Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 228: In the name of Renault Odin

From the moment they set foot on the deck of the Odin, Michelin and others were told by a person who claimed to be "Charlotte, a civil servant of the Civil Affairs Department" that they were free and no longer slaves!

However, Hai Chao Ling paid a "very high" price in order to save them. In exchange, Michelin and others needed to work for the territory for free for two years.

However, Hai Chao Ling has an extremely benevolent lord, so their work will not be very heavy. Their daily working hours are "only" 10 hours, and there is one day off each month.

In addition, Michelin also heard about other benefits, such as free dormitories, work clothes, regular medical examinations, and a series of things that people seem to understand, but no one dared to ask them carefully.

For them, being able to escape the evil hand of the black **** is enough to make people ecstatic, not to mention just two years of free work, and there are a lot of people willing to work in 5 or 10 years.

A group of people were led into the bathroom and took the first hot bath in their lives.

When the Mr. Charlotte unscrewed a few strange things, hot water spurted from several cylindrical objects on the roof of the cabin and spilled on their almost frozen bodies, many people could no longer tell whether it was. Hot water, still tears.

A few hours ago, they were forced to dive into the icy water again and again, struggling to survive, waiting for the cold to take their lives at some point, or to be dragged away by hungry black bastards.

But now, the long-lost warmth completely surrounds them, and they don't have to worry about scolding and beating at all times, let alone the fear of death that may come at any time.

When they wore brand-new linen clothes and were taken into a cabin with 8 beds, and the beds were covered with thick hay, they finally confirmed that they had come to heaven.

When they were taken to the cafeteria, they watched the bowls of steaming food, especially the big chunks of animal meat in the bowl, and a thick layer of grease floated on the broth.

Since becoming slaves, God knows how long they have not eaten enough. Oatmeal paste mixed with a lot of bran is the most common food, and a small piece of brown bread is a rare delicacy.

Wanting to drink a bite of broth is simply a luxury, as for meat, don't even think about it.

What they had never seen in their dreams turned into reality.

Is this heaven?

Do not!

This is above heaven.

When they scooped the broth into the mouth with a wooden spoon, feeling the extremely delicious meat, savoring the creamy and unique taste of the fat, some people finally couldn't help crying.

At this moment, everyone has a kind of enlightenment.

The suffering is over.

They didn't know who was leading the head, they knelt in front of Charlotte, trying to kiss his shoes.

Mr. Charlotte resolutely stopped them, and told them gently: If you want to praise all of this, then chant the name "Renault Odin".

The ice seal meat, which filled the sailors with resentment, did not appear on Renault's table.

Of course, this is not because seal meat is unpalatable, on the contrary, ice seal meat is not unpalatable at all.

As aquatic mammals, ice seals have a lot of fat. In addition to a thick layer of fat, they also deposit a lot of fat in their muscle fibers.

To describe it in a professional vocabulary, that is-Marbling.

Take beef on the earth as an example. The more marbled texture, the softer the beef taste and the more expensive the price. For example, the top-quality Wagyu beef, among which the higher quality parts, sell for several thousand soft sister coins per kilogram.

You might as well let more ice seal meat. After cutting the muscles, you can clearly see the dense marble pattern.

It's just that this batch of ice seal meat carried on the sailing boat has been frozen in ice for more than a week, and it has long been stale, and the taste has been greatly reduced.

The more serious problem is the cooking technique. The top ingredients are thrown into the pot and simmered for too long. The fat is melted, the muscle fiber is also boiled, and it chews like wood dregs. Can the sailors not complain?

The correct method of iced seal meat should be frying, just like frying a steak. Only in this way can the fat in the muscles be locked as much as possible and the taste is kept tender.

But there are only two chefs on the Odin. They have to cook for more than 100 people. How can they have time to fry them slowly? Of course it's coming soon.

Besides, Tian Tian Da Yu Da Meat still has opinions. I am determined not to be used to this stinking problem, and I don’t want to eat for a few days?

But when cooking for the respected Lord Lord, the chefs said that there is ample time. They will do whatever tricks the Lord Lord likes. It is not a matter of three frying and three frying.

There were three dishes delivered to Renault, and the ingredients came from the same animal-snow rabbit.

The snow hare was the prey that Ronald captured when he was stationed on Midway Island.

These snow rabbits are not small, weighing more than 10 kilograms, and the meat is tender and tastes very good.

Since stationing on a desert island is quite boring, Ronald the flatterer, in order to please the lord, catches rabbits on the island when he has nothing to do. The sailboat that comes to Midway Island to transport supplies can always bring back dozens of snow rabbits when he returns.

Had it not been for Renault to stop later, Ronald would have been able to kill the snow rabbits on the island.

On this trip to the mainland, the Odin also brought a group of snow rabbits as the lord's special food.

And it's still alive.

In addition to their duties, the two chefs are also responsible for feeding the snow rabbits to ensure that Lord Lord can enjoy the freshest ingredients at any time.

The first dish is fried snow rabbit steak.

The rabbit steaks were dipped in egg whites and bread crumbs and then fried in the pan. They were fried until golden and crisp, fully locked in the juice inside, and filled with oil in one bite.

The second dish is braised snow rabbit meat. Stir-fried and simmered for half an hour on low heat, it is soft and tasty, and it melts in the mouth.

The third course is the snow rabbit skewers. The selected snow rabbit shank meat is cut into small pieces, covered with salt, cumin, animal fat and other spices, and then grilled with wood charcoal. The roasted snow rabbit meat has a strong fragrance. Energetic.

The three ways of using rabbit meat made Renault quite satisfied. It also shows that chefs in other worlds are not all idiots. As long as they are taught well, they can also practice good cooking skills.

After enjoying this dinner, the sky was completely dark, and there was a light snow in the cold wind, which is the "goose feather snow" on the earth.

For Renault, this kind of weather is a good opportunity to explore the situation on the mainland. With the cover of night and wind and snow, even if the black orcs have dark vision, it is difficult to find Renault in the sky.

By the way, we can also choose a suitable target for tomorrow's "robbing" operation.

The human beings who are still alive on the Continent of Glow have either become slaves to the black orcs or hide in remote corners off the beaten track, making it difficult to find them.

Therefore, when Renault wanted to collect the population, the most straightforward way was to go to a certain black orc tribe to rob, slaughter the black orcs in the light tribe, and take away all the human slaves.

The heating group enveloping Renault swiftly passed through the night sky, and the cyclone formed by the wind element isolated the cold wind and blizzard, making the flight very comfortable.

In just 5 minutes, he crossed over 30 nautical miles, which is more than 60 kilometers, and officially flew over the glorious continent.

After a lapse of 4 months, Renault came back.

Under his feet, the boundless darkness stretched far away, and finally merged with the gloomy firmament on the horizon, as if the whole world had turned into an endless abyss.

For humans, this world is indeed no different from the abyss.

But for the black hybrids, this is a paradise. Compared with the cold and barren northern plateau, this land that originally belonged to the Mushan Kingdom has a warmer climate and rich products. It is exactly the settlement that the black skins have dreamed of for thousands of years.

Scattered flares dotted the dark ground, and they were ignited by the black beasts.

Every concentrated spot of light represented a black orc tribe that had migrated. Looking around, Renault saw at least dozens of spots of light. This also means that this piece of land that once belonged to humans has been completely Changed the owner.

Renault sighed silently, and flew past the blurred coastline, his eyes skipping between clusters of light spots.

The choice of the target of the robbery is very particular.

First of all, considering the need to evacuate quickly after the event, the target should not be too far from the coastline.

Secondly, the target tribe should not be too large as much as possible. They have limited manpower and cannot gnaw on targets that are too large. They are also prone to casualties. The target can only be medium-sized tribes, preferably small tribes.

It didn't take long for Renault to discover an ideal goal.

This light spot group is only 2 kilometers away from the coast, and the light spots are not too dense. It is estimated that the total number will not exceed 2,000. It should be a small black orc tribe, and it is unlikely to have extraordinary combat power.

Even if there is a transcendent in the tribe, there is only one at most, and Renault can easily win it.

A large group of thick shadows can be seen around the target, which are undulating mountains, which shows that this tribe is just surrounded by mountains.

This is really a perfect graveyard.

Thinking of this, Renault's eyes revealed Sen Han's killing intent.

In addition, outside the mountains, there is a denser group of light spots. The two groups of light spots can be separated by a large mountain forest, and the straight-line distance does not exceed 20 kilometers.

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