Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 703: Parasites

"Come here to help a few people, remove the internal organs of the'Alienization Demon' and store them in an antiseptic solution..."

After reading the internal organs of Alienation Demon, Renault faintly ordered.

Several researchers who are good at anatomy rushed over immediately, picked up the scalpel, and fought in the exposed abdomen and chest cavity of the alienation demon.

At this time, the alienated demon, whose vitality was far more tenacious than Xiaoqiang, had not yet died.

I have to say that sometimes the vitality is too strong, which is not a good thing.

The scalpel slashed around the half-shrunken liver and easily cut the adhesion parts. The researcher in charge of the hands clearly felt that the body of the Alienator was trembling constantly.

The liver was taken out intact, put into a transparent glass bottle filled with light yellow liquid, capped with a little sealant, and a specimen was made.

The liquid in the bottle is a kind of resin, its anti-corrosion ability is extremely strong, the only disadvantage is that once exposed to oxygen for too long, it will gradually oxidize and deteriorate.

After the stomach, spleen, gallbladder, lung, intestines and other organs were removed one by one, the large chest and abdomen suddenly became empty.

The tormented alienation demon finally died.

What's amazing is that after being removed and put into the antiseptic solution, Alien Demon's hypertrophied heart still shuddered and contracted for a long time.

Several researchers whispered.

"The heart muscle of the alienation demon is too strong, it's really a monster... I remember that the black orc awakener who was dissected last time, after the heart was removed, it beat for less than 4 minutes..."

"Its heart muscle is almost double the size of the black orc, and it beats for a longer time. It's not surprising..."

"It doesn't make sense. The myocardium is stronger and consumes more energy. It must be due to other reasons..."

"I think it may be because the myocardial cells contain some kind of high-energy substance, which can continuously supply energy..."

"It is also possible that the cardiomyocytes have differentiated. Most of the cardiomyocytes are responsible for maintaining the beating of the heart, and the rest of the cells are used to accumulate energy and deliver it to other cells..."

"Hey, the theory of'cell differentiation' is very interesting..."

Renault interrupted their discussion:

"Okay, let's study the myocardium in the future. Anyway, this time I got two alienated monster corpses... If anyone wants to study, then go through the formal project application process. After the project is approved and established, apply for test materials..."

A group of researchers were immediately ready to move.

These guys are going crazy for projects and funds one by one.

Renault smiled slightly and added:

"However, this is only a small project. The Government Affairs Office will not allocate additional research funds. Each research institute will adjust it internally..."

As soon as he said this, a hot look in his eyes instantly cooled down.

Haichaoling has a large number of scientific research projects, which are more important than the "Research on Alienated Myocardium" project. Although Renault attaches great importance to the research and development system and provides a lot of funds, it should not be so wasteful.

What's more, with the current level of biological research in the territory, for research projects involving the cell level, even if you know that good things can be found, it is difficult to produce any results.

Is there a sequencer? Is there a micro spectrophotometer? Is rapid gradient PCR available? Is there a bioanalyzer?

There is no Mao, and dare to apply for the "Molecular Biology" project. Are you here to cheat the funds?

That's right, with the expansion of the scientific research system and the continuous deepening of professionalism, there has been some signs of "deception of funds".

Although there are strict system constraints, some **** dare not do too much, and at most they just play sideballs. For example, in the name of a trial, they deliberately apply for more materials and waste a few hands.

The most damning thing is that this is not considered corruption, and I can't find a good excuse to be ruthless.

After all, you can’t cut people off just because the experiment failed a few more times, right?

This is also one of the important reasons why Renault let Aisha sit in the scientific research system.

There is Aisha staring at it all the time. Although it is difficult to prevent such incidents, if anyone does too much, Aisha can kick her away and enter the "cold palace" as soon as possible, so that the cancer will not grow bigger and bigger.


Half an hour later, the body of the alienation demon had been "tipped" to pieces, and the ribs and spine were completely removed, leaving only a hideous head.

Renault glanced at the subordinates and said:

"Only the last part...I won't do it anymore. Who wants to do it?"

A large arm was raised.

It is a rare opportunity to perform in front of the Lord Lord. Except for several self-serving directors such as Seth and Murphy, no other researcher wants to miss it.

Renault randomly clicked a name:

"Alix, come on!"

The thin, middle-aged researcher who was called "Ariksha" suddenly smiled with surprise. He bowed to Renault a little nervously, and walked to the head of the alienation demon.

He first used a sharp alloy knife to make a few strokes on the scalp as a mark. Then he picked up the special "Medical Ultra-High Speed ​​Magic Drill" and drilled down to the mark. The action was skillful and standard.


The alloy drill bit spins rapidly, and the fine bone **** is thrown around, but no one cares, everyone is waiting quietly.

After another 10 minutes, Alexei put down the magic drill and carefully lifted off a skull.


A slender black shadow suddenly rushed out of his head and shot at Alexei's wrist. The speed of the black shadow was so fast that he couldn't react at all.


Seeing that the black shadow was about to touch Alexei's skin, the black shadow suddenly became stiff and floated motionless in the air.

Renault took the shot.

No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to have [the motivation to read] fast.

Alexei took a step back in fright, a little bit of cold sweat oozing from his forehead.


"What is this……"

In the crowd of onlookers, there was a big exclamation.

This is a black-gray long worm. Its body length is close to 20 centimeters long, and its diameter is no more than 5 millimeters. Circles of "ring"-like protrusions are neatly arranged on the body surface.

It has no eyes on its head, only a big mouthpart, which can be clearly seen, and there are rows of fine and sharp tiny white teeth growing in the mouthparts.

Obviously, if you are bitten by it, there will never be any good fruit to eat.

The fact that the human body becomes an alienation demon is weird enough.

There is a long worm that bites in its head, which makes people's spine chill.

"Hey, it's interesting."

Renault moved his fingers, and a layer of ice instantly appeared on the surface of the long worm, enclosing it.

Then he spoke:

"I personally think that there may be a'symbiotic' relationship between the long worm and the alienated demon..."

"Symbiosis?" Seth asked suspiciously, "Why didn't the original parasite in the body's head undergo some mutation after absorbing the energy of the'coordinate'?"

"The biotechnology of the Void Demon Race cannot even deal with a single parasite." Renault shook his head. "The reason why I think it is a'symbiosis' relationship is because the alienation demon has a very strong battle since its birth. Power and fighting skills are quite brilliant."

After a pause, he increased his tone.

"So, I suspect that this parasite is very likely to have a lot of memory related to battle... After the alienation demon matures, it can transmit this part of the memory to the alienation demon, or directly control the alienation demon to participate in the battle..."

Seth asked again:

"Why not directly instill the memory into the alienation demon? After the parasite transfer, the continuous efficiency will be reduced, and a part of the energy can be wasted. This is not the best choice."

Renault quickly gave the answer:

"Because of adaptability!"

"Different types of organisms have very different body structures. Not every parasite is suitable for instilling memory... Take the chestnut, if it is a creature with insufficient brain capacity, it may damage the brain in the process of instilling memory."

"If you create a parasite with complete memory, it can choose how much memory to transmit according to the situation of the parasited body..."

Renault moved his ears, frowned and said:

"No, I may have underestimated the role of parasites...There is still..."

He waved his hand, Alienating Demon's head was torn apart, and his brain tissue was directly exposed.

I saw the surface of the cerebral cortex, covered with purple-black sarcomas, and many small holes were distributed between the cortical gully. Several larvae of parasites less than 5 cm long were drilling in and out of the small holes.

This scene looked disgusting.

Renault looked away in disgust, and said in a deep voice:

"I understand why in the previous accident, the alienation demons would devour the brains of the dead... It is to provide nutrition for the parasite larvae!"

This astonishing conclusion made a group of researchers shocked.

Renault said to himself:

"If I'm right, after the larvae of the parasites mature, they can parasitize other creatures...The methods of the Void Demon Race are more terrifying than we thought!"

The subtext behind this sentence is really chilling.

Because it means-"fissile" infection!

The parasite in the head of an alienation demon lays eggs and hatches parasite larvae. After all the larvae are mature, they can parasitize more organisms. This cycle continues. As long as there is enough time, it is enough to infect thousands of people. biological.

The laboratory was extremely quiet, and everyone was shocked.

Reynolds pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Ms. Frey of the Institute of Marine Biology, and issued an order:

"Frei, the research institute you are in charge of is best at organism cultivation. Give me a way to feed these larvae and arrange a batch of organism parasitic experiments."

"We must figure out what symptoms will appear if the organism is parasitized... If possible, other common organisms, it is best to do experiments."

After hesitating, he especially emphasized:

"Especially the human body!"

Ms. Frei respectfully replied:

"Yes! I will arrange it right away!"

Only a few people know that this beautiful lady with a beautiful face in her thirties is not only an expert in marine biology, but also an expert in human experiments. Her hands are covered with the blood of "test items". .

In secret, the Institute of Marine Biology also undertakes the task of human experiments, but it has been hidden for the sake of reputation.

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