Master of Beasts

Chapter 324: perish together

   The fascinating fragrance breeze rushed towards his face, Xiao Yang frowned slightly, and a light yellow spiritual barrier appeared instinctively in front of him, blocking the shadow that was about to plunge into his arms.

There was a small sound of footsteps landing in the room. The woman who retreated again and again, with a faint mist in her beautiful eyes, looked at Xiao Yang with rain, she seemed to be a little bit sad.

"Are you from Zhou Tong?" Xiao Yang's voice was cold, and the Rock Shuttle in his hand was slightly clenched. To the enemy, even a weak woman could not be underestimated.

In this big six, I don't know how many strong people died in the hands of women.

"I... Of course I am not."

The woman looked at Xiao Yang excitedly, and her eager voice sounded: "My name is Cangyu. I was **** by that **** Zhou Tong. Please take me and leave this Bali alley. As long as I can go out, what do you want me to do? Anything."


Gently sniffing his nose, Xiao Yang sniffed the smell of the air, and immediately looked at Zhou Tong, who was lying on the ground, jokingly, "The boss of Dangtang Balixiang also made the shot himself. You said you fell. Don't drop the price."

Zhou Tong's legs were broken, his face was close to the ground, his eyes were full of resentment.

This feeling reminded him of the time when he was a slave. At that time, he was **** by a group of spiritual masters, and he could only lie on the ground in this humiliating posture all day. The difference is that now He was kicked and broken by Xiao Yangsheng. If he didn't pay a big price, he would never want to stand up again in his life.

"So, can you take me out?" Cang Yu looked at Xiao Yang expectantly, with a lovely expression, I was afraid that few people would cruelly refuse.

"Take you, of course."

The corner of his mouth was lifted slightly, and the rock fragmentation shuttle in Xiao Yang's hand suddenly stabbed to his side: "However, it was when you didn't light the blue soul incense."

As a sound of flesh and flesh was spreading, the sharp tip of Broken Rock Shuttle was directly sent into the mouth of a spirit beast, and the body of that spirit beast suddenly fell soft and splashed. His blood stained the walls.

It was a petite fox-shaped spirit beast, with a body about the size of a palm, and its fuchsia fur, which was quite soft. The tail end was a little beautiful white, and the pair of beautiful glazed eyes stared at Xiao Yang closely. , But the vitality in it, gradually dissipated.

Purple charm fox, ninth-order high general division level, magical attribute.

" could it happen!"

Seeing that his spirit beast was killed, Cang Yu's delicate body trembled, and a deep horror and disbelief appeared on his face.

Blue Soul Incense is an incense polished from the stamens of the Blue Soul Flower of the Wood Spirit Beast. It has a powerful dazzling effect, while the Purple Charm Fox can confuse the enemy by distorting the line of sight, thereby making itself The figure is hidden.

With this double effect, even some spiritual masters would have to be recruited, but Xiao Yang could easily break it?

Throwing off the body of the Purple Demon Fox, Xiao Yang rolled his mouth in disdain, this blue soul fragrance, he had seen it in Bai Shuize’s water purification pavilion how many times, and when it comes to playing incense, Cang Yu connected to Bai Shuize’s one. A little finger, I'm afraid it can't be compared.


The moment Xiao Yang just walked into the room, Zhou Tong, who was lying on the ground, suddenly turned cold, his outstretched palm slapped **** a piece of the floor, and his body was facing quickly. Roll down the next table.

"not good!"

Eyelids twitched slightly, and the wings behind Xiao Yang popped out like lightning. With a sudden wave, he violently exited the room, and a sharp and unmatched arrow was nailed into the floor in front of his feet with a sound.

The rain-like dense arrows shot down the sky and the earth violently. The originally empty house instantly turned into a forest of arrows feathers, while Cangyu’s body was covered with arrows, until she died. Never thought that Zhou Tong was the one who killed her.

"It's really ruthless to start."

Next to Xiao Yang, the figure of Master Mo appeared. He glanced at the scene in the house and smiled lightly: "Except for Zhou Tong's subordinates, everyone is gathered in the southwest house. They will not wake up within three hours. Come."

Hearing this, Xiao Yang nodded slowly. At the beginning of the battle, Master Mo cleared all the innocent people out of the battlefield, otherwise such an astonishing confrontation would not be able to survive.

"go in."

Putting away the rocky wings behind him, Xiao Yang slowly walked into the room, his gaze swept across the dense arrows, and immediately stayed under the table that Zhou Tong was rolling towards.

There, there was no figure of Zhou Tong, only arrows, nailed into the floor.

"These old foxes, if nothing else is good, they have many ways to save their lives."

With a sneer from his mouth, Xiao Yang took out the Star Dragon Ball, a dazzling lightning beam, suddenly shot out of it, and instantly shattered the floor.

In the smoke and dust, a dark hole appeared in sight.

And as the entrance of the cave appeared, a scorching wind roared from it, causing the Chi Yan on Xiao Yang's shoulder to open his eyes with excitement.

"It seems that the flame is right below here." Master Mo smiled and said.

Licking the corner of his mouth slightly, Xiao Yang's light yellow flame mask circulated around him, and immediately jumped in without hesitation, but before he fell to the ground, the wings on his back opened again, carrying him with him. Close to the angle on one side of the darkroom.

This kind of action, even if Zhou Tong had other methods of sneak attack, he could avoid it with the greatest chance.

In the dark room, it was hot. There were small boxes on the surrounding shelves Don't think about it, but also know that these boxes are Zhou Tong's private collection.

But the strange thing is that the most central location is a vast land. On the land, there are ghost flowers growing. Above the ghost flowers, a deep yellow flame is suspended, and fiery waves spread from it. Out.

Seeing that flame, both Xiao Yang and Chi Yan's hearts were throbbing. Although this breath also belongs to Yang Yan, it is several times more powerful than ordinary Yang Yan!

"Boy, you are dead."

Leaning at the corner opposite to Xiao Yang, Zhou Tong sneered sarcastically on his face: "This kind of flame contains extremely terrifying heat. Even Lin Yin's ice-bound tyrant has accidentally contaminated it. All were severely injured in an instant, so, you Four Origin Spiritist, just die in this dark room with me, Zhou Tong!"

Zhou Tong laughed and raised his palm, a pitch-black sword energy that had exhausted his life's spiritual power, cut through the air, and quickly collided with the deep yellow flame.


The flames squirmed quickly, and after a while, carrying the hot temperature, they suddenly swept out. Wherever they passed, the wooden frames quickly turned into ashes and disappeared in a flash.

The pupils of his eyes were filled with a deep yellow color, and Xiao Yang heard Zhou Tong's frantic laughter, a faint arc, but it slowly twitched from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)


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