Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 692: The problem is more serious than I thought

Igos smiled slightly and said the reason:

"I just said that the squirrels felt a certain threat. Under this circumstance, they can no longer eat with peace of mind...'biting the cement wall' is because they want to escape the breeding cage..."

He sighed softly and said:

"I personally think that the real cause of the'demonized mutation' is, in addition to adding magic stone powder to the feed, it is very likely to have something to do with the surrounding environment."

Lieutenant Andras smiled reluctantly. Although the initial reason was found, it made him more worried.

"Mr. Igos, you deserve to be an expert in long-eared squirrel breeding... Our Army Logistics Department invites you to investigate this matter. It is a very correct decision..."

He complimented, and asked eagerly:

"Do you know what changes have taken place in the surrounding environment to make squirrels like this?"

"Sorry, Mr. Lieutenant, your question is beyond my ability." Igos shook his head and said apologetically, "I know the habits of squirrels very well, but I am not good at other aspects."

After a pause, he said again:

"However, I suggest visiting the surrounding areas to determine the specific size of the affected area... Maybe from this aspect, we can find clues..."

Lieutenant Andras replied with kindness:

"I will immediately apply to the'Southern Army Corps' stationed in Tututat City for a group of personnel to temporarily assist in investigating this matter... But the specific investigation method needs your help."

Igos nodded simply:

"Extremely happy."


"Hey, little guys, come one by one, everyone has a share..."

A magic iron knight carrying a burst of air guns, holding a large handful of candies in his right hand, said loudly with a smile.

A large group of children surrounded by the soldiers suddenly became quiet.

Some children looked up at the soldiers admiringly, others stared at the magic iron chariot curiously and in awe, and others stared at the candy in the soldier's hand with greedy faces, swallowing saliva in their throats.

The soldier looked at a group of dim-eyed children, and selected a half-old kid with a dirty face:

"You speak first!"

The child's face turned red in an instant. He grabbed the tousled hair, bowed in a panic, then stammered:

"Respect... Honor the soldier, I... I heard that the long-eared squirrels raised in the old Barley's house... the other day he bit through the cage and ran away... The old Barley was so angry that his son Barley was angry. , Slapped hard..."

"Yes, this is exactly the information I want to know." The soldier quickly recorded the news on the notepad and handed the other party a candy with a smile.

The child was so happy that his small face almost burst into laughter, took the candy happily, and bowed again and again to the soldier.

The candy used to reward children is naturally a specialty from Haichaoling.

Today, candy is no longer an expensive food that only aristocrats can afford.

Two years ago, a merchant fleet under the Haichao Chamber of Commerce accidentally discovered a kind of seaweed with a sugar content of up to 5% during a certain ocean shipping, which was named "sweet algae" by Renault.

At Renault's request, the Department of Agriculture selected a deserted island near Odin as a planting base, began large-scale planting of sweet algae, and used industrial methods to refine "frost sugar".

Nowadays, on the "Sugar Island", the island where sweet algae are grown, the planting area in the surrounding waters has exceeded 800,000 mu, and the production of frosting sugar has reached an astonishing 20,000 tons.

According to the plan of the Government Affairs Department, in the next ten years, the planting area of ​​sweet algae will be expanded year by year until the production of frosting sugar reaches the planned target of 1 million tons.

Previously, there was only one type of "black sugar" extracted from the "black honey tree" fruit in Alien. Due to the backward technology and the high content of impurities in the black sugar, the sweetness can only be considered improvised.

Its price is as high as 1.5 Kinnar/kg, a proper noble food.

When the white and flawless, low-priced high-quality frosting sugar came on the market, brown sugar was instantly defeated, and the related industries were instantly swept away, becoming one of the many handicrafts that were wiped out by Hai Chao.

In addition, Haichaoling has also developed many derivative food industries, such as various flavors of candies, sweet and delicious pastries, and various sweet sauces, which have further occupied the "stomach" of the people in other worlds.

Among the above products, candy is especially popular with children.

One of the dreams of almost every commoner child is to go to the Haichao Chamber of Commerce to buy countless candies with a lot of money, and eat them until they die.

Although the cheapest candies are sold at as low as 3 copper nars per piece, due to economic constraints, most children from civilian families don’t have much time to eat candies.

This is also one of the tactics used by the Hai Chao-ling military when collecting information from the people.

For this group of children, as long as they answer the questions raised by the well-intentioned soldier, they can get a sweet candy for free. How can they not be happy?


The soldier ordered another child who raised his small hand high.

"Master, I know that Fodimo's family has fed a total of 6 long-eared squirrels. During the recent period, 2 squirrels bit through the rattan cage and escaped... I also saw Fodimo bought a small bag of cement , Planning to build a stone cage to breed squirrels..."

The child quickly said what he knew, and got a candy as he wished. Under the eyes of other children, he could not wait to tear off the sugar paper and quickly stuffed the slightly yellow candy into his mouth.

"Oh, that little guy in black, yes, it's you... do you have anything to say?"

"Honorable Soldier, I...My'Harry' is gone...I haven't seen it for many days..."

"Who is Harry?"

"It... it's my cat."

"Well, this is also useful news...Hey, little thing, this is the reward you deserve, take it..."

Such scenes are happening in many small villages around Tututat.

Hundreds of magic iron knights "borrowed" from the Southern Army by Lieutenant Andras are attacking all around, collecting all the anomalies that have occurred in the nearby area.

That evening, the information was collected into the hands of the lieutenant. After reading through the thick pile of information, he said with a wry smile:

"Mr. Igos, now it seems that your speculation is completely correct... the problem is more serious than I thought."

"Within a 20-kilometer radius of this city, it seems that many strange things have happened... It is not only long-eared squirrels that are affected, but also cats and dogs."

"I must immediately report this to the commander of the Southern Army Corps, Colonel Reiter..."

Igos nodded solemnly, hesitated, he slowly said:

"Mr. Lieutenant, I think it is necessary to investigate all the people who are expecting to be in this area, especially..."

At this point, he emphasized his tone.

"A soldier who eats special squirrel meat!"

Lieutenant Andras' face changed suddenly.

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