Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 262: Good show opening

The whole Starfish Island was a sensation.

Because this is the first merchant fleet ever to successfully conquer the stormy season.

Because their sailboat is an extremely rare trimaran.

It is also because the leader of the merchant fleet turned out to be a powerful and extraordinary lord.

After the Odin and Haichao docked at the pier, the civilians who came to watch the trimaran were like crucian carp crossing the river. For two days, the port was full of people and people from half of the city came to the pier and circled around.

In addition to sailing ships, these guys who call themselves the "Hai Tide Chamber of Commerce" not only behave in an extremely high-profile manner, but also behave in a strange manner, which impresses the civilians on the island.

However, since there is an extraordinary person in the battle, this is not surprising, anyway, no one dares to break ground on the extraordinary person, no matter how high-profile it is, there is no need to worry.

On the first day when he set foot on the Shanghai Star Island, Moose officially visited the top official of the city hall as an extraordinary man, and obtained the right to establish a chamber of commerce in the city.

Seeing the face of an extraordinary person and the exquisite gift, Mr. Mayor readily agreed to this request.

Moose did not visit Earl Eriksson because it was unnecessary.

If you are discussing matters such as military alliances, finding the local lord is the most appropriate choice, but since you are here for business, the city hall is the best contact.

In the alien world, although most cities are built on noble lands, cities can enjoy a certain degree of autonomy, not only by the orders of the lords, which is similar to that of the earth in the Middle Ages.

The power of city management is shared by the lord with the trade unions and handicraft guilds. The lord can appoint some positions, such as tax officers, and many positions are held in the hands of other classes.

This is the core logic of human society in the alien world. Rights and obligations are equal. Merchants and handicraftsmen have contributed a large amount of taxes to the lord, and they naturally have reasons to demand certain rights.

Of course, the lord can also forcibly take over the entire city, but the consequences of doing so will only hurt both sides.

Of course, the elite citizens are not reconciled to becoming the fish on the chopping board. For the sake of wealth and personal safety, they will most likely migrate to other cities, leaving a lifeless city, so that taxes will be drastically reduced and local lords will suffer heavy losses.

In the next period of time, the eye-opening scenes of the turtles on Haixing Island were staged one after another.

The words "Hai Tide Chamber of Commerce" were also deeply engraved in the minds of civilians on Haixing Island.

In full view, the sailors quickly set up two sets of "magic slings" between the dock and the sails, and then used a strange trolley to drag a box of cargo out of the cabin.

The sailors placed the heavy wooden box on the hook below the sling. After the magic motive was activated, the thick steel cable moved quickly. A few seconds later, the wooden box arrived at the dock.

In this way, in just half an hour, more than 600 boxes of cargo on the two sailing ships were all emptied and placed neatly on the dock.

This amazing efficiency caused the chin of the sea turtle to drop to the ground.

According to past experience, if you want to move so many goods off a merchant ship, you need at least 200 porters, and it takes 3 to 4 hours to get it done.

But how many sailors does the Haichao Chamber of Commerce carry goods?

There are only more than 50 people, but their speed is much faster than porters.

The performance of the magic sling not only surprised a large number of onlookers, but also extremely disappointed many porters who had heard the wind.

Due to the storm season, the route has been cut off for several months, and many porters have not opened for a long time, and they have been relying on odd jobs for a few months.

It was rare to encounter two merchant ships at this time. They were hoping to make a small profit, but they didn't expect these sailors to do it themselves, and they moved quickly and well.

What was particularly frustrating was that after moving the wooden boxes, the sailors did not seem to be too tired, but a little sweat oozes from their foreheads, which is completely unlike the sweating that they used to carry goods.

In addition, the porters have a very bad hunch, once this magical transportation device is fully popularized in the port, how can they support their families?

On the one hand, there is a fast, convenient and labor-saving mechanical transportation method, and on the other is a slow and inefficient manual handling method. If you are a merchant ship owner, which one would you choose?

All fools know to choose the first one!

Even if the machine is a little more expensive, it requires more than half of the labor required. With the accumulation of time, the savings in porter employment costs alone are worth the cost of the machine, not to mention the time it takes to transport the machine is less. .

After transporting the wooden boxes, the magic sling did not stop, and the sailors hoisted two strange small magic cars to the dock.

The car body of this kind of magic car is square and square, and the shape is similar to the magic transportation trolley used in the territory warehouse, except that there is an extra structure in the front of the door frame, which is more than 2.5 meters in height, and a pair of door frames extend out in front of it. Long metal plate.

Anyone on earth who sees this car will surely think of a word: forklift.

That's right, this is the forklift of the alien version, or in other words, the magic forklift.

This strange machine caused a lot of discussion among the "melon-eating" turtles, guessing its role, and many people even argued loudly.

"This must be a weapon to attack the city gate. You see it has 4 wheels and can be pushed and run. The two'long spears' (metal plates) in front can pierce the city gate..."

"Are you kidding? The height of the two'long spears' is so low. When attacking the city, were you planning to open two dog holes in the city gate and then climb in?"

"Let me say, this should be a kind of carriage. The two metal plates are where the goods are placed behind the carriage. After putting on the reins on the other side, it can be dragged and run..."

"Are you talking nonsense? When have you ever seen a carriage with such a low carriage height? I'm afraid you won't be able to run very far on the road, and the bottom of the carriage will hit rocks..."

"I also don't think it's a carriage. There is only one row of seats on it. Even if you are crowded, you can only sit 3 people at most, and the seats are reversed..."

These civilians had their brains wide open, and the speculations they came up with made people laugh. Only the sailors stood calmly beside the machine, secretly despising the group of soil turtles in their hearts.

The audience didn't know what it was until dozens of hired freight wagons arrived at the dock.

When the rune square on the magic forklift was activated, the faint blue light made the turtles' eyes widened.

When the 4 Nima rubber tires of the magic forklift rolled quickly, the eyes of the turtles fell to the ground.

Oh my god, this kind of carriage... can it even move on its own?

Could it be that the two sailors sitting in the car are "strong men" with mysterious powers, and have they used legendary magic on it?

In the eyes of a group of people in awe, two "strong men" controlled a pair of forklift arms on the magic forklift, inserted them into the bottom of a stack of wooden boxes, and slowly lifted the three wooden boxes.

The forklift drove next to a freight wagon and put the wooden box on the carriage.

With the muffled sound of the wooden box falling, the three views of a group of people shattered.

The carriage... can still work like a porter?

The working efficiency of the forklift is very high. It can lift several wooden boxes at one time, and it only takes half a minute to complete a transfer.

Ten minutes later, as several coachmen vigorously waved their whips, the first batch of freight wagons filled with wooden boxes set off, and they will drive directly to the large warehouse leased by the staff of the Chamber of Commerce.

There is a sailor on each carriage, who is responsible for supervising the whole transportation to ensure the integrity of the goods and prevent any accidents.

The two magic forklifts worked for more than 1 hour before completing all the transfer work. The onlookers also watched carefully for more than two hours. Even if the cold sea breeze blows cold hands and feet, no one is willing to leave. go with.

Like the group of turtles on Odin Island, in the eyes of this group of turtles on Starfish Island, the scene of forklift work is a rare drama in decades.

Since there is a play to watch, why are you afraid of being cold?

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