Master of Beasts

Chapter 368: Dark Beast

   The white worm, about the size of an inch, squirmed gently in Xiao Yang's palm, and in front of his slightly raised head, there was a nearly transparent silk thread, floating in the wind.

Thousand Silkworm, high lord spirit beast, ice attribute.

This peculiar spirit beast was exchanged by Xiao Yang from the elder’s pavilion of the elder’s house at the cost of 20,000 contributions. As long as the spiritual power is poured into it, the thousand silkworms can spit out a large amount of ice silk, covering the spirit. The surface of the master's body can not only change the appearance of the spiritual master, but also his skin color.

Flip the palm of his hand and put the Thousand Silkworms into the special small box. Xiao Yang smiled faintly. Without this, it would take a lot of energy to enter the Nether Light Empire.

"Let's go."

Smiling at You Li, Xiao Yang walked out of the alley.

As long as they come in, they will be an inconspicuous member of the Netherlight Empire, no matter who they are, they will not pay too much attention to them, just like Snow City, they will never care about the spiritual masters who enter it.


Lying on Xiao Yang's shoulder, Chi Yan yawned lazily, and immediately stretched out his small paws and grabbed Xiao Yang's head. A grunting sound came from its abdomen.

Hearing this sound, Xiao Yang shook his head and said with a smile: "Let's find a restaurant first and have something to eat."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Pang Yi said in a cold voice: "Xiao Yang, we are here to do things, not to travel around the mountains and water, please remember your mission."


Xiao Yang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, pointed at the pedestrians on the street, and said lazily, "The astrolabe has not yet responded. Where can I go to find the rebellious person? Is it possible? You have to pull them over one by one and ask if they are from Xueyue stole the secret spirit?"

Hearing this, You Li pursed her lips. Although the astrolabe can sense the secret spirit, those who are rebellious are not fools. They will use spiritual power to wrap the secret spirit as much as possible and hinder the perception of the astrolabe, unless, yes Their spiritual power has caused huge turbulence, and only then will the compass show their general position.

Looking at Xiao Yang and You Li who walked to the front, Pang Yi's eyes became colder and colder.

As the 15th strongest on the Rin Bing List, he hadn't put Xiao Yang in his eyes from the beginning, but he never thought that Xiao Yang was actually a fourth-rank alchemist.

You should know that even some Lingpan strong people must be polite when they see a fourth-grade pill. In such a comparison, the gap between the two can be imagined.

Entering the restaurant, Pang Yi saw Xiao Yang and Youli sitting down by the window, and there was no place for him next to him. A touch of coldness suddenly enveloped his face.


With a cold snort in his mouth, Pang Yi found a place where there was no one, and sat down with a gloomy expression. The light from the corner of his eyes, with a thick shadow, glanced at Xiao Yang from time to time.

"I really don't know what the leader Lei Zhen thinks, how to draw this trouble to our side."

Feeling the unkindness in Pang Yi's eyes, Xiao Yang felt a little headache. If he had a choice, he would rather not have this helper and bring him with him, which would make things more complicated.

"Because his popularity is so bad, no one else is willing to do things with him." You Li smiled, her soft voice was not caught by Pang Yi.

After ordering some food, the two ate slowly, but the astrolabe did not respond. No matter how anxious they were, there was nothing they could do, so they might as well wait for the changes.


Just as the two were leisurely tasting the dishes of the Nether Light Empire, a low explosion sound suddenly came from below the restaurant, which was mixed with a few angry curses.

Standing up, Xiao Yang looked down, his brows wrinkled without a trace.

"Dare to trouble me the Black Skull Teacher, you are making yourself uncomfortable."

It was a young man in a black robe who was talking. The smile on his face was quite stern. As he turned and left, a pale skull appeared on the raised black robe.

And behind him, there were several corpses covered with bloodstains lying horizontally, gurgling blood, flowing out of them, from a height, the bright red patch looked particularly dazzling.


After the young man left, dozens of men dressed in the same service followed Qi Qi. Their pale faces looked extremely strange.

Suddenly, the young man raised his head, his eyes and Xiao Yang's calm gaze collided with each other, and for a moment, a dark and sly smile flooded his face.

With a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, the young man retracted his gaze and walked straight forward.

Looking at the young man's back, Xiao Yang's eyes were slightly squinted, and the young man's chilling smile in front of him was lingering.

That smile makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"It's Liu Chang of the Black Skull Sect. These people are also unlucky. I don't know the Guiyu City. The least offended is the Black Skull Sect. They, but the overlord here."

In the restaurant, someone sighed.

"Ghost Cry City, Black Skull Religion." Xiao Yang sat back where he was, with a pensive expression on his face.

There are a total of eighteen gates around the Nether Light Empire, and what they entered is the territory of the Ghost Cry City. Although the strength of the spiritualists here is far inferior to the middle area of ​​the Nether Light Empire, this place is also the most chaotic place.

It is said that around the Nether Light Empire, there are not even the City Lord, only some medium-sized forces, as the top combat power, entrenched here.

"This Black Skull Sect is no small trouble. Their leader, named Kun Sha, is said to have a spirit beast, an eighth-order high spirit master level Bone Dragon, which is especially difficult to deal with." You Li whispered Nodded slightly, Xiao Yang was about to say something, suddenly there was a sharp voice in the chaotic restaurant.

"The movements of the Black Skull Teaching are really getting more and more frequent. I heard that the Black Underworld Orb that appeared in the city three years ago and disappeared in a flash is about to reappear. I am afraid that soon, the city will be unstable again. ."

"Black Mingzhu..."

Gently chewing the food in his mouth, Xiao Yang's eyes moved slightly, and he obtained a Black Ming Orb in the Bloodstone Pass, but he walked around Hei Mingyuan without any effect.

"It turns out to be Black Mingzhu."

You Li stroked Chi Yan's little head and smiled lightly: "I heard that this thing is a necessary item for sealing a dark attribute profound beast. If you want to form a sealing formation, you need a total of four, but Black Mingzhu They are scattered all over the big six and it is difficult to get together, so no one has ever verified the authenticity of this legend."

Hearing this, Xiao Yang's heartbeat was slightly rushed, and a touch of ecstasy emerged on his face.

After Kong Lingluo passed, he finally heard the news of the profound beast again!

"That profound beast...what's its name?" Xiao Yang managed to suppress the excitement in his heart, and quietly sounded with a slightly trembling voice.

"Xuanjulu ranked seventeenth, the king of the night."

(End of this chapter)


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