Master of Marvel World

Chapter 335: : Fury's request

In the past, the World Council felt only threats from Chaldeans.

   is now really aware of the benefits.

   Within a short period of time, Fury came to the Sky Garden again, but this time was completely different from before. He already had a new identity.

   Director of the Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau of the Second Universe.

   referred to as the War Service Bureau.

   "On behalf of the World Council, I hope to have formal discussions with the Lord of Chaldea."

  Fry was wearing a black suit, followed by two serious suits, just standing in front of Coulson.

   I have to say that for a moment, Coleson seemed to see the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director again.

   There is nostalgia in my heart.

   But the current position is completely different.

   "The chief is very busy every day." Coleson put away the emotions in his heart, smiled and said, "If you are only here to negotiate some innocuous things, then I have sufficient authority to proceed, and there is no need to trouble the chief."

   "I have full sincerity this time." Of course, Fury understood what Coleson meant. "Everything about Universe II is within my jurisdiction, and I can even mobilize the army."

   The World Security Council is actually the world’s largest collection of interests.

   They have no difference between justice, evil, good and bad.

   Everything is for profit.

   So in the face of this situation, there is no doubt that following in the footsteps of Chaldea is the only way to maximize profits. In some respects, Fury's right now even exceeds the original SHIELD.

   Coleson was a little surprised, but after thinking about it for a while, he wasn't surprised anymore.

   "Please wait." After smiling and nodding at Ferry, Coleson left the reception room, and after a while, walked in again, "Please come with me."

"Why is it so rigid, Coleson." Ferry left the other two people behind, and walked two steps alone to Coleson's side, holding his shoulders, "Could it be that Shen He's men are doing things," Are you going to lose even your old friends?"

"Mr. Ferry, strictly speaking, I am not working under the commander's hands." Coleson said with a professional smile, and then pointed to a few crows that stopped on the branch not far away, "Your Majesty. Is looking at the husband."


   Fury withdrew his hand as if nothing happened, and his expression remained unchanged.

   But it was obviously not so peaceful in his heart.

It’s not that he has not dealt with Semiramis, but because of this, he understands how difficult this undead hero from another world is. Sometimes it’s just because of some fundamentally inexplicable reason. You are turned away.

   and will reveal all your calculations ruthlessly.

   If Shen He even gave Semiramis the issue of this parallel universe 2, it would be a real headache, because every time she negotiates, she will push your bottom line step by step.

  With the current strength and hole cards of Chaldea

   This bottom line will be terribly low!

Fury followed Coulson with a heavy heart, and walked to the central palace in the Sky Garden. This is the residence of Semiramis, and it is not open to the public. Even he has not been here. .

   But now, instead of going to meet the empress, he came all the way to a palace completely wrapped in vines.

   "Your Majesty, the sir has agreed to meet with Mr. Ferry." Coleson said respectfully.

   After a while, these vines of Fury's unrecognizable species suddenly squirmed and opened a channel, and the sharp red spikes gleamed on them, making people cold all over.

   Even if Coleson doesn't explain, Fury can understand what the consequences will be if someone wants to forcefully break here.

   This magical sky garden is like a witch’s castle in a fairy tale.

   As long as an outsider comes in, it is equivalent to giving his life to the witch's palm.

   However, the mystery of the castle will be like bait, attracting people continuously.

  Fry looked at the magnificent gate that appeared in front of him, and the vast sea facing the gate, and he could deeply understand this.

   "Please go here."

   Coleson has walked into the door, and stood by the door waiting.

   This maritime military base is now a day-to-day change in the true sense. Huge construction machinery can be seen everywhere in rapid operation. Even in order to seek efficiency, some large-scale operation equipment and metal module materials are still transported by the sinking river.

  Fry is no ordinary person after all. After the initial shock, he quickly recovered and accepted all the facts presented before him.

   In his hand, it is not that there is no negotiating hole card.

   Somewhat unexpectedly, Coleson didn't take him to the constructed buildings, and walked towards the edge of the sea base.

   Then he saw Shen He.

   This young man with huge wealth and real power in his hands is lying on a mat made of vines, and the blond girl in his arms is talking and laughing at the book.

   The blonde girl Fury knew that she was very beautiful, but she had killing skills that were totally inconsistent with this beauty. In the secret file prepared by the World Security Council, she was dubbed the title of "Demon Angel".

   "So many things have happened, but you don't seem to have changed at all." Fury walked straight to Shen He and looked at the sea, "I'm tired of seeing this kind of scenery now."

   "Do you want to know the trick to not getting tired of the scenery?" Shen He turned his head, "You only need to have someone who is not tired of the scenery by your side."

   Violet seemed to understand this sentence, and a cherry blush appeared on her milky white skin.

   a little bit shy.

   But Fury completely ignored the picture scroll that was enough to make any man's heart beat, just staring deeply at Shen He.

   There is a deep meaning in the other party's words just now.

   "The past is over. Now we and you are completely one mind." Fury took a deep breath, "More importantly, you need us."

   "Hehe." Shen He just chuckled, without speaking.

   Fury's mouth twitched, and he could naturally hear the sarcasm in this chuckle.

   But this is nothing to his face.

"The human government of this world, to be honest, disappointed us." Fury continued, while watching Shen He's expressions. "They completely forgot the true meaning of freedom, fairness, and justice, and ignored the democratic Meaning, there is no overall view and strategic view at all, and I chose the most stupid war plan."

   "If you are talking about this, then you can go back." Shen He interrupted Fury unceremoniously.

   The human government in the X-Men world is indeed a full ironic regime, but the human government in the Avengers is not much better.

   When I watched a movie before, I could deeply feel the difference between Eastern and Western cultures.

  They don’t believe that their government can fulfill its responsibilities as the leader of human civilization in times of crisis. It is to highlight the greatness of heroes and to mold the human government into a stupid villain fighting for power.

   But this kind of world really exists.

   Everything is also very real from another angle.

   Therefore, since everything is centered on interests, it would be fine to just talk about interests. At this time, I will talk about freedom and justice, which makes Shen He a little boring and boring.

"We hope to be able to take over the human power in this world." After Fury finished speaking, he seemed to be worried about something and then said, "This is also good for the Chaldeans. We already know that you are strong and lead to You also control the passage of Earth Two. By then, no matter what Chaldea wants to do, he will be supported by the unity of the entire planet."


   Shen He didn't speak, he seemed to be thinking.

   He had thought about the various conditions that the World Council might propose, but he did not expect that their appetite and ambition were greater than he had imagined.

Indeed, allowing them to take over the human power of the X-Men world will be of great benefit to the Chaldeans’ purpose of collecting mutants. After all, this Universe No. 2 is the birthplace of mutants, and it will continuously give birth to new mutants. .


   Shen He sneered in his heart. What the World Security Council is best at is that the world is best at obedience to the yin. On the surface, it is always harmonious, even standing on the side of justice, with all kinds of just reasons.

   But behind the scenes, I will not let go of any hope of overturning.

   Even if that hope seems so small.

   "It's impossible." Shen He replied directly, "Although I don't care who will rule the world, I have already lost patience with you."

   "But" Fury wanted to say something.

"Don't you understand?" Shen He interrupted him rudely, "I only have one job, which is to ensure the continuation of human principles, whether it is to establish a Chaldean branch, or to establish a sky garden, it is not for me. Words are just entertainment in the middle of work. Since it is entertainment, why bother to spend more time and choose someone who always causes trouble from time to time?"

   It is true that agreeing to allow the World Council of Universe One to take over the human regime in Universe Two will take a lot less time.

  Because on the surface, this group of interests, which has a deep understanding of the Chaldean power, will fully correspond to the Chaldean actions.

   But secretly.

  Whether it is secretly researching mutants or secretly collecting talents, as long as they can accumulate strength and look for things to overthrow Chaldea's hopes, they will definitely do it.

   When all kinds of weird villains pop up, Shen He doesn't bother to fight wits all day.

  "" Ferry was silent.

   For now, the greatest benefit of Universe 2 lies in the "people".

   Whether it is a mutant or a scientist, it even includes a large number of people.

   And if you want to get "people", you have to have "power".

   So when he came this time, he was actually preparing to fight for the control of Universe 2.

   Now, the greatest right has been denied.


   "I need a virtual world army of 100,000 people." Shen He suddenly said, "As a reward, you can take away some scientists and high-quality technicians to support the rapid development of the outer space program."

  "" Ferry's words were swallowed abruptly.

   He couldn't even stay around to see if the pink-haired superpower with mind reading was around.

   It is their bottom line to acquire a large number of outer space scientists and construction personnel.

After experiencing an alien invasion, the World Council has begun to look beyond the ground. They even cooperated with top scientific and technological forces including Wakanda and Stark to jointly launch an outer space program. The first step is to spread human colonies throughout the solar system.

  There is no barrier to the most difficult technology.

   Therefore, it is not the top scientists who determine the pace of advancement, but a large number of second- and third-line scientists.

   and highly qualified construction technicians.

   Just this is enough for the World Council to launch an aggressive war, not to mention that the modern warfare model has basically shifted to the use of soldiers to remotely control war weapons through virtual reality, and its military strength is not even worse than some interstellar civilizations.

   "That's it, I will see the army ready in three days." Shen He glanced at Fury for the last time, then lowered his head to help Violet with her blond hair that was tossed by the sea breeze.

   Fury wanted to say something more, but Coleson was already standing in front of him.

   In the end, he said nothing.

   Although I was a little disappointed in my heart, I had actually expected this situation. After all, with the strength of the Chaldeans, there are simply too many ways to know their bottom line.

   Shen He would not trust them, which is normal.

Trust is also a long-term process. In essence, the World Security Council has made strategic preparations for long-term coexistence with Chaldea. The characteristic represented by this is that in the World Security Council, the right to speak has gradually shifted from the past Western interests to the collective. The transfer of Eastern interests.

   This is also the distinguishing feature of interest aggregates ~ ~ As long as the benefits can be maximized, nothing can't be changed.

   Fury hurriedly left with a heavy task. He didn't need to report the negotiation process completely, but it took a lot of time to mobilize one hundred thousand troops.

   Shen He glanced at the time and patted Violet on the shoulder, "Get up, I have something to do."


   Violet got up obediently, but there was a strange emotion in her heart.

   Actually, it was not that Shen He came to see her today.

   But after she came over with the storybook alone, Shen He was sitting on the beach, so she mustered up the courage and did a few things beyond the order.

   As a result, I gained precious time alone with the master.

   "Master" Violet subconsciously held her breath, a little nervous, "Me, can I go together?"


   Shen He looked at her unexpectedly.

   Violet has always been obedient to heart-wrenching in the past. Even though it is not as good as it was at the beginning, when I was with her, I still felt like getting along with an exquisite doll.

   hesitated, but nodded.

   "Okay, let's go together."

   Although Violet can't help much with what to do, Shen He looked at her expectant eyes and couldn't bear to refuse.

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