Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 722: Food war

When Renault's motorcade appeared on the Republic Square, in front of the circular auditorium on the other side of the square, a large group of congressmen were watching from a distance the long string of magic cars approaching quickly.

In the crowd, there are two figures standing farther away from the others, which are quite eye-catching.

The skin color of the two is obviously different.

One of them has a dark skin, which is the most typical skin color of the residents of Xinghai mainland in the south.

The Xinghai Continent is close to the equator of the alien planet, and the light is stronger, resulting in more melanin accumulation in the skin, and the skin is naturally darker.

The other person's complexion turned red, which is a common feature of the residents of the Bailing Kingdom.

Due to the "Gasper Plateau" where the White Antelope Kingdom is located, the average altitude is as high as 2500 meters, and some areas even exceed 4000 meters.

The unique climatic environment makes the stratum corneum of the facial skin thinner for the residents of the White Antelope Kingdom, and the expanded capillaries under the skin are easier to see. This is reflected in the appearance, and the skin color is dark red.

For the above reasons, in the Thousand Lakes Republic, foreigners from the Xinghai Continent and the Bailing Kingdom have won many insulting nicknames.

For example, the residents of Xinghai Continent are often called "Black Tantou" and "Black Guys"; the residents of Bailing Kingdom are often called "Red Face Guys" and "Red Face Ghosts".

At this time, the two foreign visitors stared at the neatly organized caravan with envy in their eyes.

The younger "black guy" sighed and whispered:

"In the past two years, the Thousand Lakes Republic has developed too fast, and this land is changing every day...Compared with the Republic, the Silver Lion Kingdom seems to have been sealed by the Father God in the eternal river of time, and nothing can be seen. Variety."

"Half a month ago, I took a flight from Haichao Airlines to the White Copper City on the east side of Jones Lake. The Muse Chamber of Commerce is developing Jones Lake on a large scale."

"I saw several powerful'Steel Titans' with my own eyes. In just one day, I dug hundreds of kilometers of irrigation canals and cultivated thousands of hectares of soybeans, rice and rice fields."

"Miss Bogidas from the Muse Chamber of Commerce told me that in the next three years, the Muse Chamber of Commerce intends to reclaim 15 million hectares of soybean and rice paddy fields and establish a new soybean rice and rice planting base."

"Relying on the two planting bases of'Indiana Lake' and'Jones Lake', the annual output of soybeans, rice and rice will exceed 22 million tons. By then, the civilian population of the Republic will never have famine again..."

The "red-faced guy" standing next to the "black guy" was taken aback when he heard this:

"22 million tons? The population of Thousand Lakes Republic should not exceed 5 million people. Based on the average annual consumption of 1 ton per person, the maximum consumption of soybeans, rice and rice a year is 5 million tons... Are they crazy? Why is there so much food..."

"Nigger" sneered:

"Do you really do not know, or pretend that you do not know? Can't the extra food be sold to other kingdoms? Can't be used to feed livestock? I heard that the'Muse Chamber of Commerce' has planned to build a farm and feed it with beans, rice and rice. Black Dolphin'..."

He squinted at the "Red Guy", with a hint of malicious intent in his tone:

"In the next few years, cheap soybeans, rice and rice will enter all the human kingdoms... Even if the long-distance transportation costs are included, the cost of soybeans, rice and rice will be at least 30% lower than that of wheat."

"I'm sure that the price of food will plummet. Farms that mainly grow food will definitely go bankrupt on a large scale, and land prices will also plummet. Such things have already happened in the Republic."

"Miss Bogidas said, this is called a food war... In this war, no kingdom is an opponent of the Thousand Lakes Republic... Hey, Baron Kafka, I heard that your family is in the Bailing Kingdom. Mainly rely on the farm to live..."

"If I were you, I would definitely sell them immediately, and now I can sell them at a higher price..."

The "red skin guy" called "Baron Kafka" suddenly turned ugly, and he said sternly:

"Viscount Chris, I don't agree with your opinion... The beans and rice of the Muse Chamber of Commerce are definitely not so easy to enter the Bailing Kingdom. The nobles of the kingdom will definitely unite to resist them... The'Highland Nobility' has always been very united, and the king is also I have to listen to our voices carefully..."

"Nigger" Viscount Chris smiled disdainfully:

"Come on, Baron Kafka, you and I are both'diplomatic envoys.' How terrifying is the strength of the Thousand Lakes Republic, and we all know very well...what does the Bailing Kingdom use to resist soybeans and rice?"

"The Inca Mountains, which stretch for thousands of kilometers, may be able to stop the armored legion under this speaker, but can it stop the silver angel legion that rules the sky?"

"Doesn’t your Majesty'Rock Mountain III' of the Bailing Kingdom worry about the hordes of silver angels appearing on top of your head and casting down the flames of **** that will destroy everything?"

Baron Kafka was silent.

Viscount Chris said again:

"Furthermore, the highland nobles are by no means monolithic. There are many nobles with mining as the core industry. No matter from which point of view, they have no reason to reject cheaper food... I can't see this."

"If I'm right, this speaker has already integrated the Thousand Lakes Republic, and his next goal is probably the Bailing Kingdom, which is next to the Thousand Lakes Republic."

"I once heard Mr. Goode from the Haichao Chamber of Commerce said that the Thousand Lakes Republic has a vast plain, suitable for agricultural development, but lacks metal minerals, while the Bailing Kingdom is just the opposite. The resources of the two countries are perfectly complementary."

"In dealing with the nobles, the Haichao Chamber of Commerce is extremely sophisticated. They must use various means to draw in and divide the mining nobles, relying on the power of the mining nobles to deal with the farm nobles..."

Baron Kafka said angrily:

"Everyone knows the appetites of the Thousand Lakes Republic and the Haichao Chamber of Commerce... Do you think this Lord Speaker will let the Xinghai Continent go? After he settles the Bailing Kingdom, he will attack the Xinghai Continent sooner or later."

"Huh, the three kingdoms on Xinghai Continent, the Silver Lion Kingdom, the Jinling Kingdom, and the Xinghui Kingdom, don’t even want to escape the demon hand of the Speaker... Judging from the recently promulgated "Knightship Donation Act", he I want to limit the rights of the nobles, and everyone’s life will not be better then..."

Viscount Chris stared at the approaching convoy and asked blankly:

"So, Lord Baron, do you have any good countermeasures?"

Baron Kafka shook his head dejectedly:

"The human world has 5 Profound People who died in the hands of this Speaker. I am afraid that the other 5 people have no guts to provoke him. I don't think no one can stop the Republic's footsteps..."

"Zi! Zi!"

The convoy stopped steadily under the steps in front of the auditorium.

Before the car door was opened, the large group of councillors at the door had a humble smile on their faces, and their backs were unconsciously bent, like a group of pet dogs wagging their tails to their owners.

Viscount Chris watched all this with cold eyes, a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes, and then whispered:

"The key to the problem lies in the magic machinery. If the major kingdoms can learn from the ocean tide zone and imitate their magic machinery, we may not be able to stop..."

"Bang! Bang!"

The sound of the door being pushed open interrupted Viscount Chris.

As Renault just got out of a magic car in the middle of the convoy, all the councillors bent down and shouted respectfully:

"Sir, good day!"

Renault looked around his black head and nodded slightly.

The six people who knew they were extraordinary at a glance quickly cleared the way for their lord, and a group of people strode up the steps and walked into the huge 10-meter-high arch of the circular auditorium.

Viscount Chris and Baron Kafka looked at each other and followed the crowd into the auditorium.

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