Master of Beasts

Chapter 402: Biluo Tree

He Xuan's furious shouts continued on the wide field. The six ghost face girls were like ghosts, and they shuttled wildly. The ghost cherry fan with a sharp blade in her hand cut the Biluo flower. Clang Clang.

With Guimianji's effortless offensive, the crystal sapphire-like Biluo flower, cracked, and magnificent fragments, splashing around, shimmering in the sun under the shining of the sun.


The sharp fan blade split the last Biluo flower, and a powerful wave suddenly waved to the surroundings. The figure of several ghost face girls were all shaken back a few steps, their eyes solemnly looked at the tight vines. ball.

"Successful." Xiao Yang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and his clenched palm showed his tension just now.

"Damn it!"

Staring fiercely at the sepak takraw that opened slowly, He Xuan's voice of violent killing intent came out from her mouth: "Ghost Fairy, Mo Rihua!"

Hearing this sound, the six ghost face girls looked at each other, and they all nodded lightly. The next moment, their toes touched the ground, and their bodies rose to the sky. The dark green mist surging out of the self-painting fan, immediately among them, Urgent convergence.

As the fog gathers, a huge poisonous ball, like a dark green shining sun, is suspended in mid-air. The violent poisonous gas diffuses out of it. The trees with a radius of thousands of feet are visible to the naked eye. Withering quickly.


The six ghost face girls slammed their fans at the same time. The huge ink sun poisonous ball slowly landed, and the bright red petals flashed around them, surrounded by them, giving people an extremely amazing feeling.

But in this amazing, it contains terrifying destructive power.


The vines shrank on the ground, Konglingluo still maintained a kneeling posture. It calmly looked at the ground underneath it, flipped its small hands, and lay a few seeds of Biluo flower quietly in its palm.

"Also come this trick? It's useless!" He Xuan sneered at the corner of her mouth. How could the defensive ghost face girl be traumatized by Bi Luo Hua, and, in this case, the empty Ling Luo touched it. There is no chance at all.

"Of course, it is impossible to use the same move twice." Xiao Yang smiled faintly, Xuan even re-projected his gaze to Kong Lingluo.

As the spiritual power pulsed, all the Biluo flower seeds in the hands of the empty Lingluo burst into pieces, and immediately its eyes condensed slightly, facing the ground under its feet, and slapped it fiercely.


With a muffled sound, a bright green light tree broke out from the ground. Between the branches and leaves, there was a crystal clear light, green and gorgeous.

High Lord Level Spirit Skill, Bi Luo Tree!

After breaking through to Tier 5, Kong Lingluo can comprehend two new spiritual skills, and the Blue Tree is one of them. It seems to be defensive, but its destructive power is no less than that of Guimian Ji’s Mo Rihua. fall from the sky.

The dark green poison ball landed on the bright light tree. Between the broken branches and leaves, the volume of the poison ball was also shrinking sharply.

After that, the two seemed to hate this soft collision. A bright and extremely bright light burst suddenly, and a majestic storm of spiritual power instantly swept all around.

When the storm passed, the space was trembling, and a series of hideous cracks, like earth dragons, spread madly. The ghost face girl in the sky gradually annihilated in the energy storm. In the end, only one body was left.


A mouthful of blood squirted out of her mouth, Guimianji's beautiful cheeks were extremely pale, and the blood spilled on the painting fan, which added a fascinating feeling to it.

Slowly straightening up, Kong Lingluo's fingers flicked, and a Biluo flower seed suddenly shot out, the flower seed trembling, blooming into a gorgeous Biluo flower, quietly spinning beside it.

The small hand stretched out, and the tip of the empty Lingluo's fingertips directly submerged in the heart of the flower, and immediately a slender green leaf sword was pulled out by it, and the crystal blue Biluo flower burst to pieces at this time. .

As soon as the soles of the feet stepped on the ground, the strong wind exploded, and the ethereal rose up into the sky, and immediately turned into a rainbow light, flashing past Guimianji like lightning, wherever Ye Jian passed, the space was cut out. A long crack.

High Lord Level Spirit Skill, Qingluo Sword Slash!


The crack spread, and the pupils of Guimianji suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhole. In a moment, its body split into two halves with an extremely slow degree.

Seeing the fallen body of Guimianji, He Xuan's face was earthy, she shuddered, without even thinking about it, she turned around abruptly, trying to escape here.


However, her footsteps had just been lifted, and a sharp light fell down with a scream, splitting her throat.

The blood sprayed, He Xuan fell to the ground, her eyes widened as she swallowed her last breath. An empty boundary stone slowly slipped down from the inside of her clothes.

Lightly landed on the ground, empty Lingluo held her small hand slightly, and the slender aquamarine long sword turned into countless soft spots of light, disappearing in the air.


After taking a long breath, Xiao Yang walked up to He Xuan and picked up the empty boundary stone, and immediately broke through the defensive formation on it without any

After the death of the spiritual master, the mark left in the void stone will automatically shatter, and it will be difficult to protect the contents.

"The second secret spirit."

Taking out the Secret Orb from the Kong Boundary Stone, Xiao Yang smiled faintly, the spiritual power in his hand enveloping the entire body of the Secret Orb, he heard a crisp sound, the Secret Orb burst into pieces, and the tiny debris Flowing down from between his fingers, all of them fell on the ground.

"Unexpectedly, He Xuan would actually show up here. If it weren't for us to come back, the ghost face Ji had changed her appearance, I'm afraid it would be difficult to be seen." You Li whispered.

"However, I would rather never see her." Xiao Yang turned his eyes, looked at the dilapidated restaurant, and sighed softly.

Within a hundred li, the last building that stood up after Canglian Xuanyan Fox raged, just disappeared.


With a wave of Xiao Yang's palm, the blazing sacred sun enveloped the entire wreckage of the restaurant, and immediately burned, and the deep yellow fire light reflected his and You Li's faces.

At this moment, the sound-transmitting snails in the Xiaoyang Sky World Stone suddenly flickered.

Raising his eyebrows suspiciously, Xiao Yang took out the sound transmission conch, and the sound from it made his eyes suddenly move.

"Little brother, good news and bad news. The good news is that the Bafang Ye you asked me to find has just got news. However, the people of the Black Skull Cult, somehow know your location, now, I am rushing towards you fiercely."

After hearing these words, Xiao Yang threw the sound transmission snail into the empty boundary stone, with a dangerous arc at the corner of his mouth, slowly lifting it up.

It seems that Pang Yi, this kid, is really uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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