Master of Beasts

Chapter 365: Tingfenglou

   The night is quiet, in the vast sky, the full moon is dim, the stars are sparse, and the boundless silence covers the whole earth.

In the mansion, Chi Yan leaned lazily on the corner of the wall, nibbling on a round fruit, with fiery eyes, staring at the spirit fruit in Chi Yan's arms. For a moment, she finally couldn't help it. He stretched out his little hand and poked it lightly.

Being poked by Kong Lingluo, Chi Yan was stunned for a moment, and immediately hugged the Lingguo in his arms, with a nervous expression on his face.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Xiao Yang looked at a bell in his hand with strange eyes.

This bell, named Nanyin Ling, is a spirit beast with sound attribute, which is the same as the sound transmission snail, and can be used for communication.

However, the difference is that the communication distance of Transsioning Conch is no more than an ancient city at most, while Nanyinling can span the entire empire. The gap between the two can be imagined.


With the infusion of Xiao Yang’s spiritual power, Nan Yinling’s eyes suddenly opened, and the entire body of the bell changed drastically. After an instant, a light blue mark appeared in its body. As long as the mark was touched, Can be immediately felt by You Li's Nan Yinling.

Turning the Nan Yinling in his hand, Xiao Yang squeezed his mouth lightly. He was sure that there was no place to sell Nan Yinling in the entire Xueyue Empire, and You Li could actually take out one at hand. It seems her background, It's not as simple as it seems.

Shaking his head slightly, throwing away the messy thoughts in his mind, Xiao Yang put away Nan Yinling, and immediately the third spiritual door opened, and the body of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros appeared in the room. The silver-white armor was in the room. Under the shining of the moonlight, it was shining brightly.

Now, it's time to refine Han Tu Guo.

Reaching out his hand over the empty stone, the Han Tu fruit covered with serpentine scales appeared in his palm. Xiao Yang waved his hand, and the Han Tu fruit was grabbed by the rock horned dragon rhinoceros.

"I don't know if refining this cold tea fruit will bring unexpected surprises." Xiao Yang looked at the rock horned dragon rhinoceros, with a faint expectation in his heart.

Among all his spirit beasts, the lowest strength is Rockhorn Rhinoceros. As long as it rises up, the journey to the Nether Light Empire will have another layer of protection.

Time passes by day by day.

Under Xiao Yang’s shock, no one in the elder’s house had any other thoughts about Ye Lan. Even the male spiritualists didn’t even dare to look at her. Xiao Yang beat Zhuo Qiu and abolished Cui. Many people still vividly remember the scene of Lee.

As Xiao Yang’s Dantong, Lin Qiong was unimpeded in the elder’s home. Cui Li, who had to exert tremendous effort on every step with a cane, couldn’t help but when he saw Lin Qiong shook his fist provocatively. His mouth opened in horror.

He saw with his own eyes that Lin Qiong's hands were all chopped off by Old Gu's double knife stings, and now they were unharmed, which made his mind buzzing beyond thinking.

At this moment, the Tang family.

"Honglian, this trip to the Nether Light Empire is a rare experience, but you must be very careful no matter what. There, no one will support you. If you get into trouble, you will be in danger of death at any time, remember. "

Putting an empty boundary stone into Tang Honglian's hands, Tang Yancheng said with a serious face that he had dealt with the powerful men of the Youguang Empire over the years and naturally knew how deep the water was there.

"Father, don't worry."

Smiling and putting away the Kongjie Stone, Tang Honglian waved her hand indifferently, and seeing her expression, Tang Yancheng couldn't help but shook his head secretly in his heart.

In the past few years, the snowstorm has been too calm. The flowers in these greenhouses have no sense of crisis. It is not a bad thing to make them suffer.

Such a scene has been staged in various places, except for one corner of course.


The faint sandalwood incense lingers in the air, and the fine sunlight projected in from the carved windows, scattered on the ground, shining brightly on the highest floor of the Tingfeng Building.

"You mean, the people in your door provoke You Li?"

A middle-aged man in a white robe tapped his fingers on the tabletop. After a long time, he shook his head helplessly.

Judging from his appearance, Mo Feng is the host of Tingfeng Lou, who has been made Master Feng.

"Sect Master Yang, it’s not that I said you. Life in the City of Fire is comfortable, but you should also care about things in the Snowstorm City occasionally. Fortunately, the strength of the two elders under your family is not high. Otherwise, if You Li is out The slightest slip, your entire Huo Lie Sect has to be closed down by the royal family." Mo Feng said in a condensed voice.

"Fortunately indeed."

Huo Lie Sect Master Yang Yan nodded with lingering fears, and a sullen gloom came into his eyes: "The elder named Yang Yi was killed by me as soon as he came back. Believe the royal family, he has already seen me. Sincerity."

Hearing that, Mo Feng squinted his eyes slightly. This Yang Yan is also a ruthless person. Yang Yi's strength can be considered good in the Snow City, not to mention the Huo Lie Sect, and Yang Yan wants to protect himself. It really has a certain amount of courage to be able to kill the killer.

"However, there is something important in my Huolie Gate. It is in the hands of the person named Xiao Yang. I will take it back anyway." Yang Yan's expression was gloomy, if it weren't for the elder's house to be the trump card of Thousand Drugs. He had already visited the house directly, so there was no need to look for the ink style.

"Xiao Yang, huh, this is not easy." Mo Feng smiled slightly, then bowed his head and took a sip of tea, his twinkling eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Mo Feng, we are all so familiar. If we have some words, we opened up and said, I believe, you want to kill him, no less than me." Yang Yan stared at Mo Feng, with a sneer of sneer, on his face. Arise.

Hearing this, Mo Feng's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light. After Balixiang was destroyed, he was anxious for a long time. He always felt that this matter could not be separated from Xiao Yang.

As an underground intelligence dealer in Wind and Snow City, he put a lot of eyeliners in every corner That night, Xiao Yang mysteriously disappeared in the Elder's Courtyard, and shortly after he was destroyed in Balixiang, Returned quietly.

All this is hard not to make people think.

He has a hunch that after Zhou Tong, the next person to be destroyed may be him.

"In this case, Sect Master Yang, let's work together so that this kid can enter the Nether Light Empire and can't return to Xueyue, how about?" Mo Feng put down the tea cup in his hand, and the smile on his face was quite strange.

"How to cooperate?" Yang Yan smiled.

"My cooperation is a bit amazing. I hope Yang Menzhu will see it and don't be frightened."

Haha laughed, Mo Feng took out a list from the empty boundary stone, and pressed it lightly on the table: "A few days ago, the royal secrets disappeared, and the ones on the list took them away. Some have been killed, while others have already infiltrated the Netherlight Empire."

The last word of the ink wind fell, and Yang Yan's eyelids twitched slightly. Only a few people knew the news, and he knew nothing.

"Tell you another secret."

Standing up, Mo Feng placed his mouth next to Yang Yan's ear, and whispered, "I did this."

The voice of the ink wind echoed, and Yang Yan's eyes shrank instantly.

(End of this chapter)


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