Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 422: Conscientious arms dealer

After the magic motive was activated, the propeller spun quickly, and the load-bearing platform instantly tilted to an angle, which made the Duke and the three people feel a little nervous, and they didn't dare to look down.

Renault felt the oncoming wind and said:

"Your Excellency, after the propulsion device is activated, the maximum speed of the hot-air balloon group can reach 20 meters per second. Adjust the direction of the propeller, and you can change the direction of movement accordingly."

"Please stand firm, and we will demonstrate the change of direction immediately..."

Having said this, he made a gesture to Lanster, Lanster activated another area on the rune square, and the loading platform began to tilt to another angle, and the airflow passing over the platform also changed its direction.

The Duke boldly walked a few steps on the platform and nodded in satisfaction.

He knows very well that a hot air balloon that can move freely is much more useful than a hot air balloon that cannot move freely. This means a larger coverage area and you can avoid danger in advance.

Renault smiled again:

"Your Excellency, we will show you how to use weapons on a load-bearing platform..."

He turned his hair and issued a series of commands:

"Grum, ready to release the target..."

"Reiter, you will install weapons immediately..."

Grum lifted up a metal cage over 1 meter high, flew out of the load-carrying platform, and began to circle the platform.

On the other side, the three team members headed by Reiter picked up a speargun and installed it on a metal support.

This kind of speargun is also a "monkey version" equipment dedicated to export trade. It removes all magic devices and relies purely on springs to provide power, which reduces its power by a full 40%.

But the range has increased, because the crossbow arrows it uses are no longer heavy all-metal crossbow arrows, but lighter wooden crossbow arrows, only the arrow clusters are metal.

In addition, a set of hand-operated ratchets are installed on the speargun. This is to compress the springs to facilitate the reloading of the crossbow bolts. Otherwise, the large springs cannot be pressed by manpower alone.

However, since the speargun was moved to the hot air balloon, it naturally has a new name.

Renault introduced:

"This is the'God Arm Crossbow' developed by the Haichao Chamber of Commerce. It can fire a 1.5-meter-long large crossbow, which poses a great threat to large birds..."

When speaking of the words "large bird", he deliberately emphasized his tone, as if he was deliberately emphasizing something. The Duke understood Renault's suggestion, and his old face showed a thoughtful look.

I heard that the magic eye of the black orc, isn't it a large bird riding?

"Whirring whirring……"

At this time, Grum, who was more than 50 meters away, suddenly opened the metal cage, and the three warblers could not wait to get out of the cage, flap their wings quickly, and start to escape. They are what Renault called the "target."

They only flew more than ten meters away, and three crossbow arrows shot across the sky like lightning, hitting them with precision.

Hit the heart with one stone!

The Yingniao struggled painfully, and fell straight down with blood and flying feathers.

In fact, in order to achieve "one arrow kills" and maximize the demonstration effect, the island guard team dispatched the most powerful shooters, and after hundreds of simulated shootings, more than 1,000 warblers have died under their hands.

Reiter, named by Renault, is one of them. His shooting talent is amazing. Although he joined the island guard team late, he quickly became one of the best marksman in the island guard team.

The Duke glanced at Orioles in shock, and asked eagerly:

"Your Excellency Renault, what is the maximum range of the'God Arm Crossbow'?"

Renault smiled slightly and said a set of statistics that made the Duke extremely satisfied:

"Trained shooters can guarantee a 30% hit rate within 200 meters. According to our tests, the ultimate range of the God Arm Crossbow is not less than 400 meters..."

The Duke said excitedly:

"Yes, 250 meters is enough to threaten the ‘Magic Eye’, we need a god-armed crossbow..."

Renault suddenly laughed happily.

The God Arm Crossbow was originally a weapon tailor-made for hot air balloons, and the purpose was to deal with the magic eyes of the black orcs.

If there is no god-arm crossbow, the hot air balloon is obviously downwind in the face of the magic eye's attack, and the opponent shoots an arrow over and pokes a hole in the surface of the balloon, then the hot air balloon can only land obediently.

But after installing the **** arm crossbow on the hot air balloon, does the magic eye still dare to approach it?

Of course not!

Undoubtedly, the God Arm Crossbow will greatly increase the survival rate of hot air balloons.

Vasilit suddenly interjected:

"Your Excellency, I think the God Arm Crossbow can also play a huge role in defending the city wall!"

Allietty also agreed:

"Grandfather, if we are equipped with enough **** arm crossbows, the fortress we build on the Nassau Wetlands will be more stable. Even the strong archers of the black **** will not dare to approach the fortress easily..."

The maximum range of a strong archer is only 300 meters, which is obviously lower than that of the god-arm crossbow. In two shots, the god-arm crossbow can easily suppress each other. From this point of view, this is a weapon capable of changing the situation of the battlefield.

Renault ordered the people to develop the God Arm Crossbow. In addition to making money, another important purpose is to strengthen the strength of the human kingdom so that the human army can resist the attack of the black orcs for a longer period of time.

In this respect, Renault is definitely a conscientious arms dealer.

Vassilet and Allietty understood the truth, and of course the Duke also understood. He straightforwardly began to inquire:

"Your Excellency Renault, what is the unit price of the God Arm Crossbow? Will your Chamber of Commerce provide crossbow arrows?"

Renault said with a smile:

"The unit price of the God Arm Crossbow is 10 Kinnars, and the Crossbow Arrows are 2 Silver Nars."

This price is not cheap at all. You must know that the price of ordinary strong crossbows will not exceed 3 kinnals. Although the **** arm crossbow is larger and uses more steel, the price of 10 kinnals is still much higher than the conventional one. .

When Haichaoling's factory produces God Arm Crossbows and Crossbow Arrows, they all use assembly line production, and a large number of magic machines are used in each link, and the cost is incredible.

Take the crossbow arrow as an example. It only takes 3 seconds for Modong Woodworking Machinery to process the shaft of a crossbow arrow. The arrow cluster takes a little longer. It needs to be cast and then machined, but the time does not exceed 10 seconds.

The ultra-high processing efficiency greatly reduces the cost. In Haichao, even if the labor cost and equipment cost are included, the total cost of the crossbow arrow is only 4 copper nars, which is compared with the price of 2 silver nars. Almost 50 times the profit.

After hearing the quotation, the Duke directly placed a big order:

"We want 6000 god-armed crossbows and 1 million crossbow arrows!"

The total amount of orders is 80,000 Kinnars. Generally speaking, orders with such a huge amount have to be discounted more or less. 10% off is the most basic discount, and 30% and 20% off are not impossible to talk about.

But the Duke didn't even pay the price, so he accepted the offer very readily.

The reason is simple, he has been fed by Renault a long time ago.

In the first population transaction completed just a few days ago, the Castro family "sold" nearly 6,000 civilians, with a total income of more than 2,000 Kinnars.

In addition, as a partner of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce, the Haichao Chamber of Commerce has delivered 40,000 jinnars to them this time. If the sale is completed, the Castro family's profit will not be less than 30,000 jinnars.

Besides, the expenditure for the purchase of weapons is military expenditure, which is paid by the kingdom. Why should the duke save money for the kingdom?

Of course he is willing to use the kingdom's money to repay Renault's generosity.

As a result, these two shameless men reached a shameful deal in this way.

After the test flight of the hot air balloon group was completed, the exhibition did not end.

Renault asked his subordinates to assemble all the hot air balloons they brought, forming a huge team consisting of 1 hot air balloon group and 5 hot air balloons, and invited many nobles to try the hot air balloons.

Then the team flew several times around Leiyunbao, causing a sensation in the entire city and earning enough attention for its own products.

At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away, the "Hope" iron ribbed wooden hull was quietly anchored near an uninhabited island with a total area of ​​30 square kilometers. Several hundred guards were working on the island with sweat and rain. .

The roar of the magic saw sounded one after another, giant trees tens of meters high collapsed, and camps hidden in the forest were rising from the ground.

This is the logistics base.

In the next period of time, the Island Guard Team will rely on this base to enter the Continent of Glow and fight the Black Orcs!

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