Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 650: Miracle Island and Paradise Island

Alessandro turned his head and looked at the place where the riot occurred.

He saw six or seven muddy tentacles, waving quickly in the air.

Each tentacle is more than 8 meters in length. When they pass through the air, they bring out a clear and audible "swish" sound. The tentacles occasionally beat on the mud flat, making a shocking sound, which is obviously extremely powerful.

This is the poisonous magic sunflower!

Alessandro stiffened, only feeling the coldness of the soles of his feet rushing to his heart, and the whole person was like falling into an ice cave.

Damn, I encountered a poisonous hand Demon sunflower yesterday, why did I encounter another one today?

How many terrible creatures are there on this beach?

Alessandro noticed that a few unlucky ones were firmly entangled in tentacles. They kept struggling and crying, hoping that someone could save themselves.

However, all the other hard labors were like seeing a ghost, running desperately, trying to get a little further away from the poisonous hand Mo Kui.

Everyone knows that these hapless guys are out of help.

It can be seen from the word "poison" of the poisonous hand Mokui that this is a highly poisonous creature.

Even an extraordinary person with a strong physique, contaminated with the toxin of the magic sunflower, can't last a day without the antidote.

As Alessandro expected, the cries quickly diminished, and the struggling of the hard labor trapped by the tentacles became smaller and smaller.

Obviously, the poison injected by the poisonous hand Mokui into the hard labor is quickly taking away their vitality.

At this time, a magical armored vehicle that was parked aside to supervise the workers, this reacted.

It immediately started up, and rushed towards the poisonous hand Mokui at full speed, leaving two deep ruts in the mud.

"Get out of the way... Give me all the way, don't block the way of'Bull Bull'..."

A guard leaned half of his body out of the small door on the roof and yelled.

The hard laborers evaded one after another, and at the same time, the fear on their faces dissipated a lot.

At this moment, in everyone's eyes, this metal monster is the **** of protection.


The sharp neigh tore the air, a metal storm broke out, and a dense rain of bullets enveloped the poisonous hand Mokui.


The frantically dancing tentacles seemed to have been cut by thousands of knives, and were torn to pieces by countless bullets in an instant, meat and juice flying all over the sky.

The poisonous hand Mokui noticed something wrong, and wanted to retract into the mud, but the armored car's firepower was so fierce. As soon as its body began to squirm, only a small half of its tentacles remained, and the fracture was constantly spraying transparent juice.

The few trapped hard laborers were naturally shot into a pile of rotten meat by large-caliber bullets.

"Put down the bucket and dig out the magic sunflower..."

The guard shouted again.

The V-shaped bucket fixed to the front of the armored vehicle was adjusted to the lowest position, shoveling a large amount of silt while moving forward.


The armored vehicle, like a violent behemoth, passed by the place where the poisonous hand Mokui was, easily shoveling it out of the mud, and the sharp shovel tip directly cut it into two pieces.

Although the name of the poisonous demon sunflower is daunting, it is only a mollusk after all. Where can it withstand the brute force of an armored vehicle?


Cheers suddenly rang.

"Hey, you guys go to the corpse of Mokui and look for the mana spar... If you find it, there will be enough salted fish for this week..."

The guard on the roof of the armored car waved to several hard laborers and ordered loudly.

"Yes, sir!"

The hard laborers nodded and bowed in response, and quickly walked towards the magic sunflower.

The guard looked at the other people again and shouted:

"What are you doing there? Why don't you hurry up..."

"These marking towers must be completed by 9 o'clock..."

Amidst the roars, the hard laborers all moved, and order was restored on the shoal.

Alessandro sighed, carrying the stone and continuing on.

He looked around the vast shoal, and his heart was filled with fear and sadness.

How many dangers are hidden in this seemingly peaceful place?

The masters have said that the exploration work will last for a month, will one day be poisoned by a certain magic sunflower, or be swallowed by a horrible monster emerging from under the mud?

"Master...we found..."

"Found a magic crystal..."

The several hard laborers who were searching for the devil's corpse suddenly burst into excitement and cheers.

Because finding the magic crystal means that you can eat enough salted fish.

For this group of hard labor who seldom eats enough, this is no more than the greatest happiness.

Beside them, the **** human stumps and pieces of meat were scattered in the mud, and no one wanted to take a second look.

These few dead hard labors are like a few insignificant waves, without causing a ripple.



"Dear passengers, the train is about to arrive at the'Army Headquarters' station. Passengers who need to get off, prepare to get off and get off from the right door..."

When the train approached a station, the broadcast sounded in due course.

Igors put on a good top hat, proactively extended his right hand to Michelin, and said sincerely:

"Mr. Michelin, I am very glad to meet you. It is a pleasure to chat with you... If you are free, please come to my house as a guest..."

"I will." Michelin shook the opponent's hand and replied with a smile.


"The train has arrived at the'Army Headquarters' station..."

The door of the car opened automatically, a chilly wind poured into the car, and Igos strode out and merged into the crowd.

In two locations separated by only a dozen kilometers, it seems as if two completely different worlds.

On one side is the perilous wilderness. People in it may lose their lives at any time. Their lives are as low as weeds. On the other side is a peaceful and civilized world. Everyone is rich and polite, without worrying about any danger.

After leaving the station, Igos walked all the way to his destination along the clean concrete road.

The pavement of the human-shaped road is paved with square stone slabs carved with simple patterns, neat and chic. There is a kind of evergreen plant called "corolla tree" planted by the roadside, and the green grass under the tree is pleasing to the eye.

This made Igos suddenly feel that he was walking in a beautiful garden instead of an ordinary road.

In the past two years, under the order of the lord to "build a garden city", the Government Affairs Office has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to completely renovate Odin Island and Sairon Island. The appearance of the city has changed drastically. "Head to face" to describe.

Turtles from other worlds are used to dirty towns with feces and urine. Have you ever seen such a beautiful city?

Of course, the common people living in the territory are full of happiness.

There are already many people who call Odin Island privately as "miraculous island", while Sairon Island has gained the reputation of "paradise island".

However, it is said that the lord sneered at these two names. This great crown once said that the goods on the street are only rotten, how can it be regarded as a "miraculous"?

This kind of comment made everyone stunned.

God, such a city, there is absolutely no second place in the world, why is it... so bad?

Hey, he deserves to be a lord who is known to be harsh and severe...

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