涓嶈 涓嶈 鐜 湪镊 湪镊 湪镊 湪镊 涔堬纴鐪嬫潵锛屽缑缁 涔堬纴鐪嬫潵锛屽缑缁 涔堬纴鐪嬫潵锛屽缑缁 涔堬纴鐪嬫潵锛屽缑缁 涔堬纴鐪嬫潵锛屽缑缁 铡 铡 铡 铡 铡 铡 铡 铡 嫑鏀鍒 浜 浜 浜 锛屼篃涓岖煡阆掳纴鐜 锛屼篃涓岖煡阆掳纴鐜 湪姝ョ暀鐥曢偅杈 湪姝ョ暀鐥曢偅杈 湁娌 湁娌 湁娌 湁浠 湁浠 湁浠 湁浠

涓冧 镓 镓 镓 镓 垁浜哄叏閮ㄦ 垁浜哄叏閮ㄦ Vir Vir Master Virtue 鍟娿 €

杩欎竴娆°C垒灏忓纻锛屾庝箞涔熷缑庝箞涔熷缑庝箞涔熷缑句句釜 Celestial Immortal Peak 锛岄偅绉嶈窛绂籊olden Immortal 鍙樊涓€姝ョ殑锛岃伞镙蜂竴鏉ワ纴镊繁镣镣嫧涓鐣纴鍙堣兘鐣纴鍙堣兘鐣纴鍙堣兘変Golden Immortal 銆

涓岖劧杩欎竴娆$殑绉嬫敹锛岃嚜宸卞帇镙殑绉嬫敹锛岃嚜宸卞帇镙病塷塷pportunity 鍏ュ満鍟娿€

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杩欎竴娆$殑璁细锛屽鍗婃槸璇村崄骞村悗绉嬫敹镄勪簨锛屽浜庡嚒浜烘潵璇潵璇纴锏纴锏渚挎槸涓渚挎槸涓鐢燂纴瀵 簬Immortal 鏉ヨ锛岀栌骞翠鏄竴娆 鏄竴娆°C敹鍓茬伒 伞 伞€


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澶╁ 鍜岀懚姹狅纴杩樻 鍜岀懚姹狅纴杩樻 鍜岀懚姹狅纴杩樻 镒忓埌 镒忓埌 Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming 嚭鐜 嚭鐜€

瑕佺煡阆掳纴鐜 湪镄凚 湪镄凚 湪镄凚 湪镄凚 湪镄凚 湪镄凚 湪镄凚 湪镄凚 阒 阒 阒 阒 阒 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 佷 佷闾i棬涓嬬殑disciple 锛宲erception 鎻愬崌锛屼 鎻愬崌锛屼 鎻愬崌锛屼 涓︷兘鏄ぉ 涓︷兘鏄ぉ 涓︷兘鏄ぉ 涓︷兘鏄ぉ 挶锛宻 挶锛宻 挶锛宻 挶锛宻 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed Pill 闅忎 鑺憋纴缁濆鍙 鑺憋纴缁濆鍙 鑺憋纴缁濆鍙 鑺憋纴缁濆鍙 熷礇璧 熷礇璧 € € €

杩欎竴鎴桡纴澶╁ 鍙﹄ 鍙﹄ 夊缑鐟 夊缑鐟 夊缑鐟 夊缑鐟 夊缑鐟 睁鏄粬浠殑绔炰簤瀵 锛岃 屽叚鍙 屽叚鍙 屽叚鍙 屽叚鍙 屽叚鍙 兂蹇呬篃浼 镓 镓 镓 镓嬨€

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浣嗘槸鐜板湪锛岃呖灏戣链夌潃鎻掍笂涓夌潃鎻掍笂涓鑴氱殑瀹炲姏锛屾兂锷炴硶寮勪鑴氱殑瀹炲姏锛屾兂锷炴硶寮勪Golden Immortal 褰揿皬寮熷惂銆

钖〉垯锛屽 姝ョ暀鐥曟 姝ョ暀鐥曟 C Celestial Immortal 锛岄 佹閮 佹閮 佹閮 笉澶熴 笉澶熴

Chen Ming 涔熸病链変粈涔堜氦鏄掳纴浼氲渚垮湪姝ょ粨鏉熴

寰呭缑Chen Ming 鍐嶆eyes opened 锛孡ing Xian 鍜孡i Suyi 宸茬粡鏄洖鏉ヤ简锛孡i Suyi 阆 鈥淢aster 锛岃 umbrella 涓€娆$殑鎴桦焦宸茬粡銮 儨浜嗭纴浼楀鏄熻 儨浜嗭纴浼楀鏄熻 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 搴嗗姛澶 搴嗗姛澶 搴嗗姛澶 搴嗗姛澶

Chen Ming slightly nodded 锛屽埌浜嗘敹銮风殑镞跺€欎简锛岃嚜宸锛岃嚜宸€庝箞涔熻铡荤湅鐪嬶纴椤庝箞涔熻铡荤湅鐪嬶纴椤灏呜灏呜灏呜浜涚伒鑴夊叏閮ㄦ敹鍏ュ泭涓纴铏 娌 灏 灏 灏 纴浣嗘槸镐庝箞涔熸槸鐏佃剦鍟娿 纴浣嗘槸镐庝箞涔熸槸鐏佃剦鍟娿

鎴戜 闄圛 闄圛 mmortal Master 铡嗘潵鑺 锛屾 锛屾 庝箞鍙兘鏀 庝箞鍙兘鏀 庝箞鍙兘鏀 庝箞鍙兘鏀 庝箞鍙兘鏀 庝箞鍙兘鏀 滃棷锛屽疂鐜勫闾 滃棷锛屽疂鐜勫闾 滃棷锛屽疂鐜勫闾 搴旇鏄皢阃 搴旇鏄皢阃 搴旇鏄皢阃 搴旇鏄皢阃 搴旇鏄皢阃 搴旇鏄皢阃 搴旇鏄皢阃 搴旇鏄皢阃 搴旇鏄皢阃Mm处mmortal Path 镄勯偅涓€鍗奵ontinent 阃佺粰鐕曞北浜嗗惂锛熲€

Li Suyi 鎷 阆 阆 鈥沧槸镄勶纴杩椤 鈥沧槸镄勶纴杩椤 鍧梒 tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin栦 镙 镙 湰镞犳硶銮 彇杩欎竴鍗奵 tin tin ontinent 镄剆 pirit medicine 锛岀伒鑴夛纴灏卞綋鏄 椤 椤 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜嗐 浜嗐 傗 傗 傗

Chen Ming nodded and said :鈥滃緢濂斤纴杩欐牱涓纴杩欐牱涓鏉ワ纴鎴戜鏉ワ纴鎴戜涔熸湁浜呜繘鍐涜洰涔熸湁浜呜繘鍐涜洰处mmortal Path 锛屽皢杩椤昆鍧梒ontinent 姝画鎺у埗浣忥纴涓嶈兘璁╁闱(3) 煡阆 浣曟秷鎭纴缁濆涓嶈兘璁╁鐣岀煡阆撴垜浠幇鍦ㄨ兘澶熶粠鍑跺吔鏄熻景涓婃敹链崭粰鍏姐傗€傗€

Li Suyi 阆 鈥渄isciple 镞╁ 宸茬粡 宸茬粡 幂 幂 幂 幂 氲杩椤 氲杩椤 氲杩椤 氲杩椤 氲杩椤 氲杩椤 氲杩椤 tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin

Chen Ming 寰堟槸娆f叞鍦皀odded 锛屸 滃 滃 滃 滃 滃 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三傗€

Chen Ming 姝ゆ椂涔熸槸   殑 鐪 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 缁忔湁浜嗘帴杩慩 缁忔湁浜嗘帴杩慩 缁忔湁浜嗘帴杩慩 缁忔湁浜嗘帴杩慩 缁忔湁浜嗘帴杩慩 缁忔湁浜嗘帴杩慩 缁忔湁浜嗘帴杩慩

涓 鍙 鍙 皵鐩 浜泂 浜泂 浜泂 浜泂 浜泂 浜泂 Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming €灏婂皧娉旷浉銆

However, Chen Ming can see it. This magical power is similar to the blue bar. It is not particularly large. It is still the master of Immortal Technique. The stronger the Immortal Technique is, the higher the strength.

Of course, magical power is not enough, Immortal Technique can’t be displayed at all.

And now Chen Ming, at least can barely display eight steps to the dragon.

The Danger Index has not improved much, but it has increased by 3,000 points to reach the 27,000 mark. Chen Ming estimates that he will stay in this Danger Index for a long time. After all, many of his own Dao Seeds have no source.

Now the spiritual sense is saved, mainly for the breakthrough to Transcendence.

At that time, there will be a huge leap in one’s own strength.

Originally, Chen Ming was unable to promote so many Dao Seeds to the legal situation, but the scriptures on the red tide continent were not enough to cultivation to the legal situation, or relying on the last good thing in the Land of Inheritance, these genius hands The verses are really good.

At present, there is Master Virtue, Chen Ming has no place to spend, simply continue to enhance the “Emperor Heavenly Dao”, this stuff, anyway, do not need to upgrade the realm, you can use it.

For Chen Ming, it can be regarded as a cultivation technique that can ignore realm and cultivation, and the most amazing thing is that this cultivation technique just starts cultivation, it has a halo, and this emperor Dao Seed Even above Dao Seed, even Dao Scripture can’t be compared in an instant, and there must be a big secret!

Destiny, mysterious!

Directly spent a million Master Virtue, Chen Ming deduced “The Heavenly Dao” to the second volume, the name of this volume, called Immortal.

Well, Immortal pointing the way?

Enlightenment This article is tonight, Chen Ming’s heart is also a clear comprehension a lot, even can rely on the night view of the stars to see other changes.

Chen Ming stood on the ground and looked up towards Starry Sky. Among the stars, there was a faint star!

However, this one will be covered with dark clouds, which seems to be suffering a lot.

This ray of light of the star is like a candle in the wind, and the lights are faint, but in any case, it is not extinguished.

If you can help him to open this dark cloud, it must be a flying sky!

As for Zhuo Qingyao, Li Suyi, Ling Xian, they have not yet reached Immortal realm, the first realm of Earth Immortal, called the life star, they did not come to the Immortal realm, there is a fart star, the emperor star.

As for Chen Ming himself, a Comprehending Dao Realm is even worse.

However, at this time, Chen Ming saw more. In the distance, it seems that there is a dark tide that is beginning to spread to Starry Sky.

This Kuroshio is not easy. If this Kuroshio is coming, then these stars will all be hidden in Darkness and will never be seen again.

I don’t know what a major event will happen.

Chen Ming pointed out that he began to measure the faintly discernible star. After a moment, his mouth showed a smile. “In the river house of Yaochi!”

You have a hand, I have a knife, now, the knife is coming.

Pay respects to finish this banquet, go to Yaochi to see who this star will be.

Not to mention, this Immortal Master is now able to watch Celestial Phenomenon at night!

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