Master of Beasts

Chapter 578: Give gifts

The tremendous strength caused Qin Mao to be slapped to the ground on the spot, dizzy, and almost half of the teeth in his mouth fell off, and half of his face was stained with red blood, which was extremely miserable.

"You crap, you dare to hit me!"

Qin Mao, who finally came back to his senses, stared at Xiao Yang furiously, and roared: "Wait, I'm the person next to Bai Qi. If you hit me, you hit him!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yang frowned slightly.

Qin Mao and Fang Luo are both celebrities on the monument to the spirit exploration. They all followed Bai Qi?

Could it be said that Bai Qi's strength is already strong enough to tame the ninth-order spirit master?

"Hehe, the person next to Bai Qi? I think it's a dog under his hand."

The doubts in his heart calmed down, and Xiao Yang smiled lightly: "Don't say it's you, even if he is here, I can't beat him by mistake, let alone beat a beast under his hand."


With anger in his eyes, Qin Mao said in a sharp voice: "Boy, you don't know who you have offended, dare to provoke Bai Qi, let alone whether you can survive to the end, even if you can successfully climb the ladder, you will Can't worship the three big sects!"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Xiao Yang said coldly, "What do you mean?"

"Want to know?"

Hearing Xiao Yang's question, Qin Mao burst into laughter: "Then kneel down and beg me, and shout while kneeling, I am a dog under Qin Mao's hands. When will I be in a good mood when I call it out, maybe..."


With a muffled sound, Qin Mao, who was laughing, flew backwards, and all the remaining teeth in his mouth were vomited out at this moment, making his face look a little shriveled, as if he was tens of years old in an instant.

"It's so noisy."

Rubbing his palms slightly, Xiao Yang shook his head, and immediately took out a vine from the void stone, and gently tugged, feeling that the vine was enough to withstand the strength of the ninth-order spirit master, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"What are you going to do!" Qin Mao's complexion changed slightly, and the words that came out of his mouth were unclear. That was the result of losing his teeth.

"Give your master a present."

Putting the crouched Fang down on the ground, first tie it up, Xiao Yang walked towards Qin Mao with a smile on his face, and the other half of the vine was made into a ring, and it also fluttered out, tying the yelling Qin Mao together. .

"Dog bastard, let me go!"

"Dare to touch my hair, I curse your whole family to die!"

Qin Mao's yelling made Xiao Yang's eyes cold.


After tearing off the cloth around Fang Luo's lower body, Xiao Yang kneaded impatiently, squeezed Qin Mao's mouth open, and then slammed it in.

The strong stench made Qin Mao's eyes widen and his body crazily twisted.

"If you want to survive, just call out one of your other spirit beasts. If you want to die, I can also fulfill you." Xiao Yang slowly said.

Staring at Xiao Yang bitterly, beside Qin Mao, a Tier 4 medium lord level spirit beast suddenly appeared.

"Mountain horse, good spirit beast."

Xiao Yang smiled, and immediately threw Fang Luo and Qin Mao who were about to be tied up, and then used the remaining vines to firmly tie them to the mountain horse, and pat them heavily.

The painful mountain horse ran up quickly, took up a wisp of dust, and quickly disappeared from here.

"Bai Qi, I hope the gift I give will satisfy you."

With a faint smile, Xiao Yang stretched out behind his back and sank into the deep pit that was bombed out of the Ape Bone Mountain with a scream.

Now, it's time to lift the seal of the ancient species.


The sprinting mountain horse was shaking constantly, Qin Spear on his back, his head dizzy to the extreme, his face also became extremely distorted.

"It’s nothing more than a villager who came out of a small empire. He dare to do something to me. When I return to the clan, I will let the elders of the spiritual emperor level step on your clan door and poke their bodies with wooden stakes. Get up, stand in the city, let everyone exhibit!"

Qin Mao thought viciously.

I thought it was here to pinch an ant, but this ant actually bit him so much that he almost died here!


Fang Luo, who was tied together, raised his head slowly and suddenly, a dark green in his eyes.

"Fang Luo, what despicable means did that little **** use to break your toxic smoke screen!" Qin Mao said sharply, the smelly rag in his mouth was swallowed by him due to the violent bumps.


There was a vague roar from his mouth, and Fang Luo's eyes suddenly became fierce, his mouth split like a beast, and he bit Qin Mao's ear fiercely.

"what are you doing!"


The terrifying screams sounded sternly in the rocky ground, accompanied by the running mountain horses, howling all the way to the distance.

On a towering mountain peak southeast of the Great Wilderness Ancient Land.

"Why don't Qin Mao and Fang Luo come back? They were planted in the hands of that kid, right?" A young man sitting on Lei Ying's back said jokingly.

"I'm not sure, maybe that kid, who burst out of Nirvana-level strength, killed both of them in one move."


The sarcastic laughter hovered above the mountain, but everyone's words contained ridicule and mockery of Xiao Yang.

Hearing these voices, Bai Qi, who was surrounded by thunder, suddenly narrowed his eyes. He knew exactly how difficult Xiao Yang was. Otherwise, he would not agree with Yin Lun’s decision to let Fang Luo and Qin Mao. At the same time, kill Xiao Yang in the past.

"Even if he is a ninth-order spiritualist, there should be only one spirit beast. At the ninth-order." Bai Qi seems to be comforting himself, but a bad premonition suddenly resembles a weed, rushing in his heart. spread.

"What's that?" Someone saw the dust coming all the way.

"Not good!" The young man sitting on Lei Ying's back suddenly changed his complexion and swooped down like lightning. When he reappeared, two figures appeared in his hand.

One of them is Fang Luo with a hideous face, and the other is Qin Spear covered in blood!

There was almost no good skin on Qin Mao's body, and blood was overflowing everywhere, looking extremely miserable.

Looking at such a scene, the top of the noisy mountain suddenly became quiet.

"Brother You want to avenge me!"

Suddenly regaining consciousness, Qin Mao cried out, and every time he uttered a sentence, the shock on the faces of the people around him increased.

Fang Luo and Qin Mao, two veteran Tier 9 spirit masters, were all planted in Xiao Yang's hands?

Both of them are the strongest in their own empire!

"Little Xiao Yang, did you ask you to bring anything?" Bai Qi's eyes were Wujing Wubo, but the Yin Wheel who was familiar with him clearly felt the anger in Bai Qi's heart.

"He said, he said..." Qin Mao's voice trembled a little.

"Yin Lun, if he hesitates again, he throws him down and feeds the ghost wolf." Bai Qi said coldly.

"He asked me to ask you a question, whether the mushroom cloud fireworks blooming in Baijia Square looks good or not. If you are interested, he doesn't mind teaching you." Qin Mao said in horror.

Qin Mao's voice echoed at the top of the mountain, and Bai Qi's face was gloomy as if a storm was coming, extremely terrifying.

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