Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 205: Silver Ship

With a thought, Renault rose into the air and fell into the open hull.

At this time, the bottom of the ship was filled with sections of metal beams of different specifications, and the number was more than 200.

The longest and thickest kind of metal beam is more than 6 meters in length, nearly half a meter in width, and has a cross section close to the "I" shape. They are connected head and tail, and are placed from the bow to the stern.

These metal beams will be used to strengthen the keel.

Please note that it is just "enhancement", not "replacement".

Replacement is impossible, because in shipbuilding, the keel is often the first component to be completed. To replace a keel completely, it is better to rebuild a ship.

The strengthening method is also very simple, which is to completely wrap the keel with metal beams, and then weld the metal beams together to strengthen the strength of the keel.

A large number of metal beams are also placed in other positions. They are long or short, but not as wide as the keel reinforcement beams. They will be used to strengthen the side keel, keel and ribs.

With the support of metal beams, the keel and main load-bearing frame of the entire Haichao will be greatly strengthened, and the hull will be stronger. In the terminology on earth, Haichao will become an "iron ribbed wooden hull ship."

Although this will cause the ship’s unloaded displacement to increase by tens of tons, and the load capacity will also be reduced, but it is all worthwhile.

In the storm season, once a ship enters the depths of the ocean, the probability of encountering turbulence will be greatly increased, and a stronger hull will greatly improve the safety of navigation.

In fact, if it weren’t for the only Heat-powered sailing ship Odin, the territory is currently completely inseparable from Odin, and Renault will definitely tow Odin into the dock.

However, once Haichao completes its transformation, Odin will also be driven into the dock, although its transformation is more difficult, requiring the removal of the deck to strengthen the keel.

"Lord...big...sir, please...please put... these two paragraphs..."

In the face of Renault, the shipbuilder was so nervous that he couldn't say anything. He was specially appointed by the shipyard supervisor to guide the master how to weld.

Looking at the blushing face of the middle-aged craftsman with the pale white temples, Renault tried his best to put on an amiable look.

He gently patted the craftsman on the shoulder, and said warmly: "Don't worry, speak slowly..."

The craftsman took a deep breath, and his speech finally became smoother: "Lord Lord, please first... first lay the bow of the ship... 2 metal beams on the keel, and then connect them together..."

Renault nodded, raised his right hand slightly, and the two metal beams flew up silently, melting into a blazing red melt in the blink of an eye, covering the surface of the wooden keel, and slowly creeping.

The craftsman on the side was already stunned.

Although I have been told, "hearing in the ear" and "seeing with my own eyes" are completely different things. Watching the extremely hard metal turn into a liquid and flow to the surface of the keel, the red hot surface cools down to silvery white, which the craftsman can see The eyeballs are almost falling off.

At this moment, countless questions popped up in his mind.

Why can metal melt without heating?

Why does the molten metal have such a high temperature, but it doesn't ignite the wood?

However, it is absolutely not allowed to ask questions. Is the Lord Lord's matter that a craftsman can ask casually?

Even if you can ask, the craftsman does not have the guts to speak.

After Renault finished laying, he turned his head to look at the craftsman, and saw that he was still looking at the shiny metal beam blankly, and he had not recovered from the shock of Shi Cai.

Renault couldn't help but smile and said, "Hey, man, after the metal beams are laid, you have a lot of time to watch slowly..."

The craftsman returned to his senses with an "Ah" cry, he hurriedly bowed, his face flushed again: "Lord...sir, please...forgive..."

Renault raised his hand to interrupt him, smiled and asked, "Is it time to lay these six?"

As soon as the voice fell, six metal beams rose off the ground and shuttled briskly in the air.

The craftsman stayed for a while. The instruction he received was "lay two at a time." This request of Lord Lord obviously exceeded his expectations, but after checking the keel, he still nodded.

Renault immediately shook his right hand, and the 6 metal beams melted into molten steel at the same time, which was evenly scattered on the surface of the keel.

After the "multi-threaded" operation was turned on, the laying efficiency suddenly increased. Only 5 minutes later, more than 200 metal beams were laid.

Strengthening the keel is only the first step in the transformation of Haichao, and there is a second step next-the hull is covered with iron.

It is the so-called tin boat.

The purpose of this is, on the one hand, to increase the strength of the hull, on the other hand, it can also prevent the seawater from corroding the wood and greatly extend the life of the hull.

In this step, the metal Renault intends to use is not ordinary steel, but iron turtle brand stainless steel!

Last time Renault hunted dozens of iron tortoises on Iron Armor Island and obtained a batch of iron tortoise shells, which were used here.

Originally, he planned to use his own smelted stainless steel, but unfortunately, in the process of analyzing the iron tortoise stainless steel in the material laboratory, it was discovered that it contained an unknown metal. Even the magicians did not know what metal it was.

Before figuring out this material and finding the corresponding mineral deposits, the mass production plan of stainless steel can only stay in the imagination.

On the earth, tin boats have also appeared.

For example, the iron-clad ships of Little Japan are the most typical iron-clad ships.

It can also be seen from this name how little Japan likes to brag. In fact, the real iron-clad ship refers to the hull covered with steel armor, which can resist the thick armor designed by artillery, rather than a thin layer of iron skin.

The process of attaching the iron sheet to the hull is also very simple, no different from "body film".

The process of applying the film on the hull was very technical, but it caused a particularly strong sensation.

Because there were too many spectators there, there were dozens of shipbuilding craftsmen alone, and dozens of additional workers were hired. In addition, there were more than a dozen staff from the Department of Navigation and island guards, and the total number was more than 120.

When the lord raised his hand to "summon" the first turtle shell, the black human head behind him was swinging his head neatly and following the flight trajectory of the turtle shell.

When the tortoise shell was melted, the crowd exclaimed in unison.

When the molten metal was spread into a 2 mm thick sheet, more than a hundred pumping noises converged into a loud whistling sound.

When the thin plate was covered on the hull, the "dubbing" changed back to wonder, but the sound took a step up.

This kind of reaction is understandable if you witness this magical sight for the first time, but what makes Renault speechless is that the filming process is repeated more than a dozen times, and the audience is still watching with gusto, and the "dubbing" also follows the cycle over and over again. .

This made Renault secretly complain, MMP, a bunch of turtles, wouldn't it be too tired to watch it so many times?

Since the filming is an external operation, there is no obstruction and there is enough space for display, so the speed is amazing. In just 2 minutes, Renault can get the hull filming work.

Thanks to the powerful control ability of [Nian Power], the surface of the silver-white metal sheet is quite smooth, allowing people to be seen clearly.

When Renault welded different metal plates together, it did not leave any traces, and it looked like a complete metal plate.

As a result, the huge hull was sprayed with a layer of silver powder, which looked exceptionally beautiful and eye-catching.

At this moment, looking at the incomparable fantasy scene in front of them, everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

For this group of turtles, this scene is too fantastic. The lord master walked a group around the hull, and the originally slightly mottled and somewhat ugly hull became so bright.

This unremarkable wooden ship also transformed into a stunning "silver ship".

Any ship in the world, in front of this "Silver Mirror Ship", is **** among rubbish.

"The ugly duckling turns into a swan" is not enough to describe this incredible change. It is simply a powerful magic comparable to "turning a stone into gold".

The trick of the lord master is really amazing!

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