Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 246: Medical report

With lingering fears, he touched a handful of chrysanthemums with his backhand, and Michelin took a thin piece of paper and walked out of the gate of the quarantine center.

He lowered his head and glanced at the white paper in his hand. At the top of the paper, there was a neat line of general-purpose text: the medical examination report of new immigrants from Hai Chao Ling.

Most of the items in the physical examination report are easy to understand, such as height, weight, vision, etc., but there are also a few items that make Michelin seem to understand, such as blood type, vital capacity, and even a few items that are difficult to tell.

At the bottom of the report, a somewhat vague bright red seal was knocked out, and it was vaguely recognizable that the words on the seal were "passed".

The cold wind shook the medical report in his hand slightly, and Michelin hurriedly folded it carefully and put it in his jacket pocket.

The lords of the government affairs office said that this medical report is very important. Only with it can you enter the "labor center", participate in the interviews of the lords, and wait for the assignment of jobs.

According to the signed agreement, he must work for the territory free of charge for 2 years. This time starts from the day when the work contract is officially obtained.

If the medical examination fails, you must stay in the hospital for treatment, but this is not without cost. The hospital will extend the time of mandatory work according to the cost of treatment. The more treatment costs, the longer the mandatory work period.

If it is a major disease, after it is cured, you may have to work for the territory for ten or eight years.

Thinking of this, Michelin couldn't help but be grateful that he had passed the medical examination. He knew very well that the so-called "mandatory work" was simply debt. Of course, the less debt the better, and the sooner the better.

Although he was extremely grateful for the Lord's life-saving grace, he decided that he would only work for the Hai Chao-ling in this life, and only be loyal to the Lord's one person, but debts, as far as possible, should not be owed.

After looking up at the gloomy sky, Michelin understood that there might be a heavy snowfall in the next few days. He wrapped his clothes tightly and walked to a tall building in the distance.

This is where the labor center is located.

The boots fell on the snow and kept making "creaking" sounds. Michelin couldn't help but recall that unforgettable sea journey.

A journey that completely changed his own destiny.

Since leaving Coron Island, they have sailed for a full 9 days at sea. This is the longest journey that Michelin has experienced in life so far.

During this journey, he gained a lot of knowledge, saw scenery that he had never seen before, and witnessed things that he had never seen before.

For example, the vast ocean is astonishing.

Although Michelin has seen the sea, this is the first time he has entered the depths of the ocean. The feeling of "a lone boat floating on the sea, looking around, it is a vast ocean" makes him feel so insignificant.

Another example is a sailboat that does not have sails but runs faster than a galloping horse, dotted islands and reefs, and a long chain of islands, such as the endless gust of wind, the alarming fog, and the terrible group of reefs. .

Michelin really realized that the world is so big!

During this period, he also experienced several shocks, such as frightening, turbulence that may appear at any time, and he must be careful when eating and sleeping, and he must be tied with a safety rope when going on the deck.

There was also a terrible blizzard. This was the first time he had seen such a big snow. The dense snow seemed to bury everything, and the huge waves caused by the blizzard.

Although parked near a relatively safe island, just looking at the near-destroying momentum from a distance caused Michelin to have nightmares several times.

He also landed on Midway Island and walked into a cave warehouse that was also said to have been built by the lord. The warehouse was larger and the terrain was more difficult. To enter the warehouse, he had to take a pulley car.

The feeling of swaying on the surface of the sea, being dragged by two ropes to slide, made him feel extremely exciting, and it is still unforgettable.

Michelin has also come into contact with all kinds of magical machinery, such as a powerful magic motive, a 4-wheeled trolley that can move forward automatically without being pushed by a human, and can easily lift a huge tower.

All of this opened his eyes and made him deeply realize that Hai Chao Ling is a territory full of miracles, and the lord who created these magical creations in rumors is a respectable wise man.

Well, it's still an extremely powerful transcendent.

I heard that Lord Lord personally killed a giant sea monster that is hundreds of meters long. My dear, is this really something that an extraordinary person can do? I'm afraid that only gods can do it, right?

Michelin had to believe it, because the masters of the Island Guard team all declared with serious faces that they were on the scene, witnessed the feats of Lord Lord, and personally broke down the body of the troll.

It is said that one of the tentacles of the giant monster is longer than that of a sailing ship like the Odin, and there are tens of thousands of such tentacles.

My God, this super monster that is scarier than the devil, just thinking about it makes people unable to sleep.

When hearing these incredible rumors at the time, Michelin felt that he was hearing a certain mythology and legend, rather than a real person.

"Michelin...wait for me..."

At this moment, Michelin suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him, so he immediately stopped and looked back.

I saw a thin man running at small steps while waving his hand.

This man was named Sean, one of the "former" slaves rescued by the Island Guard team from the Black Orcs tribe, and a friend whom Michelin met during the journey.

After catching up with Michelin, Sean raised the medical report in his hand and asked out of breath, "Did you pass the medical examination?"

Michelin patted the pocket with the medical report and smiled: "Of course, how about you?"

Sean nodded and sighed: "I just asked, many of the people rescued from the Xueyang tribe have not passed the medical examination..."

The Snow Goat tribe that Sean was talking about was the official name of the black orc village.

Michelin fell silent when he heard the words, with a heavy expression on his face.

The results Sean said were not surprising.

All human beings who became slaves, without exception, suffered very tragic encounters. It is no exaggeration to describe them as "eating less than chickens and doing more than cattle".

Every day's work is very heavy, and almost all of it is hard work. If the work is not completed, it will directly provoke a severe beating.

The scary thing is that the black **** in charge of the overseer will deliberately beat him to death, because if the slave is killed, they can eat human flesh.

These black-skinned overseers are civilians. They usually have very few opportunities to eat meat. As long as they get the chance, they will of course beat the slaves frantically. Anyway, no one will be punished if they are killed. They can eat a few meat meals. Why not beat them?

Because of this, the slaves had to work hard to avoid being eaten.

But no matter how hard they work, they can't exceed their physiological limits. What's more, they have never eaten enough. As a result, some people fall down every day and some people are eaten every day.

The most irritating thing is that sometimes black **** even deliberately eat people in front of slaves to intimidate other slaves.

I have to admit that this trick is very effective. Every slave who witnesses this scene will work desperately.

Months of overloaded work and poor nutrition have put every slave who survived on the verge of overdraft. If it weren't for the island protection team to rescue them, I am afraid these slaves would not last long.

Therefore, most of the slaves were very weak and needed a period of self-cultivation to recover. People like Michelin and Sean who passed the physical examination did not even make up half of the total.

"Did you also do that...anorectal disease check?" Sean asked suddenly hesitating.

Hearing the words "anorectal disease checkup", Michelin instantly remembered the physical examination process he had just gone through, his face became a little weird, and the chrysanthemum was a little uncomfortable.

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