Master of Marvel World

Chapter 302: : Go to the parallel universe


After hesitating for a while, Gu Yi still agreed to come down.

She disagrees, it's all right.

The other party only needs to do nothing, and when the time comes, she will naturally die for various reasons.

Control is not with her, and even the successor has not yet grown up.

"The gem of time will not be taken away from this planet. If you are not at ease, you can move to the sky garden to guard it." Shen He also showed some sincerity.

What's more, as long as anyone stepped into the realm of the Sky Garden, he was under the absolute monitoring of Semiramis, and Chaldea wished that these powerful and uncontrollable factors would stay under his sight.

"I will seriously consider it."

Gu Yi did not refuse, she gently raised her hand, and a copper product shaped like an eye appeared beside her.

The one hidden in the library is essentially fake.

Naturally, she would not put such an important thing in the library, unless it was her chosen successor who took it.

Shen He took it from Gu Yi slightly cautiously.

The moment I touched the gem of time, the magic in my body felt a strange feeling, as if I was about to be attracted by the gem in my hand.

Shen He suppressed this feeling and threw the gem of time into his backpack casually.

He is not worried about the impact of time gems that belong to the Marvel Universe into the backpack on the universe, because the soul gems are still in the backpack at the moment. It seems that there is no such thing as a collapse of the infinite gem Happening.

"About five days later, we will try to open the passage to the parallel universe in Sky City." Shen He stood up and prepared to leave.

He will also go to God's Domain and ask Thor to borrow space gems.

I originally thought that Gu Yi would encounter some trouble here, but it was actually easier than imagined.

There shouldn't be a big problem with the rest of Thor.

Taking things from the gods' library is nothing to Thor at all, the big deal is to get in touch with Odin.

Thinking of this, Shen He was taken to God's Domain by Rainbow Bridge by calling out Heimdall's name.

This time, he didn't send him away.

"Tor will come soon." Heimdall maintained a cold posture, "but you can't step out of this hall. This is Odin's order. No outsiders except captives can appear on the Rainbow Bridge. The other end."

"Don't worry, I will naturally abide by Asgard's regulations." Shen He looked at Heimdall in front of him, and suddenly asked a little curiously, "I heard that you can see every corner of the nine planets, so the nine planets What about outside?"

"No." Heimdall's golden eyes glanced at Shen He, and did not ignore as he imagined, but roughly explained, "My power comes from the dark energy in the'sacred tree', and it can only be within this range. Inside."

In Asgard's system, the world tree is combined with nine planets.

Even though their actual distance is very far, but they are closely connected by the world tree.

This is why Asgard is not in the interstellar civilization of the unexpected world, but instead cares about a small earth.

In their hearts, only nine planets in the universe are important.

Shen He asked casually about Asgard.

Although Heimdall looked very cold, he conveyed a trace of obvious kindness in language. As long as it did not involve Asgard's secrets, Shen He answered all of them.

Finally, Thor flew along the Rainbow Bridge from a distance.

Before being embraced routinely, Shen He quickly stated his needs.

"Open a channel to the parallel universe?" Thor looked surprised. "I always thought that the parallel universe was just a legend in the textbook."

"Its existence is beyond doubt, Thor." Shen He said roughly about the host computer, and then added, "Not all universes have such a large number of parallel universes that do not seem to interfere with each other. I guess it might have something to do with Infinite Gems, anyway, I plan to see it."

"It's a pity that I still have the war that hasn't been calmed down." Thor was a little sorry, but said simply, "You are waiting here, I will bring the Cosmos Cube."

He doesn't pay much attention to this kind of thing.

Anyway, the Rainbow Bridge has also been repaired.

"About five days later, we will try to open the passage of the parallel universe in Sky City." Shen He notified as usual, "If you are interested, you can come and see."

"Five days?" Thor was embarrassed, and in the end he just shook his head, "I will go to a new battlefield the day after tomorrow."

"It's okay, you can come over at any time." Shen He thought for a while and added, "If it succeeds, I think I may rent the Universe Rubik's Cube for a long time in the future, but as a collateral, I can hand over the spiritual gems to you for safekeeping."

"we'll talk about it then."

Thor has also learned to be smart, and he didn't deny it.

No one knows what happens when all the infinite gems are gathered together. If possible, store all the infinite gems separately as much as possible.

In the original plot, Asgard did not take care of himself after getting the reality gems, but gave it to collectors.

Shen He waited for a while in the main hall of the Rainbow Bridge.

He originally thought that something would happen, but in the end nothing happened.

Odin doesn't seem to know anything.

In other words, I knew it and didn't intervene.

Although Shen He was a little surprised, since his goal had been achieved, he naturally wouldn't explore too much. After bidding farewell to Tony, he returned to Sky City through the Rainbow Bridge.

Both infinite gems were contained in his backpack.

With the system's ability to travel through time and space, even if Thanos, Odin, Gu Yi, Planet Devourer, etc., all the big guys came to the door, they would never want to **** them.

And three days later.

Qi Mu Kongsuke has completed the entire mechanical system.

According to Shen He's request, it looks like a huge "circle" from the outside.

There is a pillar on each side of the ring, which is not only a place for manipulation, but also a place for two infinite gems. The overall style looks exaggerated and weird, all kinds of thin pipes that emit strange light and are filled with strange liquids, look. Go up and completely inherit the style of the funny world.

"This thing is really ugly."

Tony's first sentence after seeing the finished product was this, and then he directly carried out a major transformation.

While absorbing the design principles, while adding a "cool" shell.

The last thing that appeared in front of us was a mechanical giant that looked like a space-time shuttle in the future.

In fact, according to Shen He, it is the same ugly.

But as long as it works well.

When it was completely completed and only waiting for the next day of experimentation, Tony found Shen He and made a detailed estimate.

"This instrument, although theoretically able to open up a channel of parallel universes, but the continuity, stability, and even coordinates cannot be guaranteed." Tony explained the risks one by one.

The probability of trying to get through the parallel universe of the host is too small.

Because there are no coordinates.

According to the calculation of the host, as long as the energy parameters of time gems and space gems have even slight changes, there will be a deviation of tens of thousands of miles. After all, there are too many parallel universes.

However, as long as you get through it once and record all the parameters, the next time you want to get through the same parallel universe, it will be much easier.

"Isn't this just exploring the coordinates from the beginning." Shen He understood the meaning and waved his hand. "It doesn't matter, as long as we can get through it, if it is too dangerous, we will give up, and it is not impossible to try again."

"Say it first, if you meet another me..." Tony's eyes flickered slightly.

"Of course you are unique." Shen He looked at Tony with a faint smile, "Do you think I will trust other Iron Man like you do? That's not possible, don't worry, even if there are other Iron Man, then Only qualified to be your little brother."

"Hahaha, He, this is the most beautiful sentence you have ever said." Tony patted Shen He on the shoulder twice, but then his expression became serious, "Actually, I am a little worried. I care about the universe, after my most trusted uncle almost killed me, I haven't trusted anyone for a long time."

If Shen He hadn't saved Little Pepper and his life, he wouldn't have trusted Shen He so quickly.

And speaking of it, when they first met, Shen He's strength was not as strong as it is now.

"I know." Shen He also put away his smile.

As he said, Tony is unique in front of him.

This universe is also unique.

In most of the Marvel universes, the movie universe can be said to be one of the safest. For other universes, let alone how much information Shen He has learned, the mutants alone are dangerous enough.

Magneto, Professor X, Black Phoenix, Apocalypse...

If there were these people in this universe, Shen He wouldn't have thought of relying on more than a dozen episodes of Qi Mu Hun's wind and water.

After Tony left, Shen He also held a small meeting inside the Chaldeans.

Mainly discuss who to take to shuttle together.

Considering the danger of straddling parallel universes, the other followers refused to let Shen He in alone.

For this reason, for the first time, there is a strong sense of competition among the usually harmonious group of followers.

"It should be me who accompany the master." Joan's expression is serious, "I can create a barrier, and the heroic spirit has the immortality characteristics. I really encounter danger, no matter how I can keep the master for a moment."

"But Shen He won't leave you behind." The two rituals frowned. "The immortal characteristics of the heroic spirits are just speculation. No one has really realized it, and in terms of protection, Qi Mu is more suitable than you."

"Hubby, super powerful."

Hubby held onto Shen He's sleeves tightly, and made his own voice unwilling to show weakness.

"Me, me too..."

As soon as Violet spoke, she was glared at by Shen He, and suddenly bowed her head and retracted.

This is not the most beautiful than anyone else, her strength is completely uncompetitive.

Others, such as the two Misaka Mikotos, and even Altria, are pursing their lips, as if they are holding back their words without interruption.

"Let's do it." Brother Shen said at last, "I will take Qimu Heshi, and go in together. Three people, it's safer."

Qi Mu is responsible for routine issues, and the two ceremonies are responsible for unconventional issues.

The summoning channel is maintained. If there is really any problem, Shen He directly shuttles to the dungeon world, and then forcibly summons.

In fact, in Shen He's view, there is no danger at all for him with a system.

However, the followers are a little nervous.

"Obviously I am more suitable."

Joan grumbled her lips, seeming to be angry that the master didn't choose her.

When Shen He saw this, he couldn't talk much.

Please comfort her after returning to the room for a while.

The reason why he chose Joan instead of choosing Joan is also because Joan's defense is only for physical attacks and magical attacks, and the straight death magic eye can eliminate rules.

No one knows what is between the different parallel universes.

Even in the Marvel world, only Deadpool is the only one who can travel to different universes freely, and the host is completely accidental.

In any case, the personnel have been determined.

Because of the excitement, Shen He stayed up almost all night, but the next day he still came to the Gate of Time and Space with great energy.

Many robots controlled by researchers have been prepared here.

But Gu Yi, Thor, and even Steve did not come.

"Master Gu Yi said that she had something temporarily."

After seeing Shen He, Tony first explained why Gu Yi did not come.

"What did she say? Sending disciples here?" Shen He looked around, but didn't see the person wearing the robe of the mage.

"No, she sent an e-mail." Tony glanced at Shen He strangely, "I never told you, I often contact Gu Yi Mage email to discuss some magical issues?"

"..." Shen He nodded affirmatively, "Yes, you never said it."

"Oh, then I'm talking about it now."

Tony continued to start the work at hand nonchalantly.

The giant in front of him, for any scientist, represents the great satisfaction of pursuing the heart of the unknown.

Parallel universe.

That's something that really only exists in fantasy works.

Now it has to become a reality.

That is, Tony has really been to the world in different universes, and when another scientist comes, he has long been mad.

"Since no one is here, let's start quickly." Shen He was also a little eager to try.

The two rituals and Qimu Nanxiong began to stand beside They all looked at the two high circles in front of them.

Because of the possible transportation problems in the future, Shen He originally asked Qi Mu Kongsuke to be as large as possible in the design, but even so, it is already the limit to be able to do this step.

"The fifth full inspection is complete and everything is normal."

"The countdown begins."

"Ten, nine, eight... three, two, one, start!"

"Record energy parameters..."

The voice of Jarvis and the voice of the staff were mixed together. The infinite gems placed on both sides of the ring surged with energy at the same time, and then they gathered along the pipe at the top of the ring. At the moment of contact, the moment seemed to be boiling continuously. Energy pulses were emitted, and all the robots fell down in an instant.

This energy pulse affects their link with virtual reality.

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