Master of Beasts

Chapter 399: Weird Lin He

In front of the Qianji Building, Xiao Yang stood on the street, watching the flow of people coming and going. He stretched out casually. After not wandering around in the busy city for a long time, everything here seemed strangely strange.

"I don't know what they are doing now." Xiao Yang said casually while walking on the street. They were naturally the people who came to this Nether Light Empire with them.

"Fortunately, except for Tan Gong and Lin Cheng, unfortunately they died." You Li whispered.

Hearing this, Xiao Yang was slightly silent. Although these two people were not familiar with him, they were all members of the Xueyue Empire. Hearing the news of their deaths, he felt slightly uncomfortable.

As if to relieve Xiao Yang, the next You Li took him around several streets until it was getting dark, and the two of them rose into the sky and headed for the dilapidated restaurant.

"You said, Pang Yi will still be there." You Li sat on the back of the blue-winged sea butterfly, her hand holding a bunch of Xiu behind her ear, Qiao's face with a slight smile.

"I guess, he should be looking for us around now with the people from the Black Skull Cult." Xiao Yang twitched the corner of his mouth lightly.

If he guessed correctly, Pang Yi is really a listener of Fenglou, then he would definitely not miss this good opportunity to kill with a knife.

"Your enemies seem to be many." You Li blinked Shuiling's big eyes. In her capacity, she rarely experienced fights, so her enemies had never happened before.

"I'm used to it. Since I left the family, I haven't enjoyed a few days of stability." Xiao Yang smiled freely, and he wanted to become stronger.

Seeing the young man's mature face compared to being in the Black Scale Mountains, You Li's heart suddenly felt a little distressed.

As a person without background, being able to become a strong spiritual master in just a few years, the suffering experienced by those family children who enjoy a lot of cultivation resources in Snow City is simply unimaginable.

The setting sun gradually fell, and there was only a hint of orange sunset in the western sky, hunting the evening breeze, and with some warm breath, it slapped on the faces of the two of them.

The dilapidated restaurant still stood there abruptly, and the subtle lights permeated from it, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark sky.

Pushing open the restaurant door, Xiao Yang and You Li walked in slowly. Lin He, with his back rickety, was sitting at the table, stuffing his mouth with meat, and when he saw someone coming in, he turned around hurriedly. Come.

When he saw You Li, a faint astonishment and panic seemed to flash in his muddy old eyes.

"Senior, it's so late, and I haven't rested yet." Xiao Yang sat down at another table and smiled at Lin He. For this old man, he still has a good impression of him. I saw the elders of the Xiao family.

"It's still the same." You Li also pursed her mouth, holding her jade hand with the exquisite cold water and the cool temperature, which is extremely comfortable in this hot summer.

"It's the same, cough cough..."

Standing tremblingly, Lin He shook his head slightly and sighed: "I'm so old and forgetful. I don't know girl, what was important last time, can you say it again."

Looking at Lin He's old face, Xiao Yang's brow wrinkled without a trace. He suddenly felt that something was wrong, but for a while, he couldn't tell.

"Then just make some." You Li smiled.

Looking at Lin He walking behind the curtain, Xiao Yang's eyes flickered slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What are you looking at?" You Li gently placed Shui Linglong in Yu's hand on the table, squeezing it into a strange shape.


Squeezing tightly on the tabletop, Shui Linglong's body was almost reduced in half. It struggled fiercely, seeming to be extremely resistant to You Li's actions.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, Lin He, compared to the previous days, it seems a bit weird." Xiao Yang frowned slightly, his premonition has always been very accurate.

"You feel it too?" You Li smiled slightly, her hand supporting her chin, showing a thoughtful look.

"Ahem, two little friends, I've been waiting for a long time." Lin He put a few dishes on the table, and Chi Yan, who had been hungry for a long time, jumped directly off Xiao Yang's shoulder, with an extremely indecent gesture of eating. With paws delivering food to the mouth, feasting.

"Senior, my friend, are you still on it?" Holding the wooden chopsticks in his hand, Xiao Yang pointed to the room where Pang Yi lived and asked.

"It's gone a long time ago." Lin He coughed, picked up a rag and gently wiped the table. This posture was exactly the same as when Xiao Yang and You Li first came to this restaurant.

"Hurry up and eat." Seeing Xiao Yang looking at Lin He without blinking, and You Li smiling and tasting the food on the table, this rare leisure time is extremely rare for them.

Maybe, when I wake up, I will start a life of fighting and killing.


Taking out a wooden box from the empty boundary Xiao Yang lightly pressed, a small black needle was lying quietly in the wooden box, the sharp needle tip shook gently.

This thing is exactly the soul needle.

Soon after Ge Hai finished teaching Yao Qian, Suo Hun Needle was smoothly sent over, and there were still two, one in his hand and one to You Li. Of course, Ge Hai was completely white in order to repay his kindness Give the price as a gift.

After becoming the owner of Tianji Tower, his identity and status have long been different from the past.

After cleaning up the food on the table, Xiao Yang and You Li returned to the room upstairs, but this time, he released all the spirit beasts in the spirit gate to deal with the sudden situation.

All night, there was nothing wrong with each other.

Early in the morning, coming soon, the warm morning light poured into the restaurant, enveloping the figures of Xiao Yang and You Li.

Sitting at the table, eating simple food, Xiao Yang's eyes stared closely at Lin He's back, and a slight cold light passed through his eyes.

"Senior, can you add some tea?" You Li smiled and raised the purple clay pot in her hand. The tea inside was empty.

"Hehe, I'm so confused, I forgot even such an important thing." Lin He showed an old smile on his face, walked behind the curtain and filled the empty purple clay pot with tea.

Just when Lin He was about to put the purple clay pot on the table, Xiao Yang slapped his palm suddenly, and all the hot tea was spilled on Lin He's wrist.


Feeling the hot temperature of the tea, Lin He quickly urged his spiritual power to isolate the tea, and the astrolabe in the Youlikong Boundary Stone suddenly flickered.

"He Xuan, it really is you."

You Lixian held the astrolabe in her hand, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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