Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 242: The fog of history

People from other worlds are positioned on the sea, relying on the "celestial magic field."

The so-called "celestial magic energy field" is the sea of ​​magic energy that wraps a certain celestial body.

Due to the effect of universal gravitation, magic energy is absorbed by the celestial body's gravity, forming a "magic energy field" with uneven distribution of magic energy around the planet. It is also the main basis for judging latitude when people from other worlds sail.

However, only evidence is not enough, and concrete means are needed.

When measuring latitude, people in other worlds need to use something called "star magic stone".

The magic stone of stars is not a magic stone condensed in the living body, but a kind of strange natural ore. It has an extremely unique characteristic: perception of the position of the magic energy field.

When you input magic energy into the Star Magic Stone, a large number of light spots will light up on its surface, and each light spot corresponds to a star in the sky. The greater the mass of the star, the closer the distance, the higher the brightness of the light spot.

The three largest points of light are the sun and the two moons, namely Yaan and Eva.

Knowing the location of the celestial body, you can calculate the specific latitude accordingly.

But the people of other worlds will not be foolishly holding a stone to make a measurement. They invented a magical observation tool-planetarium.

Carve a large piece of star magic stone into the shape of a sphere, engrave the latitude line on the surface of the sphere, as well as various celestial orbital parameters, as well as key geographic coordinates on the planet, and a planetarium is completed.

The use of planetarium is very simple. After activating it, according to the position of the sun and the moon, and at the same time comparing the orbital parameters, you can get the angle data of the stars. Finally, according to the different seasons, you can easily get the latitude information by consulting the astrological data manual. .

Longitude information is not difficult to obtain. The local time can be obtained through the position of the celestial body. Although the clocks in other worlds are not accurate, they can barely be used. Compare the clock time with the local time, and the longitude will come out.

To some extent, the principle of a planetarium is similar to that of a sextant on the earth, except that it is more intuitive and more convenient and faster to use.

This method has a great advantage, that is, even if the sky is blocked by clouds, it doesn't matter if you can't see the stars, and it doesn't affect the use at all.

But the planetarium has a drawback. Once it encounters bad weather, such as storms, blizzards, etc., the magic field will definitely fluctuate abnormally, the planetarium will directly fail, and the surface light spots will flicker like a convulsive wind.

In addition to bad weather, the celestial magic field will occasionally show some strange anomalies, at this time the planetarium will have a great deviation.

For example, the sun is clearly high in the sky, but on the planetarium, the sun has already set.

This is the so-called "look at the face of magic energy".

Since the advent of the more accurate magic clock, the accuracy of longitude measurement has been greatly improved. This is the real reason why the Odin and Haichao dare to sail at night.

I changed the nautical clock made by the alien turtles, and it went wrong every three days. The measured longitude difference of 5 or 6 degrees is simply commonplace, and the voyagers of the alien did not dare to sail at night.

The first time Renault saw the real planetarium was on the White-tailed Sparrow.

The surface of the planetarium is engraved with dense lines and symbols. The astrological data manual that is matched with the planetarium is more than 100 pages thick, and the astrological data recorded in it is even detailed every day.

All this made Renault amazed, and it also made him the first time he saw the wisdom of the otherworldly turtles.

Renault believes that the data in the manual is the accumulation of generations of navigators. The planetarium has also undergone thousands of updates and transformations before it has its current appearance.

But Elon told him that a long, long time ago, before human navigation technology was not developed, planetariums and astrological data manuals were already like this.

In other words, there was planetarium before ocean navigation.

This surprised Renault severely.

how can that be?

After calming down, Renault thought of a shocking possibility.

Could the planetarium be a product of "prehistoric civilization"?


This is the most unbelievable, but the most reasonable conclusion.

Later, after dug up the "prehistoric relic" left by the "devil" on Midway Island, Renault truly realized that the history of the alien world was clearly shrouded in a thick layer of mist.

In addition, the planetarium is also engraved with 3 extremely eye-catching double-ring signs, and even Elon doesn't know what they represent.

Renault believes that if the planetarium is really a prehistoric creation, the double ring must have a special meaning, such as an artificial magic field! !

If there is an artificial magic energy field fixed on the ground, as long as the planetarium is activated and the light spot of the artificial magic energy field is matched with the double ring mark, the latitude and longitude coordinates can be directly obtained.

No need to observe stars or check manuals, this is the gPS navigation system of the alien version!

Reynolds can think of this, and prehistoric civilization can certainly think of it, especially prehistoric civilization is likely to exist...the legendary magic.

The most powerful magic in the legend has the boundless power to change the world. Is it difficult to create several man-made magic fields?

And there are exactly three double-ring signs. Isn’t this the so-called 3-point positioning?

According to Elon, one of the double-ring signs is located on the northern plateau of the Black Orcs, and the other two Devil Seas on the other side of the planet divide the entire planet almost equally. Is there any other possibility besides the positioning signs?

The more Renault thought about it, the more he felt that this brain hole was the most logical.

This speculation made him unable to help but think about it.

The prehistoric civilization must be a magical civilization with a splendid culture. Those amazing magicians assembled the power of the entire civilization and built 3 super landmarks on the planet, creating a planet-level navigation system. .

So the question is, why is such a powerful prehistoric civilization completely annihilated in time, and not even a single word can be left to future generations?

Because of natural disasters?

The theological texts of the Church of God the Father do indeed say about "disaster of the world",

The classics describe it like this: Ten thousand years ago, the great Father God set off a super flood that flooded the entire world to purify the sins of the world. The current human civilization is the civilization that has developed after the disaster of the world. .

The scriptures also warn that if you do not believe in God the Father, one day in the future, the catastrophe of the world will come again.

But isn't this a bullshit?

Is God Father a fool? Worked so hard to create a flood, and even his believers drowned together?

This is obviously the nonsense of the faculty intimidating ignorant civilians, using fear to preach, and Renault doesn't even believe a punctuation mark.

If it wasn't for natural disasters, how did prehistoric civilization perish?

Because of the invasion of foreign enemies?

So who is the foreign enemy?

The devil?

Thinking of the four extremely hideous faces on that prehistoric relic, Renault felt that it was not impossible.

It is a pity that he cannot go to the location marked by the "double-ring sign" to admire some prehistoric relics, and by the way appreciate the demeanor of a prehistoric magician.

The northern plateau is the hometown of Heipi, and before Heipi is exploded, he cannot climb the cliff.

As for the Devil Sea, it is even more impossible.

I heard that the Devil's Sea is an extremely huge sea, occupying almost half of the planet. The area east of the Storm Sea, and 1,500 nautical miles west of the Glow Continent, all belong to the Devil's Sea.

This sea area is full of turbulence and storms all year round, and many areas are shrouded in permanent fog and lightning, which is far more dangerous than the storm sea area.

Since historical records, all ships that entered the Devil’s Sea have gone forever. It can be said unceremoniously that the Devil’s Sea is a forbidden zone for mankind.

Renault turned his head, glanced at his island guard and the large group of slaves, and blurted out the orders.

"Terry, you lead the island guard team to log, we need enough torches..."

"Charlotte, you arrange a part of the manpower to prepare the transportation of supplies..."

"Ryan, you can start preparing dinner..."

"Everyone must move quickly. Tonight must be settled. The black **** may send a magic eye to investigate tomorrow..."

The silent crowd moved immediately, shouts rang everywhere, and the island gradually became lively.

Renault rose into the sky and flew towards the stone mountain in the center of Kurun Island. He planned to dig a hole in the stone mountain and dig out a temporary camp to accommodate the island's more than 800 slaves and more than 30 island guards.

For safety's sake, it is the best choice to build the camp inside the stone mountain. You only need to keep an entrance and then cover it up. Even if the black orcs send out their magic eyes to search the sea, it is impossible to see through.

The security of the cave camp is also higher, no matter how big a storm is, it is impossible to shake the stone mountain, so you can sit back and relax in the cave.

The layout of the stone caves is similar to that of the warehouse on Midway Island. Renault dug out 12 "cave dwellings" of varying lengths, nine of which are for slaves and one for the island guard team.

There are two for special purposes, one for the kitchen, and the other for the toilet.

This is a must, because these nearly thousand people can't always go outside to urinate and urinate anywhere, right? How many traces does that have to leave? As long as the magic eye is not blind, he can definitely see these traces.

As for heating and cooking, this is not a big problem.

During this trip to the mainland, the fleet carried two additional Thermo Demon heaters. When the fleet left Cullen Island, it left one Thermo Demon heater and a large amount of heavy fuel for the slaves on the island.

Place the hot magic heater in a hidden corner of the island, then pull the magic silver wire into the hole, and finally place a small heater with a magic fan at various positions in the cave.

Finally, the pipes are connected to let the warm air flow to all corners of the cave, and a set of "central heating system" with alien characteristics is completed.

The small heater is a ready-made product, and it is also a device specially developed for the warehouse on Midway Island, and even the Lord’s Mansion is using the same device.

The air supply duct is even simpler. It is enough to melt it directly in the stone, so that it does not take up space and looks neater, which is in line with the aesthetics of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

As long as the Heat Demon heater keeps running, it can guarantee that the cave is warm as spring. In such a cold winter, you can feel comfortable living in the cave with the air conditioner on.

Cooking can also use the heat energy generated by the heat magic heater, just slightly change the rune square plate on the small heater, and increase the output temperature, and the heat source for cooking will be there.

In addition, the thermal heater will produce a small amount of black smoke when it burns heavy oil. If it is left untreated, the black smoke may expose everyone's position when the magic eye flies over to investigate.

But Renault also has a solution. If the exhaust pipe is directly connected to the seawater, the carbon particles in the black smoke will be absorbed by the seawater, and the black smoke problem will be solved.

The only problem is that the pipe needs to be made very long, more than 500 meters long, which took Renault a lot of time.

Finally, there is the problem of ventilation. Nearly a thousand people are squeezed in the cave. If there is no ventilation equipment, people will die sooner or later. Maybe half of the people will die of suffocation when they wake up.

This also has a ready-made solution.

The high-power magic exhaust fan and the exhaust duct in the stone perfectly solve all the problems.

Midway Island has already been used, and the island guards will choose whoever uses it.

The only trouble is that the location of the air outlet needs to be concealed a bit, because the exhaust is also warm, which will melt the snow, which is easy to be detected by the magic eye.

This is easy to say, just like the exhaust pipe of a thermal heater, it is enough to pass into the sea. Isn't it a matter of smashing another pipe?

This master has used too many pipes. He has long been a master of pipes. What a mere pipe is.

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