Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 646: Round-island railway


In the spacious waiting room, there was a slightly harsh scream, followed by the sound of the broadcast.

"Dear passengers, the'Round Island Train' is about to arrive at the'Haifeng Town' platform. Please hold your tickets, prepare to board the train, and get on the train according to the order..."

"Everyone respect..."

Igos folded the "Tide Current Events" in his hand, took out a red paper card from the pocket of his woolen coat, and quickly added it to the waiting queue.

It is the morning rush hour for Odin Island to go to work every day. There are quite a lot of passengers in the waiting room, and the line in front of each boarding gate is long.


Igos heard a rhythmic muffled sound and friction from a distance, and felt a slight vibration under his feet.

He understood that the "Round Island Train" was about to arrive at the platform.

As the "bang" sound became smaller and smaller, a silver-white steel dragon crashed into the sight of all passengers.

The speed of the train was getting slower and slower, and finally steadily stopped in front of the platform.

Its front is bullet-shaped, with a smooth and graceful appearance, which is impressive. There are 4 long carriages connected to the back of the front.

Each car is 20 meters long and more than 3 meters high. Through a row of transparent glass inlaid on the outside of the car, Igors can see that the seats are half full.

As an "veteran" who has settled in Odin Island for 2 years, this former mercenary who has served as a guide for a certain crown has witnessed the beginning and end of the "Round Island Train".

Beginning in 746 years of the lunar calendar, the year Igos was "forced" to immigrate to Odin Island, the population of the island began to explode.

Almost every month, new immigrants from thousands to tens of thousands arrive. By the end of that year, the population of the territory exceeded 150,000.

In order to alleviate the increasing traffic pressure, the Government Affairs Office put the construction of the round-the-island railway on the agenda.

In Iggos's view, this railway with a total length of more than 50 kilometers is nothing short of a miracle.

He witnessed countless huge steel behemoths building roadbeds and laying railroad tracks in the wilderness.

It consumes countless steel and cement, and its value is amazing.

In the process, the workers who built the railway overcame countless incredible obstacles.

When encountering a mountain, the workers would use a magical tool called a "hot magic cutter" to cut the hard rock and dig a huge cave; if it was a low hill, they would even dig out the entire mountain .

If it encounters a river, the workers will use unimaginable skills to build a bridge across the river; if it is a soft mud flat, the workers will even build a viaduct up to 10 meters in height, allowing the railway to escape from the sky. In through.

In short, Igos believes that things that mortals can never do can always be easily done by workers.

After a year of construction, the round-the-island railway was finally put into use.

Igos clearly remembered that the day when the first magic train was officially opened, the island was bustling as if it were a holiday.

Each of the six stations of the round-the-island railway is constrained. Countless people want to experience the feeling of riding the round-the-island train. The queue to buy tickets is as far as 3 kilometers away.

However, due to the limited number of trains, even if you buy a ticket, it does not mean you can take it immediately.

Not to mention that some **** are not enough to experience it once, and they line up one after another.

On the third day of the railway's opening to traffic, Iggos began to line up before dawn. He seized the opportunity to board the train for the first time and experienced the journey praised by residents of the whole island.

This is simply a wonderful journey of scenery.

When the train entered the deep tunnel, he experienced the strange feeling of walking through the abyss.

When the train drove on the towering viaduct, he saw the shoal that stretched for dozens of miles.

When the train drove on the railway bridge over the river, he saw the raging Redstone River.

When the train drove on the section of the road erected on the towering cliff, he looked out into the vast ocean.

You don't need to do anything, just sit on the train, you can experience the beautiful scenery that you can only see in the past.

It is also known as the quickest way to learn about Odin Island.

Because of the train ride, anyone will see densely packed factories, large blocks of tall residential buildings, concrete roads like spider webs, and endless farms.

Through the above, everyone can feel how powerful and prosperous the Haichao leader is.

Igors can still remember how shocking he felt when he took the train for the first time.

There is a saying in the territory today that a person who has not taken a train around the island is not a true leader of the sea.


The platform manager in uniform blew his whistle, ran all the way to the boarding gate, and began to shout loudly:

"Passengers, please take the ticket in your hand and prepare to check in and get on the train... The stop time of the train is only 3 minutes, please speed up..."

The team suddenly became commotion.

One minute later, Igos came to the ticket gate, and he immediately handed the ticket to the ticket inspector.

The ticket inspector glanced, holding a strange-looking pliers, and cutting the edge of the ticket.


There was a small gap in the ticket immediately.

Igos stuffed the ticket back into his pocket and followed the flow of people into the carriage.

He looked for a seat, sat down comfortably, and waited to drive.

The destination of Igos is the fourth station of the round-the-island railway, the "Army Headquarters". The train needs to travel about 20 minutes.

In fact, because the train fare is higher, starting with at least 5 copper nars, most people will choose the cheaper magic bus, although the latter is slower and more crowded.

After all, taking two trips to and from get off work every day is not a small amount of money every month.

Only people like Igos who commute far away and have a good salary will choose trains.


The loud whistle sounded throughout the train, and then Iggos felt the train shook suddenly, and the scenery outside the window began to retreat.


Igos unfolded "Tide Current Events" and continued to read the news.

This newspaper is also one of the many inventions of Lord Lord.

It is issued by the "Haichao Newspaper Company" under the Department of Government Affairs and is issued every three days.

The contents of the newspaper are all-encompassing, including all kinds of news in the territory, news from various overseas kingdoms, interpretation of the policies and laws promulgated by the Government Affairs Office, and even the recruitment information of the factory, as well as many fresh and interesting advertisements. .

Because "Hai Tide Current Affairs" is very useful, and the price is not expensive, it only has 3 copper nars, so it is extremely popular. Every family in the territory who is literate, from the civil servants in the government affairs office to the apprentices in the factory, almost Will subscribe.

No way, if anyone does not watch "Hai Tide Current Affairs", they will be out of touch with the society every minute, and colleagues will be unable to intervene in chatting.

In Haichao Islands alone, the circulation of each issue is as high as 80,000 copies, which is equivalent to more than 95% of households subscribed to one copy.

Counting the Thousand Lake Kingdom, which is thousands of miles away, no, it should be called the "Thousand Lake Republic" now, with a total circulation of more than 120,000 copies.

That's right, Haichao Islands, with a total population of over 500,000, has twice as many subscriptions as the Thousand Lakes Republic, which has a population of several million.

This is related to the compulsory education enforced by Hai Chao Ling and the education for all that is vigorously promoted.

In Hai Chao Ling, more than 30% of people are literate, and even many housewives can read and write.

In the Thousand Lakes Republic, only people from aristocrats, businessmen, or wealthy families have received education, and more than 95% of the people are illiterate.

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