Master of Beasts

Chapter 566: Ice Flame Wheel

"Slay the poisonous three-headed flood?"

Hearing Xiao Yang's voice, He Xie in the grass was stunned for a moment. Then, covering his mouth with his right hand, he almost laughed. The face was flushed from the suffocated smile.

Just relying on you, also want to kill the poisonous three-headed flood?

Be stupid by poison gas!

Do you think you are a sage of words or a Yin wheel? It's so ridiculous!

While He Xie sneered, Xiao Yang, who stomped on the black poison marsh, also made a move. He looked at the poisonous three-headed flood that hadn't slowed down, his palms turned, the first spiritual door and the first spiritual door The two spiritual gates appeared at the same time.

"What does he want to do?" He Xuan was taken aback for a moment. At this juncture, he even took back the spirit beasts, and there were still two at once. Is it possible that he was planning to escape?

When Xiao Yang said that he was going to kill the poisonous three-headed flood, He Yan's expression suddenly became a little bit disdainful.

It turned out to be just a bluffing guy, and he thought he had some great cards.

"Empty Lingluo!"

After retracting Chi Yan and Yu Bingdie, Xiao Yang narrowed his eyes to watch the poison-eating three-headed flood rushing in a violent rush, and sealed the seal again with one hand.


Several aquamarine vines crossed in front of Xiao Yang. The three heads that bite the poisonous three-headed scorpion furiously resisted, and the air waves produced by the impact made a cloud of turbidity. The muddy water has been spilled.

Standing proudly on the top of the ancient species, the Ethereal Luo's small hands protruding out, covered with spiked vines, wrapped the ancient species layer by layer, causing the black monster lizard that rushed to utter a scream.

Today's Kong Lingluo is already at the eighth level. Although its rank is lower, it is stronger than the other four spirit beasts in terms of combat effectiveness. After all, it is a profound beast that is inexhaustible.

However, if you want to kill the poisonous three-headed flood, it is still a bit difficult.

"Wood attribute?"

Seeing the empty Lingluo above the ancient species, He Yan's heart was shocked, and a touch of incredible color appeared on his face.

Xiao Yang turned out to be a spiritual master of the Four Sources!

"How could this **** have such good luck." He Yan gritted his teeth, wishing to exchange with Xiao Yang.

The dual source spiritual master is enough to make the three major sects pay attention to it, not to mention the four source spiritual master!

If in front of Lin Jiu, Yu Chou, and He Xuan, Xiao Yang revealed his identity as a spiritual master of the Four Origins, he might be able to directly become an inner disciple without participating in the assessment, and the treatment he would receive would be difficult for even some old disciples. compared to!


The three-headed poison-eating three-headed scorpion who stabilized his figure, the color of rage rose in his eyes, and the mouths of the three heads opened at the same time, and the thick dark green poisonous mist rushed towards Xiao Yang.

This poisonous mist, even if it is stained by a ninth-tier lord-level spirit beast, it will instantly be corroded into a pile of bones!

His eyes condensed slightly, the dazzling dragon marks on the rocky wings gleamed, and Xiao Yang was about to dodge.


A strong suction force suddenly swept out from the ancient species behind. The rushing dark green poisonous mist, like a stream of water, was quickly absorbed by the ancient species. Looking at this scene of the poisonous three-headed flood, the pupils suddenly shrank. .

Its intelligence is no longer weaker than that of the spiritual master. It immediately understood that the offensive of poisonous mist would be absorbed by the ancient species, and it couldn't help Xiao Yang at all.


There was another angry scream in his mouth. The three heads of the poisonous three-headed scorpion opened its **** mouth, madly biting towards Xiao Yang. As long as these obstacles were swept away and the ancient seed was swallowed, it would be able to break through Nirvana smoothly. Level, save at least a few years of practice time!


After a long sigh of breath, a sharp light flashed in Xiao Yang's eyes, and the prints on his hands changed. The hot flames and cold air suddenly surged beside him, and the two waves were exactly like him. The same spiritual figure quickly condensed.

"What a ghost." He Yan frowned, and then curled his lips in disdain. No matter what Xiao Yang had, he couldn't compete with the poisonous three-headed flood.

The only value of Xiao Yang was to make him a wedding dress.

The **** mouth opened by the poisonous three-headed flood was rapidly magnified in his eyes.

"Spirit melting, Bingyan Jade Wheel!"

With the cold light in his eyes, Xiao Yang raised his arm, his palm facing the sky, and suddenly grabbed it.


The spiritual power phantoms of Chi Yan and Yu Bingdie shattered with a bang, turned into spiritual water currents, and quickly condensed above his palm. In just an instant, a huge sharp light wheel flashed out.

The surface of the light wheel exudes a deep yellow light, and strands of broken ice, like a ring, wrap around the light wheel.

Although this light wheel is only ten feet in size, its aura is far worse than the one that destroyed Baijia Square, but the spiritual power radiated from it, even the poisonous three-headed flood, can't help but be surprised. fear.

"This is...spirituality?" He Yan opened his mouth wide in shock. All previous cognitions seemed to collapse at this moment.

The role of the spiritual master is not to drive the spirit beast, but Xiao Yang, a newly promoted ninth-order spiritual master, even has a little vain aura, how can it be displayed, even the poisonous three-headed scorpion is terrified!

Moreover, this spiritual technique, no matter how you look at it, is quite weird. He had never seen it before.

"If you use the Spirit Melting Technique once, Chi Yan and Yu Bingdie will be unable to fight because of the exhaustion of their spiritual power for at least three days, but there is no way."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Xiao Yang's eyes were slightly cold, and the raised right palm suddenly swung down.


The suspended sharp light wheel instantly tore the air, with the whimpering sound of the wind, it severely chopped down at the poisonous three-headed scorpion below.

The pupils shrunk to the size of the needle tip, and the poisonous three-headed flood was cold. Without even thinking about it, he went into the black poison marsh below with a chuckle, and his entire body quickly disappeared above the poison marsh.

From the Bingyan Jade wheel, it felt a wave of destruction, and this wave made it even afraid to give birth to the mind of a battle, and it was immediately fleeing.


Under the control of Xiao Yang the ice flame wheel plunged directly into the black poison swamp, and the tingling sound that made the scalp numb also dissipated.

After a few breaths, the entire black poisonous swamp suddenly flickered.

In He Xian's shocking gaze, a huge black shadow slowly rose from the bottom of the swamp, suspended weakly on the surface of the mud, and it was the poisonous three-headed flood!

However, the head of the Three-Headed Poisonous Flood Dragon disappeared appallingly. There were only three blood holes, and blood was spewing out like money.

Obviously, the heads of the poisonous three-headed flood were all cut down by the sharp light wheel, mercilessly!

"It's a big loss."

Feeling the empty first and second spiritual gates, Xiao Yang gave a wry smile in his heart, but his face was still indifferent, without the slightest feeling of emotion, slowly coming from his mouth.

"He Xuan, don't you feel embarrassed that you, the 30th character of the Exploring the Spirit Monument, used this kind of indiscriminate means?"

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