Master of Marvel World

Chapter 308: : Is it okay to have a baby?

Joan still had a smile on her face.

   There is a kind of grievance that almost cry out in my heart.

   Although the past was not unconscious.

   But when she was standing at the door just now, she almost wanted to turn around and leave without evading anything, and then pretended not to know anything, and dragged it until Shen He spoke to her in person.

  ——The world is painful.

   Joan suddenly remembered the words someone had said to her. The weak animals died in the mouths of the powerful beasts, and the powerful beasts died under the tools of humans, while the humans were killing each other.

   It’s not easy to live in such a world.

   Even so, Joan is still very nostalgic for the world, and for her life after the age of nineteen.

   Because in this painful world, there is still love.

   She led the army to slaughter the enemy, not hesitating to carry bloodstained and serious sins, even the Lord would not forgive her like this, but she still unswervingly walked on this path.

   Because she loves her country.

   Even if it is clear, this kind of self will eventually end in disillusionment, and she will be ridiculed by people seeing her sad gesture. This love has been driving her to move on, and she never regrets it.

   And now, she also loves Shen He in front of her.

   The reason why Joan of Arc did not escape is precisely because she knows this very well.

   Shen He gave her the longing for a continuation of life, gave her a plain and warm understanding and tolerance, and gave her a colorful and gorgeous love like a rainbow.

   And her feeling for Shen He has also become as long as she thinks of him, no matter what she does, she will be happy and warm in love.

   If you say——

   The current grievances and worries that will be gradually separated are also part of the pain in this world, and they are the emotions that must be experienced in this continued life.

   Then she just needs to be the same as before and bear it all.

   Joan prayed silently in her heart.

   Almighty Lord, I have never regretted my continued life, and I am extremely grateful for the love and affection in my heart. Even in this painful world, as long as there is love, I will not stop moving forward.


   Jeanne spoke slowly, interrupting the silence in the room, her face still has a gentle smile.

   "Actually, I have already noticed that among all the followers, only the style is different."


   Shen He stared at her blankly.

"The master just said that before I came, the master started to care about Italian style." Joan kept smiling, seeming to be thinking about the wording, and said a little bit intermittently, "It's okay to ignore the master. What will happen, I am a servant of the master to open the harem, this kind of thing is also normal for the master, after all, we will never be separated, and we have a long life, right?"


   Shen He was completely speechless.

   Because of the unprecedented strong emotion that impacted his heart.

   Of course it is not excitement, but self-blame.

   "Jan of Arc——!" Shen He rushed forward uncontrollably, holding Joan in his arms, his voice was a little trembling, "You are really hopelessly clumsy in lying."

   Such a clumsy lie, a clumsy smile.

   made him feel trembling on the apex of his heart.

   Maybe it was because she developed too smoothly in the relationship, maybe because Joan's status as a servant destined her to be by her side, and Shen He didn't realize until this moment that Joan is important to him.

   is not just as a partner.

   is more as a lover.


   Joan showed some unclear expressions of confusion or sadness. She simply lifted her feet, leaned hard against Shen He's arms, and stretched out her hand to hold his back.

   Say nothing, think nothing.

   The scene was quiet, Shen He gritted his teeth and hugged Joan tightly, his mind was also blank.

   He suddenly realized that he thought he could say everything, and then accepted the new relationship in a logical way. It was too naive.

   Even if it is really possible.

   How could he bear to hurt Joan who loves him so much.


  'S attention to the style has reached a point where he can no longer deceive himself.

"Jan of Arc." In the end, Shen He broke the silence. He pressed his forehead lightly against Joan's forehead, and found that her pupils were still filled with uncontrollable tension. He couldn't help but feel distressed and gritted his teeth, "I just forget it."

   "How can this work——!" Jeanne raised her voice, and put her palm on Shen He's chest, "The feelings in her heart can't deceive herself."

   "But I don't want to see you sad." Shen He could only smile wryly.

   Look at those novels and animations.

   The male protagonist opens the harem, and the female protagonists are still happy.

   How could such a thing happen.

   Even a gentle person like Joan will feel wronged and sad.

   "You can't make Shishi sad."

   Joan looked at the struggle in Shen He's eyes, and her heart also felt uncomfortable.

   Emotions can't fool myself.

   She would not want to see Shen He suppress her emotions because of her, she would rather suffer the grievances by herself.

"Don't think about it anymore." Joan stood on tiptoe, kissed her red lips gently, and murmured in a low voice, "Let's go with the flow, we are already lucky, because we have enough time to experience life. , Whether it's laughter or tears."

  ""What can Shen He say.

   He can only hold his arms tighter, stick closer, and use all means to convey his love to Keren in his arms.

   In the end, I still couldn't find a way.

   When I saw the two ceremonies again, she had changed her clothes exactly as before, still standing in front of Shen He with her back straight, and after looking at Jeanne, she looked at Shen He again.

   His eyes seemed to be asking, is it explained?

   In her heart, she doesn't really understand what love is, nor can she understand what kind of relationship a lover is like, but she doesn't want to be hostile to Joan.

  Because she is not hostile to Joan.

   "Shi." Before Shen He could reply, Joan spoke first, standing openly in front of the two ceremonies, "I won't care about your affairs, but I won't be beaten by you."

   Since there is no way to deceive a lie, Shen He.

   Then tell the truth.

   In any case, she will not let the master's love for her fade down.

   "Will you care?" The two ceremonies seemed to have some exceptions to this result. After thinking about it for a while, she asked again, "Will you care about having children?"


   Shen He almost couldn't hold back his saliva.

  "You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you.

   "Is there anything weird?"

   The expressions of the two rituals are also a little complicated.

   This attitude.

   is really saying no.

  In her common sense, being in love is equal to husband and wife producing the next generation. This seems to be the responsibility of two people who are in love with each other, or normal development.

   If you are just talking about helping each other and guarding each other, what's the difference between them now?

   "That's it, is it so? That's right, I can't have a baby"

   Joan kept muttering in a low voice, and the grievances visible to the naked eye began to appear behind him.

   "Cheer up, Joan!"

   Shen He shook this Joan's shoulder vigorously. He had just heard strange sentences such as "There are three unfilial piety, and no one is great."

   There is no way for the heroic body to get pregnant. This is what Jeanne is more concerned about.

The    style really stimulated her.

   "Shi, I haven't said anything like giving birth to a child." Shen He could only look at the two ceremonies helplessly.

   This is very wrong. Shen He is only 26 or 17 years old. Compared with his current life span, he can be considered too young and too young.

   And there is already an adopted Sakura, he doesn't have much desire for his children now.

   "What?" The two ceremonies were obviously dissatisfied, "In that case, what you said yesterday is really just expressing possessiveness."

"of course not!"

   Shen He found that he had no idea how to explain it.

   Jeanne looked like he was hit hard, and the two rituals in front of him seemed to be beginning to understand his confession in strange directions.

  How did the big guys who opened the harem do it?

   Because of this and other special reasons, it was already the afternoon of the day when Shen He and the others left the room.

   This is because the piano came and knocked on the door.

   Senator Kelly, who ran away from Magneto yesterday, found the school, but was dying.

   "The professor thinks you are capable of saving him."

  Qin said so, and at the same time glanced slightly over the bodies of the three of Shen He.

   As a female instinct, she always feels that these people are different.

   "Take us to see."

   Shen He motioned to her to lead the way.

   In a few days, there will be the World Summit. The capitals of all countries will gather on Liberty Island, and that's when Magneto starts its own plan.

   But yesterday, Shen He reminded the Magic Girl, the biggest mistake in Magneto’s plan.

   So what exactly Lao Wan would choose, Shen He didn't know.

   But after all, there is no escape from the most essential purpose-to allow mutants to influence or even control the world.

   Just as Shen He was thinking, the three of them were led by Qin to the secret base below the school, where all the teachers, including Wolverine, were there.

   is actually only five people.

   Plus Senator Kelly, who was lying naked on the test table, with blood vessels all over his body clearly visible and breathing hard.

   Shen He walked to the edge of the inspection platform.

   Somewhat unexpectedly, Senator Kelly didn't have too much resentment in his eyes, but rather just resentment for life.

   "Are you mutants too?" Senator Kelly looked at several people in Shen He, "The mutants are really blessed. I always thought that you only have amazing ugliness, but I didn't expect there to be amazing beauty."

   "We are not mutants." Shen He said softly.


   Senator Kelly was a little surprised. He looked at the professor aside, as if he wanted to confirm.

   "They are indeed not mutants." The professor rolled the wheelchair, "but they have more power than mutants, Mr. Kelly, this world is far less simple than humans imagine."

   "No matter what kind of existence the world has, there is no way to escape the struggle for interests. This has been the case since ancient times." Senator Kelly shook his head hard.

  He is a fierce competitionist.

   Therefore, he firmly believes that there will be a battle between mutants and ordinary humans. All he has done is just to end the war before it can cause more damage.

  In this respect, he is not an egoist.

   "You are right." Shen He looked at him and said calmly, "So I want to know, what benefits can I bring to me by saving you?"

   "Mr. Shen?"

  Professor couldn't help but yelled.

"Charles." Shen He knew what the professor meant, and he chuckled lightly, "If I saw a tramp who was about to freeze to death on the side of the road, I would help him. This is because of kindness, but Senator Kelly is now The situation is because he chose war. It is normal to be killed by the enemy during the war. He is not an innocent person involved."


   Charles has never heard of such logic.

   But he couldn't accept it at all.

   "If kindness chooses objects, it is not true kindness. It can only be called the mercy of the superior. Senator Kelly should not suffer such retaliation."

   "Charles, there is no absolute good or absolute evil in this world." Shen He shook his head.

   He also knew that it was useless to say that.

   Charles in front of him is more like the Virgin Mary than Joan.

   In the original plot, when Magneto took the little naughty away in front of him, he was able to stop him, but because he cared about the lives of a group of policemen, he watched the little naughty be taken away.

   Innocent outsiders are more important than their own innocent students.

   "Mr. Shen"

   Charles wanted to say more, but Senator Kelly stopped him.

   "Professor, what this gentleman said is right." Congressman Kelly, who has grown up in the officialdom, didn't think there was anything wrong with what Shen He said. He looked at Shen He and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"You saw the threat of mutants, but you didn't know that mutants are the future of human evolution." Shen He changed the topic, "You can never catch all because As long as humans still exist, mutants will continue to appear, and they may even be your children, your grandchildren, and your offspring. One day, this world will belong to mutants."

"Perhaps what you said is right." Senator Kelly has not heard of this theory, "but it will be a very distant time, and before that, there will be people who don’t know how many ordinary people are due to the war. And die, for example, who I am now."

   was caught and killed by Magneto, in a sense, it made him sure that what he was doing was correct.

   Mutants pose a huge threat to the world.

   "Besides, there is another very big possibility." Shen He said calmly, "The entire world, or human civilization, is destroyed because of such wars."

   "How is this possible!?" Senator Kelly lost his voice.

   Although he is aware of this war, in his opinion, mutants are just some threats that can only hide.

   is like an uncontrolled gun weapon.

   may be able to create a terrorist attack, may be able to create a terrifying crime that no one can crack, but destroy the world?

"You have seen the power of mutants." Shen He completely ignored the frowning professor on the other side, and continued to flicker, "If someone replaces the president? Someone steals nuclear weapons? Someone assassinates important figures in other countries and then Plant it to you? You never know what the mutants have, so you never know what the mutants can do."

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