Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 936: Miss Ji Xi is your little mother?

  Chapter 936 Sister Ji Xi is your little mother?

  It's useless. He said it clearly, Pei Qingshen laughed "heh", "At this moment, the Duke still wants to intercede for your wife, right?"

  The Duke's expression changed.

  The old man’s seventy years of salt is not for nothing, just look at things clearly.

  Anna heard the sound and looked at her father. Her lake blue eyes were extremely clear, but seeing the Duke felt guilty.

  He looked away, lowered his head, and twisted his fingers in front of him.

   It's not any other reason. Gong Zeli has done her best for him by taking care of the family affairs in the Duke's Mansion all these years, and this incident has nothing to do with her at all. She was really implicated by that traitor.

  The Pei family is determined to vent their anger on that Miss Su this time, and they naturally have the means to do this.

   But the Duke's side...

   "My wife doesn't know about this matter," the Duke said softly, "The Pei family even arrested her, which is a bit too disrespectful to the Duke House..."

  Pei Qingshen curled his lips and smiled, "You really don't have any face right now."

  The Duke's face was not very good-looking when he heard this.

  Pei Qingshen continued, "But it has nothing to do with my Pei family. The one who lost your face is the lady whom you hold dear..."

  He glanced at the butler, who immediately bent down and handed a brown paper document bag to his eyes.

  If you want the housekeeper to say, it has to be their third master who can predict the future. This thing was sent by the third master this morning.

  Pei Qingshen raised his chin towards the Duke, motioning for the butler to give him something, "My grandson asked me to give it to you."

  The Duke raised his hand to take it. When he bypassed the white cotton string on the leather bag, his tone was still firm, "Master, I still know my wife's character..."

   Then when he took out the thick stack of photos from the bag...he was slapped in the face immediately!

  Seeing those things, his movements obviously stopped, while Anna beside him lowered her head and kicked her toes, her movements were unhurried.

  Pei Qingshen sent a message to his third grandson before, and now he wants to pass it on to the Duke intact.

  ‘Pretending to be cool for a while, immediately go to the crematorium’

  Little Anna and the others can be brought back by the Duke, but how to repair the relationship between the father and daughter before, and whether little Anna can forgive the scumbag father...Anyway, it is up to Pei Qingshen to see, it is a long way to go...


   Miyazawa Li and Miyazawa Tian were locked in different prison cells.

  There are four gray walls, and a small square window is opened on the side opposite to the iron gate.

   But even the only small window is a patio, that is, the kind that is deeply recessed into the two walls, and the visibility is very limited.

Gong Zeli does not have a mobile phone, no means of communicating with the outside world, and there is not even a clock in the room. To know the time, she can only look at the light outside the window, and the prison guards only take care of her three meals a day, let alone tell her son. Condition.

  She couldn't believe that someone could blatantly disregard the law, even she did so, then she couldn't imagine how her son would be treated.

   But she still had a glimmer of hope.

  Recalling that I have devoted myself to serving the Duke these years, I should be able to get him a little affection for me.

   After all, as far as she knew, Su Ji's injuries were not serious.

   It shouldn't make the Duke tear up his face with her.

  Holding this expectation, one day, two days, three days passed in the prison...

   Then on the day she was imprisoned for a full week, there was finally news from State M!

   When the police sent word, Gong Zeli immediately stood up.

"The duke came to rescue me, right?" She said excitedly, "Where is my son? You tell him, if you want to save me, save my son together, otherwise I won't see him! I cut off contact with my son because of him, Otherwise, my son would never have become what he is now!"

  The prison guard looked at her like a madman, "It's the Duke... the lawyer over there, are you sure you're missing?"

   "??" Gong Zeli's expression changed suddenly!

  Later, she was taken to a special visiting room by the prison guards. The person who came was indeed a lawyer from the Duke's House. She had seen it when she was still in the Duke's House. He was a middle-aged man who was vigorous and efficient.

  In the past, he was very respectful to her, but today, sitting opposite her, he cherishes ink like gold, and acts sternly and selflessly.

  The lawyer handed her two document bags, and the prison guard passed them from the middle.

  When Gong Zeli took it in her hand, her heart became half cold.

   Won't be a divorce settlement...

  But pinching the thickness, it doesn't look like it.

  This is the last hope for her and her son. As long as she can get out from here, she must make Su Ji, that little bitch, come back and pay a heavy price—

  The document was taken out of the bag, and a few huge words came into view.


  Miyazawa Rei, "..."

  The Duke sued her together with her son.

   Sue Miyazawatian for indecently molesting an underage girl, accusing her of ignoring her knowledge, assisting in concealment, and hiding criminals.

  The duke is not trying to rescue them, on the contrary... Filling in another piece of evidence for their imprisonment!

   With trembling hands, Miyazawa opened another file bag like crazy.

  Inside is the meeting gift Pei Huai gave to the Duke, the stack of photos.

It was a picture of her sneaking away from the Duke's mansion countless times to go to the apartment to see her son. There were photos of her changing cars in the commercial street, photos of her appearing in the parking lot of the apartment, and even... there were photos of her standing with her son by the window of the apartment. Proof together!


  When was this filmed...

   Gong Zeli fell heavily back on the chair in the visiting room, her eyes lost their focus, and the photos in her hand spilled all over the floor.


   "So... Miss Ji Xi is your little mother???"

  On the 56th floor of the apartment, Cao Zhuzhu asked Pei Song with a straight expression.

Pei Song winked at her, Cao Zhuzhu covered her mouth, and on the toffee chair next to the sofa, Su Ji's legs were stretched flat on it, Pei Huai was not affected by that sentence, and was concentrating on his fiancée's legs, He sat on the small bench with his back straight, and at a suitable height and angle, he performed acupuncture on Su Ji's leg through a plaster cast.

  Jingyang’s pk competition announced the results of the preliminary round today, Cao Zhuzhu’s variety show finally finished, Su Ji came to play with her, and the two teams reunited after a few weeks.

  There was a smoky sound of chopping spoons in the kitchen, and the TV in the living room outside was playing, and it was replaying the episode of "Tonight's Warmth" interviewing Ji Xi, Sang Ya, and Zhou Xuefang.

  Just a few minutes ago, because she knew that her sisters were going to participate in this program soon, Cao Zhuzhu stopped at this station casually.

   On a rare rest day, Pei Song watched with her by the side, his big hands loosely hugging her from behind.

Cao Zhuzhu didn’t really read much. She browsed the preview of a certain brand’s winter clothing on her mobile phone. The style of this brand is niche, but cool. Women’s clothing is more neutral. She and Su Ji like it very much. For Su Ji, although the two sisters are only a few sofa seats away, they chatted very happily on WeChat.

  Later, by chance, Cao Zhuzhu raised her eyes, and found that she didn't watch the TV very much, but Pei Song kept watching it very seriously...

  (end of this chapter)

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