Chapter 47

Grave Cave 047.


“Because I’m not very famous compared to ‘other guys’. This is why I hate to give names to kids, ahaha! Thanks to you, I get hurt every time!”


Come to think of it, this is the name Alberto called earlier.

But Eud felt a little dazed by the name.

It wasn’t a big deal.

However, there was something I remember hearing recently.

Eud retraced his memory as much as possible, trying to find it.

‘……..right! Obviously Jessica-‘

(“-For another person, a warrior named ‘Liquia Demon Rucker’ who is wandering around the country without an affiliate.”)


Eud barely remembered what he had heard in class a week ago.

A headache came along with the flashes, but Eud held it back and told Liquia.

“Are you one of the ‘Golden Knights’?”


It was certain.

The coordinator of Eugracia, whom Jessica had been talking about before.

Five ‘Golden Knights’, including Gareth, is the name of one of them.

Then, after hearing Eud’s answer, Liquia opened her eyes.

“Hey. kid.”


Eud felt tense at the moment of overwhelming pressure.

Since he was a man with a very strong impression, the pressure was transmitted even more.

Then when Eud swallowed his saliva—

“Do you have anything you want to eat?”


What returned to Eud was Liquia, who was surprisingly smiling.

“-These days, most of the kids don’t know me! Everyone remembers only ‘Kronas’ and ‘Gares’! But here’s a little boy I’ve known for a long time!! Yo-yo-go, something special! What a wonderful thing!! You knew me!!”

Liquia did not hide her exuberant joy and stroked Eud’s head.

“Hey, Liquia! Be quick!”

“Alberto! I’m not happy with this right now, can’t I?! Ma, did you say Eudra!? Tell me what you want to eat! What do you want to have!? Don’t you ever need a toy!? You can even go eat a lot of meat!! This Liquia-nim will shoot anything!!”

“……You, it’s a little too much for Eud to call you ‘brother’.”

The second golden knight that Eud met, ‘Liquia Demon Rucker.’

The strongest warrior with the title of Golden Knight, for a few minutes from that, expressed his joy to Eud with great momentum.

Maybe it’s because his behavior was strangely similar to Gareth’s.

‘Are all Golden Knights like this……!?’

The same misunderstandings piled up with Eud.

Liquia Demon Rucker.

One of the Golden Knights, a wanderer who travels throughout the country as an independent.

He said that the golden knight acted as a helper in this situation.

“Because I am a body that doesn’t have a place to live. Most of the country guys don’t even know where I am. Oh, of course, that’s what I wanted.”

But hours before the dungeon faces collapse. It is said that Liquia has arrived at the situation headquarters here.

It was also because he received an order directly under the control of the king.

“Ha- But, Delberg, the king is real. How else was he able to figure out my location? I’m going to go crazy because it’s creepy.”

“Well, didn’t you just arrive around here?”

“I just came here to stay at the Velvet Line as usual! But I’m just playing around, and the dove the king uses is sneaking around! Crunchy and crooked!”

The content of the Jeonseo-gu is an explanation of the current situation.

And it said, “I authorize you to use the power of the Golden Knight, Liquia Demon Rucker.”

It is said that it was Jeonseo-gu, which was sent by the current king of Eugracia.

There, Eud asked something rather vague.

“Hey…… Father- Gareth-sama said that he wouldn’t be able to get the power’s permission on time.”

Then there was a feeling of something twitching on either side of Eud.

“Eud, you’re awake now.”

“Sister, really?! Eud? Eud?! Woke up?!”


When Eud belatedly turned his head left and right,


“woke up! The youngest is awake!!”

Selena and Tiana were in the duvet together.

As soon as he realizes that Eud has woken up, he moves inside the blanket.

Then both Selena and Tiana stuck to Eud’s side.

Eud felt as if he had become a big pillow.

Apparently, the two of them had been lying together for quite some time.

Selena and Tiana’s bodies are quite warm as well as Eud’s.

Wood is wrapped around him in the warmth of a fireplace on either side of him.

His platinum-colored hair, much softer than a blanket or pillow, tickled Eud.

Neither of the older sisters would easily let go of their younger sister.

With his face reddened at the warmth of his older sisters, Eud opened his mouth.

“Me, over there… Selena noona, Tiana noona.”



“I’m home………”

“……It was hard.”

“Ugh, you worked hard, really!”

At Eud’s shy words, the two sisters hugged each other tightly.

They rub each other’s cheeks on the cheeks of the youngest, and play around.

tens of minutes after that.

It was when Jessica entered the room to take care of Eud instead of the servants.

“…….Oh my goodness.”

The three children of Phoenix,

They hugged each other in the blanket and fell asleep without the world knowing.

[Review] When Eud fights fiercely, his mouth gets rough.

He’s been trying to get his warmth back in a long time.

1:9 or 2:8…… Believe me, believe me.

Cool piece…… I’ve heard that it’s 400 won recently.

There was a precious tip in the past that it had not yet risen to 500 won….

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