not even a pill was refined for the Obsidian Society, instead he enjoyed countless resources. Some people even said that he privately allocated the elixir and medicinal materials of the Qianyaofang to the Obsidian Society and sold them to other forces at low prices. "

"You really dare to say it." Xiao Yang glanced at Chen Su in surprise Originally, he was just asking casually, but he didn't expect to get such important information.

"The Obsidian will be divided into two forces. I am not part of Gong Yu's side." Chen Su blinked and said, it is not difficult to see that he has a hint of wooing Xiao Yang. After all, this is a fourth-rank alchemist, and The future potential is extremely huge.

"Thank you, you can come to me for tea in the future if you have time." Xiao Yang smiled.

Hearing this, Chen Su was overjoyed in his heart. As a human spirit, he didn't know the meaning of this sentence.

Slightly waved his hand, Xiao Yang walked to the mansion stone tablet, put the spiritual power rune stone into it, and smiled faintly.

Finally, there is a place to live.

"Hey, I didn't expect the new honorary elder to be so talkative. This is a fourth-rank alchemist. In the future, Vice President Tang Qian will have one more bargaining chip."

Seeing Xiao Yang walking into the mansion with his own eyes, Chen Su scratched his scalp and smiled. Soon after he ignored the resentful He Guan, he turned and walked back alone.

(Last night my friend celebrated his birthday, drank some wine, dizzy, originally wanted to owe a change, after thinking about it, I was really embarrassed to speak, so he was dizzy, abruptly coded a chapter, and finally woke up. Look, the names are really confusing.

Okay, I might have drunk fake wine and quit in the future, forgive me...)

(End of this chapter)


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