Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 210: Hill of the Sea

Fortunately, the knotting method of the rope has taken emergency situations into consideration, and the rope can be loosened by pulling it hard, and the sails of 5 or 6 meters high will automatically fall down.

Because Renault was very timely warning, before the sailors completed the mission, no abnormality occurred, which also made them greatly relieved.

After pulling apart the knot, the sailors also hugged the masts tightly, letting the huge canvas slowly fall on them, completely enveloping themselves.

Standing in the sky above Haichao, Renault had already felt that the dark magical energy fluctuations coming from the bottom of the sea became more and more obvious. If it weren't for an extraordinary person with extremely powerful and extremely sensitive spiritual power, he would definitely not be aware of this magical energy fluctuation.

Please note that we are talking about "transcendents", in other words, ordinary transcendents can't find this kind of fluctuation at all.

In addition, Renault also discovered a terrible fact.

In a large area around the sailboat, the color of the sea seemed to darken a little.

This difference is very small, but he is confident that with his own vision, he will not make a mistake in judgment.

Renault didn't know how big this "discoloration" area was, and he couldn't see it in a hurry. He only knew that the sea within a radius of 2 kilometers had all changed.

Farther afield, he couldn't confirm whether it had also changed because he couldn't see it very clearly.

Even the most conservative estimate, the area of ​​the abnormal change area is more than 3 square kilometers, equivalent to 1/50 of Odin Island.

But according to the fluctuation range of the seabed, Renault has a strong hunch that the abnormal change area is definitely more than 3 square kilometers, and 3 times or 5 times are possible.

This discovery made his face very ugly.

Renault couldn't help cursing secretly. The stormy season of Dog X, the magical power of Dog X, Jing Te's cheating, all good things can give you a whole "flying disaster".

Mana fluctuations continue to climb at a steady rate, and they are getting closer and closer to the sea.

A few seconds later, Renault, standing at an altitude of 30 meters, suddenly discovered that the sea level below seemed to rise a little bit.

This made him startled for a while, rising?

Could it be that the wave of magic energy on the bottom of the sea is an upward current?

When Renault was still in shock, an astonishing phenomenon happened.

The sea surface within a radius of 5 or 6 kilometers suddenly swelled up. According to the area, this area is more than 20 square kilometers.

It really is upwelling!

Calculated by weight, this upward current may contain more than 10 billion tons of seawater.

After just a few glances, Renault came up with this shocking data, but he didn't care to look at the sea any more, and moved straight down to the ocean tide.

At this time, the sea began to rise rapidly. Almost in an instant, the water soared nearly 3 meters high, lifting the Haichao.

To make matters worse, the upwelling seems to be mixed with countless turbulences. The sea surface is like boiling water in a pot, constantly surging. This area has completely turned into a terrifying turbulent area.

Haichao seemed to be suffering from epilepsy, trembling constantly in the turbulence, countless waves were flying in the air, and there was a torrential rain on the deck. In just a few seconds, a wave appeared on the originally dry deck. Stratified water.

The two boats on both sides of the Haichao tremble more exaggeratedly. Most of the hull is submerged by sea water. Renault, who is floating on the side, clearly hears the sour "crunches" on the "wings".

Obviously, under such a strong turbulence, the strength of the "wings" is not enough to withstand such a violent impact.

With a move in Renault's heart, a wave of magical energy surged in his body, but the next moment, the wave quietly converged.

He gave up the ability to use.

The purpose of this adventure to Midway Island was not only to transport supplies, but also to verify the reliability of the trimaran. If he helped, it would lose the significance of the experiment.

Before the most dangerous moment, Renault does not intend to make a move.

After the sea rose nearly 20 meters high, the rising speed gradually slowed down.

Looking at it from the sky, an extremely huge "hill of sea water" has bulged up on the originally flat sea.

It is a pity that no one has the mind to pay attention to such a spectacular sight, and no one wants to admire it.

Everyone on the Ocean Wave is full of fear, even Moose is no exception. After all, under such a terrifying power of heaven and earth, an extraordinary person seems incomparably insignificant.

The icy waves flying in the sky drenched the poor sailors, and coupled with the roaring wind, they were trembling with cold, but no one cared about it.

Everyone on the deck tried their best to hold the mast tightly, for fear of being thrown away accidentally. Because the sea waves were so terrifying, many people even closed their eyes in horror.

Except for Renault.

There is no fear in his heart, but he has been flying close to the deck, paying close attention to the situation of the Ocean Tide and the situation of several key subjects, such as Lanster and Rudolf.

As for the others, please forgive the lord who only has hands and feet, and can't control so many people, they can only rely on themselves.

Renault even took a leisurely look at the distant scene.

This extremely magnificent "Hill of Sea Water" made him couldn't help but marvel. The huge scene of hundreds of millions of tons of sea water emerging from gravity and emerging from the sea in a short period of time was indeed extremely impressive.

There are also circles of circular waves around, rapidly spreading to the distance, and it seems to have a unique beauty. This is the wave formed by the "Hill of Sea" pushing against the sea.

When the sea surface rose more than 30 meters high, the sea finally began to fall.

At this time, the turbulence seemed to have lost its support and subsided completely, but instead of feeling happy, the sailors became more frightened.

Because of weightlessness.

The gravitational force of the planet drags hundreds of millions of tons of seawater back to the surface, and Haichao is naturally not immune.

Although it is supported by sea water, the acceleration of the fall is not fast, but it is almost 3-4m/s2. This weightlessness is not as frightening as a fall from high altitude, but it is also shocking enough.

But Lanster has a good mental quality. He looks quite calm, he just closed his eyes and muttered words, and didn't know what he was praying for.

After 4 seconds, Haichao returned to sea level, and also ushered in the final test.

When gravity tried to smooth the "Mound of Sea Water", the shocking potential energy contained in the huge amount of sea water was transformed into kinetic energy, which hit the sea level, directly "pressing down" the water surface.

In other words, the "bump" on the sea surface disappeared, and a "pit" appeared.

The depth of the "pit" is not as good as that of the "bulge", but it is also more than 10 meters deep, which can already submerge the Haichao.

As a result, the sailors on the deck were also "fortunate" to witness this rare scene: their ship sank completely to sea level, with only a few masts stubbornly sticking out of the sea.

Of course, none of them would think this was a kind of "lucky" because it was so scary.

Looking around, there are boundless water curtains all around, and it seems that in the next moment, the sea will engulf the Haichao, and they will be buried on the bottom of the sea.

MMP, only abnormal can feel "lucky", this kind of "lucky", labor and management in this life do not want to experience it again.

Along with the "pit", there was a more intense shock.

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